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    Wait. How exactly do we still have our powers in Ancient Rome? I thought that was way past our "tether" or something?

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    The Carbon Teather is over 5700 years long. Roman was about 2000 years ago.

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    Yes, but...I thought we couldn't go past Breakout (or Outbreak) because our powers were only level 1?

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    What... you want continuity consistancy in a COMIC BOOK GAME??

    ...gotta stay true to the genre, bro!

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    Yeah, I forgot about Mender Tesserect. I remembered that we exemplared when going into the alleged future, but I rationalized that as traveling through time itself causes the exemplaring, not the direction. Now I'm thoroughly confused. :P
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    If only deleting the character showed them dying painfully, I'd delete characters all day! lol

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    I just had to lol at that! haha

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    Woot! Score one for me.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    Name 1 comic book hero that operates with flunkies... Henchmen ...Goons ...Slaves ... or whatever you want to call them. Not other members of an elite force that he/she is leading through example. Those who obey out of fear, or because they are being paid, or they are being physically forced. Those whose lives exist only to serve a single mind... a MasterMind. Name me that hero, and ask your question again.

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    Batman and whoever is doing his bidding this week.

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    Or the former Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, every month in Birds of Prey.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    Wait. How exactly do we still have our powers in Ancient Rome? I thought that was way past our "tether" or something?

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    The Carbon Teather is over 5700 years long. Roman was about 2000 years ago.

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    Yes, but...I thought we couldn't go past Breakout (or Outbreak) because our powers were only level 1?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Great. Whatever makes CoV unique, let's give it to CoH. Why bother playing CoV at all? This issue addresses absolutely ZERO CoV issues or concerns, or even quality of life. But hey, let's fix the hallows -- never mind at all that Grandville has been the bane of most people's existence due to its lag nature. Let's throw some new costumes out too while we're at it.

    But at least you gave us a unique epic AT. Oh wait. We've seen them throughout all our levels thus far in the game. Not really new are they? Sorry i dont share everyone's enthusiasm over what is a fancy band-aid, a shiny glittering object of distraction and the removal of anything remotely unique to CoV. I guess i passed my d20 will save.

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    Pretty sure the interface and inspirations changes affect villains too.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    /e pissed

    Weren't the villain epics supposed to be achieved WITHOUT reaching level 50?

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    that's what they originally wanted, but that interview was like what? over a year ago, things change.

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    They've pretty much always stated that the first villain EAT would be a 50 to unlock. *Future* EATs after that will have other ways of being unlocked.

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    It even says you unlocked an epic Archetype on villains when you reach 50, and has since the day it launched. At least now it's not a lie.
  7. [ QUOTE ]

    WTH is with this? I can not name one SUPERHERO (Miller's "300" is NOT a superhero comic) comic book that has ever gone to the Roman time period.

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    Fantastic Four.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    *sigh* Way to screw villains YET AGAIN.

    *HIGHLY disappointed with the "epic" archetype*

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    Jezus. Can we have your stuff now?

    Be excited about something for once. This is really nice. Very, very good changes and improvements, new zones, .... but no, *you* wanted something else.

    make your own damn game. Then you'll be happy.

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    Hey thats a pretty legitimate complaint though. Villains are RIGHT back with Arachnos. I can't wait till the RPers get ahold of this. Alot of em are gonna be pissed lol.

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    my impression is that you are now fulfilling your role as a Destined One, which is to bascially screw Arachnos and everyone else.

    but we'll see...

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    But...I've done that already. I've beaten Lord Recluse and everyone that serves him, and Mastered Recluse's Strike Force. The reward for all that is to serve him? O.O
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    Looks at I12 content...

    Looks at available character slots...

    Well, guess it's time to buy that third account.

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    Heh, seems like a good reason for NCSoft to not supply more server slots. Get more players to pay an extra $15/mo.

    Looks like it's time once again to decide which alt gets the death penalty.

    But overall i12 feature list looks very good. A bit weary of Arachnos myself but for the VEAT there doesn't seem to be mention of a weakness ala void/quant for khel which in itself seems appealing.

    And the new zone, does that mean an additional base beacon is included?

    Anyway, it bears repeating...please add more server slots and a base porter with 4 attachments.

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    I refuse to buy another account, I love my Vet Rewards.

    If only deleting the character showed them dying painfully, I'd delete characters all day! lol
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Anything for Defenders????

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  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Very cool, but Psi blasters is going to be hilariously broken in PvP. Wooo Psi/Em FOTU!

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    There will be a dialog box when you try to enter a pvp zone with that build that says: "Sorry, you are too uber. No pvp for joo."
  12. [ QUOTE ]

    I need. More. Character slots.

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    Um...I believe the set is called "Thugs", not Dual Pistols. So no. My guess.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    But, see.. yet again we're forced into being Recluse's lackey. This is one of the major complaints many villain players have about this game. I can understand wanting to do something generic as it's incredibly easy to do, but compared to Kheldians, this is a poor, poor archetype.

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    So, basically being an energy hero with half of your backstory already drawn out in excruciating detail and is stuck as a Freedom Phalanx errand boy/girl would be so [u]very[u] less horrible from an RP viewpoint compared to a character with a fairly open backstory and being a Recluse errand boy twice a level.

