178 -
So, we've got a Trekkie, expert on sociology, declarator of obscure knowledge, a ginormous e-peen inflated from three decades of gaming, and a well meaning OP in this thread.
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I've always wondered... with so many experts floating around the internets, how the heck does it hold together under so much inflating ego?
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Duct Tape! It holds everything together -
4. Probably the most important thing: Don't let Stalkers know you can see them. Keep an eye on them, but give away that you know they're there.
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Actually, I find they stay far away if they think I can see them
Try and figure that one out -
Ditto, when I said my perma-Unstoppable Invulnerable Scrapper was "over the top" and needed something to be done about it. I was identical to a perma-Unstoppable Tanker with much, much more offense. They fixed it, alright.... lol
But, the Scrappers were far more civil, it seems. They disagreed, but man, it wasn't such a big flame fest....
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There is a reason for this. In the case of the Scrapper, you, as a Scrapper player, were making an informed comment about something you yourself benefitted from. Thus your points were undoubtedly thought out and had a valid perspective to them.
In this case, you're making repeated uninformed misconstruances about something you yourself have never played. How can you honestly expect the same response?
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I have squishies. I constantly move around. I team with teammates. I can't even cast a power that roots me without getting AS'd in Siren's Call on the Justice Server. I think I can make a logical, informed statement on the subject.
In every case, the Stalker stalked while in -perception (that is why they stalk). If they are seen, they flee. If not, it's Bam, 1-shot. No risk, no accomplishment. -
For the record, none of this affects me in real life, so no apology needed. Likewise, if the existance of Stalkers hurts you in some way in real life, then... Well, then the Developers owe you an apology... Good luck with that.
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I am working on _Castle_ giving him my suggestions on how to fix this. I like to think I am doing my part in making PVP a good experience for all
Edit: AS is not the only power I have problems with. My Telekinesis is nasty. I had a Stalker trapped in a corner last night, and I let him go. It just seemed unfair. I list Telekinesis as an "I Win" power, too. I use it, but I don't abuse it.
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You seem to think that anything that is good and works well is unfair. Using that, Clear Mind is unfair, Fly is unfair, Build-Up is unfair, having macros is unfair, attacking squishies is unfair, using inspirations is unfair, using anything other brawl, sprint and rest is unfair.
Gimme a break.
The only thing you've been doing over the past month is nerfherding every Stalker thread in sight. Stalkers are fine other than primary set balance which is another issue entirely.
To this day I've never once been one-shotted on anything I've brought to a PvP zone. I've died once to AS (3 EM Stalkers AS'ing my PB Dwarf). How about trying to buff your own personal performance in PvP instead of nerfing anything you don't find fair - which seems to be everything.
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I consider stacked trip mines, tp foe, 1-shot kill on someone that has no chance an "I Win" button. I consider Telekinesis trapping someone in a corner an "I Win" button, because they have no chance. Even though the TK user is vulnerable to attack. I consider Hide + Build Up + AS one-shot on a squishy an "I Win" button.
If you have never one-shot killed a squishie in PVP, then I will give you some credit. If you have, then you are just another Stalker trying to protect a broken ability in PVP
I don't blame you for protecting an ability you use, if you use it. -
For the record, none of this affects me in real life, so no apology needed. Likewise, if the existance of Stalkers hurts you in some way in real life, then... Well, then the Developers owe you an apology... Good luck with that.
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I am working on _Castle_ giving him my suggestions on how to fix this. I like to think I am doing my part in making PVP a good experience for all
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I have to say, this is the biggest problem with stalkers. Not their stealth, not their alpha strike, not their defense, not anything having anything to do with how their built at all. Rather, the number one problem with stalkers is that they can't be discussed rationally on the forums 99 times out of 100. I was treated with ten times more respect by hardcore SR fans when I suggested that power pool defenses not stack with SR defenses, then essentially any suggestion I've ever made to balance damage and perception for stalkers, and I'm probably treated better than average, for a variety of reasons. I've honestly taken to PMing suggestions myself, although I still occasionally stick my neck out and make a public suggestion. I suspect that secretly, the devs would rather we hash this stuff out publicly just to see what the general reaction to various ideas is likely to engender, because they can't, as a rule, easily float hypothetical ideas themselves.
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Ditto, when I said my perma-Unstoppable Invulnerable Scrapper was "over the top" and needed something to be done about it. I was identical to a perma-Unstoppable Tanker with much, much more offense. They fixed it, alright.... lol
But, the Scrappers were far more civil, it seems. They disagreed, but man, it wasn't such a big flame fest.... -
For the record, none of this affects me in real life, so no apology needed. Likewise, if the existance of Stalkers hurts you in some way in real life, then... Well, then the Developers owe you an apology... Good luck with that.
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I am working on _Castle_ giving him my suggestions on how to fix this. I like to think I am doing my part in making PVP a good experience for all
Edit: AS is not the only power I have problems with. My Telekinesis is nasty. I had a Stalker trapped in a corner last night, and I let him go. It just seemed unfair. I list Telekinesis as an "I Win" power, too. I use it, but I don't abuse it. -
I say green, you say red. I agree to disagree with you. I personally could not hit a squishy with a Hide + Stealth + Build Up + Assassin Strike if I played a Stalker. Many do. I think they should not be given the opportunity to do so. You do. What is the problem?
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The problem that I have is the way that you make your arguments... It's one thing to say that you dont think the Hide+Stealth+BU+Assasin Strike should be part of the game... That the use of such a combo on a squishy doesnt fit into your personal code of ethics... But why do you insist on referring to the AS ability as an "I win" button, especially when it has been repeatedly demonstrated that there are counters in the game... In fact your own words described how you personally was able to counter it... Dont you think that the whole "I win" button is a bit over the top and actually just not the truth?
I do... In fact, I think it's dishonest to continue using the term when you yourself know it isnt true.
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I just thought I was entitled to my opinion. If it personally hurts you in real life, I personally apologize to you in real life. Please forgive me.
Now, ignore the ones who will tell you to seek therapy in real life, because they will -
I say green, you say red. I agree to disagree with you. I personally could not hit a squishy with a Hide + Stealth + Build Up + Assassin Strike if I played a Stalker. Many do. I think they should not be given the opportunity to do so. You do. What is the problem?
It is very, very simple. Giving a player, any player an "I Win" button is bad for business. The developers made a mistake and some players abuse the system by using the tools the developers gave them. In my honest opinion, only an immature person can enjoy the "I Win" button.
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It bothers me that you insist on tossing around the emotionally charged hyperbole of the fabled "I win" button....
Especially when you post the following in another thread...
Now, the Stalker that came into my Ice/Rad's 'green glowing goodness (GGG)' and tryed to AS me was crazy. I am standing on my Ice Slick, Choking Cloud, Radiation Infection, Enervating Field going. I had about 10 npc villains flopping around like fish out of water, swinging and missing me. There was a boss outside of my circle of impotency, blasting me from range, so I was using Block of Ice (BoI) (my only ranged attack), to slowly kill him.
A player villain stopped by to observe this marvel of a tiny little Controller unscathed in the middle of certain death for many ATs. I hit them with BoI to warn them to keep away, then went back to slowly taking out the boss, while everything flopped around me. Suddenly, a Stalker trying to AS me appeared behind me. He/she is slowed slightly by Ice Slick and starts back peddling. I hit him/her with Shiver and he/she is slowed to a crawl. Now, there is not anyway I can kill this Stalker with my BoI. I hit him/her once with it anyway and now he/she is probably floored -slow. He/she backs right into a group of hero NPCs who killed him/her.