    After all, it's not like a lot of people have been complaining about the overwhelming tendency to be stuck fighting other villains and Arachnos.

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    I've always felt that looking up to someone was more of a Hero worship thing. Villains should be masters of their own destinies. (Especially Masterminds! Come on! lol)

    YET, villains are the ones that are SADDLED with this "Patron" crap. We were promised that since we were locked into our patron choice that they would be "more powerful but less variety." They certainly delivered on less variety, but I can't see how they are more powerful than APPs in any way, shape or form. The epic is a generic flunky. You see spiders and widows all the time. Disappointment is completely understandable to me.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Everything looks great....except the villain epics. I am so not excited about being a Night Widow or Crab Guy.

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    On the one hand, I'm grateful they finally exist.
    On the other hand, since when is Arachnos "Epic"?
    Arachnos is beneath me. Come on, I don't want to play a flunky and continue to fight nothing but small fry. :P
    Take this with a grain of salt of course, I'm happy for the most Flunky.
  15. Wait. How exactly do we still have our powers in Ancient Rome? I thought that was way past our "tether" or something? Kind of Like how Sam couldn't leap beyond his own lifetime on Quantum Leap...until those 2 times that he did...:P
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks InfamousBrad. I read about the Rikti War just now on P-wiki, but I didn't find anything specific on the invasions. That's OK though, you've given me enough to go on, and thus I shall cause the rivers to run deep with their blood.

    Do they have blood?

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    I would assume that they do, considering the major story spoilers you get from the Dark Watcher. You do have Omega level security clearance, right?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    The buff part seems great.

    But... I wish they were more "Comic bookish". Thematically I can't imagine any of my characters (who tend to silver age) having any of those as pets. (a few might use the drones). Fairies? Wisps? This isn't a Fantasy game. And Clock Work? Sure I get the easy part, the art was in the game already. But... how about something that thematically fits. Long Bow robot? Arachnos Drone? Maybe not. Anyway. JMTC. I for one care more about theme than numbers.

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    The same basic complaint of "lack of good choices" was leveled at the 36 month Vet Award too.

    Both of these Vet Awards could benefit from more choices.

    [/ QUOTE ] would be nice if you could change your mind about the choice you already made if they actually implemented more choices. :P
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    ... wait. These things give a buff to you AND YOUR TEAM?

    So what happens if a team of 8 people get together, all running their buffing pets?

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    One enemy AOE and it's all gone.
  19. I'm starting to think that the Tech bug in the lord recluse Strike Force has fallen victim to "numbers". Specifically, how many people play heroes vs how many play villains. I hope that's not the case, but...
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    For an average player, the Cap, Sky Raider, Leviathan and Ice Mistral SFs, and the Respec Trials; already require 4 people to complete successfully since they all feature final AVs that you don't have much chance defeating if there are only 3 villains or fewer on the team.

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    I just completed the Leviathan SF two days ago with only 3. 2 Brutes and a corruptor. (I'm energy/energy) Are you calling me an above average player? Thanks!

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    SadysCHICK 497 badges

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    Nobody with that many badges can make any claim to being a casual or average player.

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    Cool. Again, thanks. Honestly, we really weren't thinking that much of it. We needed four to start, and one person joined just so we could get it started, and quit.
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    For an average player, the Cap, Sky Raider, Leviathan and Ice Mistral SFs, and the Respec Trials; already require 4 people to complete successfully since they all feature final AVs that you don't have much chance defeating if there are only 3 villains or fewer on the team.

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    I just completed the Leviathan SF two days ago with only 3. 2 Brutes and a corruptor. (I'm energy/energy) Are you calling me an above average player? Thanks!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    We know that finding out about this change after the patch is already live is not the ideal way to go about it. It was never our intent to “hide” or “stealth” this change out, it was simply lost in the volume of other changes spanning many months.

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    This part I am not buying even for a second. It has happened way too much since the begining of the game, it even happens after Jack left the game. Lighthouse this is a pretty huge change that we should have known about in the patch notes, there is absolutely no excuse that something this big gets missed in the patch notes. I can understand not posting a patch note due to the exploits like the Ouroboros powerlevel exploit but this isnt even on that level and should not have been missed period. This has been a constant thing with us the players having to figure it out whether it was a bug or "Working As Intended". You guys need to do better because this is inexcuseable due to the size of the change.

    [/ QUOTE ]'re going to write your congressman?
  23. CaptainMoodswing

    Valentines Event

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    Can you really promise that?

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    Writers are the gods of their universe.
  24. CaptainMoodswing

    Valentines Event

    Manticore, If I make it to your wedding, could you promise me that:

    1) You will never make a deal with the devil to have the marriage annulled, and make everyone forget they know your secret identity;

    2) You and SP will not invade Hell and get Shalice killed by that very same Devil with his killer halitosis;

    3) You will not get kidnapped by Amazons and have your previously undiscovered son shot at the end after the rescue.

    Cause you's all been done. :P
  25. [ QUOTE ]

    Secondly, since part of the pack includes stockings, think that we'll see stocking options other than 'Fishnet' in I12 or other future update?

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    How is that different from tights, exactly?