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So, you just described how you as a SOLO controller completely avoided a Stalker... So, how is it that Stalkers have a so called "I win" button if your little Ice/Rad controller has a method for nuetralizing them?
edited to correct a minor mistake
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It is not that they had no way of defeating me. They missed their "I Win" shot and decided to retreat. At least they had that decision to make. They could have stood there next to me and kept trying. Eventually, they would have succeeded (game engine rules - repetitive miss check). Of course, they would be at risk to a damage dealing hero coming by and taking advantage of them. Yet, they always had a choice to make. The "I Win" button leaves you with no choice. I don't see the connection you are trying to make. But, I have been known as a "dumb blond" by people who know me
9.5 years of college and still am a "dumb blond" -
More Harsh Reality
As it currently stands, your ability to be successful in PvP depends almost completely on your initial choice at the character creation screen. You may be an extremely skilled PvE gamer who knows the ins and outs of your AT and many others, yet sadly this skill falls by the wayside all too often. At times you will be apoplectically angry and curse the game for not allowing your specific AT/Powerset to be successful while seeing another completely dominating the zone. Take a time out and get a glass of chocolate milk. If you take anything from this section let it be: Your ability to be successful in PvP rests very highly upon what AT/Powersets you chose at the character creation screen, not personal skill.
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I did believe this and do believe it still. Except, as I PVP more and more with my PVE power sets (I am a PVP gimp with my Controllers, yet love playing them the most), I have learned to compensate. Given enough time, you will amaze yourself at your ability to take your gimpy PVE power choices and survive in PVP. It is just WAY more difficult
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Controllers are not gimpy. They are powerful, even with just PvE builds they are the second biggest threat in PvP. The largest threat being blappers.
You want to see gimpy? Try using a Dom or an AR/Traps Corruptor... or a MM.
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I should have addressed this earlier:
The most powerful thing about my Mind/FF Controller is not the holds. It is Terrify (Fear), Confuse and Levitate (lift and -fly). If I do hold someone with Dominate or Mesmirize, they just use a break free and re-group. My AoE holds are useless. Fear and confusion cause most people to immediately begin to try to retreat, even if they have superior fire power.
The most powerful thing about my Ice/Rad Controller is not the holds. It is the slows from Ice Slick, Shiver and Block of Ice. My AoE hold is useless. Slows cause most people to immediately begin to try to retreat, even if they have superior fire power.
My PVP builds will focus on fear, confusion, -fly, slow, status-effect protection (Leaping Power Pool), escape (Leaping Power Pool) and perception (Leadership Power Pool). -
I come back and POW; too many 12-year olds with a loaded gun
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Repeatedly saying juvenille th ings like this while avoiding the question of why is really starting to make you seem no better than a twelve year old yourself Buffy. But given your implict admission of that there's really no point in hassling you about it. Enjoy your insults and hate mongering towards the Stalkers who you are unable to cope with, good day.
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It is very, very simple. Giving a player, any player an "I Win" button is bad for business. The developers made a mistake and some players abuse the system by using the tools the developers gave them. In my honest opinion, only an immature person can enjoy the "I Win" button. But, as usual, that is my opinion and YMMV.
"I Win" includes TP Foe into stacked Trip Mines. I have seen Brutes with all their health points one-shot killed this way
The Harsh Reality of PVP -
Give a Stalker Tankers hit points... I will still kill everyone I see
When I was talking about my SR Scrapper, I was referring to pre-ED. I haven't hardly played it since I4. I went to WOW for a few months. I come back and POW; too many 12-year olds with a loaded gun -
Actually, I have such a predjudice against abusive Stalkers, I take it out on all Stalkers. Which, is not polite. I will be playing my Ice/Ice Blaster or my Controllers in Siren's Call, and even if I am one shot away from defeating a Villain, if I see a Stalker suddenly appear somewhere on the playing field, I go right for them and leave the other to get away if they can
i wish my ninja blade stalker had any attacks to use in siren's call that were worth getting the 90% blaster dmg
ok i guess i have soaring dragon i got at 26, but that's the only good attack in SC other than AS
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I hear ya. My Martial Arts Scrapper (smashing) and Katana Scrapper (lethal) seem to not do any damage when in Siren's Call. I rarely take them there. I just need one omg!1!!!wth!!! frontloaded 19.4 Brawl Index POW from Stealth on an opponent that has zero chance to defend themselves. Oh wait, I wouldn't use it that way if I had it
Basic Scrapper Info in Issue 7 (draft)
Basic Tanker Info in Issue 7 (draft)
The Harsh Reality of PVP -
In other words: PVP sucks, avoid it like the plague, it's not worth the time and debt (and there will be debt as all of those unfair conditions will often be planned to happen to your detriment amongst NPCs).
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I am at max debt, yet, still having a blast. I am addicted to playing PVP at the moment. Which is a good thing since I am tired of PVE
My favorite thing to do is get my Ice/Rad Controller when the villains have the heroes outnumbered and pushed back to the base. I pop 6 defense inspirations, 6 accuracy inspirations and run in and hit them with everything I got while they whiff, whiff and curseMy Ice/Rad is the master of slowing people to a crawl and infecting them with Radiation Infection and Enervating Field. Yes, I always finally die when the inspirations wear off, but man it is a blast to do that
The only thing I disagree with is the part about not saying anything to the enemy - ever bit. I have some wonderful conversations about anything under the sun with my opponent(s) when I'm on my Brute or Scrapper.
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Oh, I do politely talk to Villains after they have killed me, or if they are standing and talking to another hero. Just refrain from saying something out of emotional frustration or anger.
Now, last night, I did make a smartars comment to a Stalker that was phased and standing in the middle of my team. Somebody on the team said in local chat, "ah, come on, take a chance". I said "Stalkers don't take risks". He said, "I take risks, I just don't commit suicide". Later, he would super jump in and hit me with an attack that knocked me down. He did it over and over. Some people would have been annoyed. He later came back phased and I said "I liked being dive bombed". And, really I did. But, I am crazy, sometimes.
It is the The Harsh Reality of PVP
I don't get upset anymore. I just send in bugs to the developers
For example: Today I am with my Ice/Rad Controller jumping back and forth over a wall (to keep from being AS'd) trying to engage in a hot spot in Siren's Call. I guess some Stalker had me on follow because even though I am erratic in my movement, the activation rooting time of Glacier got me AS'd (1-shot kill). I send in a bug everytime one of my powers gets me killed because of rooting -
You made me smile, much smiling
Why? Because 'been there, done that' -
More Harsh Reality
As it currently stands, your ability to be successful in PvP depends almost completely on your initial choice at the character creation screen. You may be an extremely skilled PvE gamer who knows the ins and outs of your AT and many others, yet sadly this skill falls by the wayside all too often. At times you will be apoplectically angry and curse the game for not allowing your specific AT/Powerset to be successful while seeing another completely dominating the zone. Take a time out and get a glass of chocolate milk. If you take anything from this section let it be: Your ability to be successful in PvP rests very highly upon what AT/Powersets you chose at the character creation screen, not personal skill.
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I did believe this and do believe it still. Except, as I PVP more and more with my PVE power sets (I am a PVP gimp with my Controllers, yet love playing them the most), I have learned to compensate. Given enough time, you will amaze yourself at your ability to take your gimpy PVE power choices and survive in PVP. It is just WAY more difficult -
I like the OP's list, how true, how true.
Although, I gotta disagree slightly with one thing:
Never say anything to the opponents, ever.
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I find that friendly chatter after a good fight is enjoyable so long as your opponent isn't one of those Ipwnedjoomom types. 'GG' is always appropriate after a good fight, so as to leave no hard feelings.
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I engage in friendly chatter, but, it is so tempting to have that fit of rage and engage in unfriendly chat. For some, it is best to just shut up entirely -
That, too, is covered under "The most important thing to expect in PVP is that there will be many times you will be defeated without any possible way to defend yourself."
That is covered under "The most important thing to expect in PVP is that there will be many times you will be defeated without any possible way to defend yourself."
The Harsh Reality of PVP
Are you thinking about taking your favorite hero or villain and enter a Player versus Player (PVP) zone to see what it is like? If yes, then there are a few things you should be prepared for when you enter PVP combat. I will first attempt to tell you what to expect. Then, I will attempt to give you some suggestions how to counter what you learned to expect. The thing I will not do is tell you how you must play. You play the way you want to.
The most important thing to expect in PVP is that there will be many times you will be defeated without any possible way to defend yourself. You may be thinking, "What? How is that possible? How can I be defeated without any way to defend myself? That does not sound fair!". PVP is not fair! That is exactly what you should expect when entering a PVP zone. Do not think PVP is fair. If you do not learn anything at all from reading this, then please remember this one thing: PVP is not fair!
Now, that you know what to expect, let me tell you ways to lower the amount of times you will be defeated without any possible way to defend yourself. But, keep in mind, that you will still be defeated without any possible way to defend yourself. Why? Because PVP is not fair! Hopefully, I have stressed that enough. So, what do you do to survive?
You should have on you at all times some Break Free inspirations. You may be thinking, "But, I have status-effect (mez) protection. I never get mezzed! Well, maybe once to about a dozen Malta throwing stun grenades at the same time. And, maybe once to some Carnies (Carnival of Shadows), but those were flukes". No, those were not flukes. Those were indications that mez protection is not total protection. It is a magnitude of protection that can be overcome when more than one mez hits you at one time. These mezzes stack with each other, each building more magnitude, and will eventually over-come the magnitude of protection you have. In PVP, you will be mezzed. Everybody gets mezzed. Carrying Break Free inspirations will help you when you are mezzed. If you remember nothing else from this section, remember this: In PVP, you will be mezzed.
You should have with you at all times some teammates. You may be thinking, "But, I like playing solo. I can solo invincible missions. I do not want to always team up with others. Pick up groups (PUGs) are usually horrible". What if my friends are not on?". It does not matter what you can do solo in PVE, PVP is not fair! You will be attacked by every opponent that sees you, whether you are alone or with a team. You must expect that. So, if you decide to go it solo, remember this, you will be attacked by many opponents at the same time. Therefore, you will be defeated without any possible way to defend yourself. When your inspirations run out, so does your health points. You can go it alone, but you will be defeated. In PVP, you will be attacked by multiple opponents, simultaneously.
You should stay close to your teammates. You may be thinking, "But, if someone kites us (kite: ranged attacker steps into range, fires, and steps out of range), we have to close in on their position." All of you must close on their position. Any separation of the group will cause some individuals to be at a great disadvantage. Opponents prey on weakness. If a group is scattered in all directions, they are easier to defeat. In PVP, you need to stick together with your teammates.
You should know that the Archetypes (ATs) with the lowest amount of hit points are the easiest targets. You may be thinking, "I wish I was not so squishy (low hit points)". Any non-melee oriented AT will be considered the easier target. The non-melee oriented ATs are the easiest to defeat, but are also the largest threat when grouped. If you are one of these ATs you will be targeted first. The non-melee oriented ATs have very little, if any, mez protection. In PVP, non-melee ATs (squishies) are targeted first.
You should know that you will be attacked by opponents you cannot see, some of which can defeat you before you will even realize you are being attacked. You may be thinking, "How can that be? How can I defend against that?". Well, the good news is, that perception (the ability to see stealthy/cloaked/invisible opponents) at it's maximum is 10 feet higher than negative perception (-perception) is at it's maximum. The bad news is, that it is easier for an individual to reach a -perception value higher than any +perception another individual can achieve. In other words, you alone will not be able to see them. That is another reason why going it alone is not a good idea. To enable you to see -perception opponents, you will need things that give you +perception. If you want to know more about perception, click here-> perception. In PVP, you will be attacked by opponents you cannot see.
You should not get caught up in the emotion of victory or defeat. You may be thinking, "How is it possible to not celebrate victory or mourn defeat?". You can, but don't let the opponents know it. If you openly boast, you will be alpha-target number one. If you openly cry foul, you will be alpha-target number one. Never say anything to the opponent in local chat, private chat, or global chat; especially, global chat. Resist the temptation to do so. If you have a fit of rage, count to ten, go get a drink of water, or just go watch some television. Never say anything to the opponents, ever.
In summary, PVP is not fair! You will be mezzed. You will be attacked by multiple opponents, simultaneously. You need to stick together with your teammates. Non-melee ATs (squishies) are targeted first. You will be attacked by opponents you cannot see. Never say anything to the opponents, ever.
I hope you have enjoyed 'The Harsh Reality of PVP'. Have fun -
Honestly I spend very little time on the ground. I use, as do most of us, SJ for our primary travel power. Bounce off ledges, change directions in mid-air, basically act like a demented flea all of this makes it basically impossible for a Stalker to "guess" where we will be.
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I am respeccing all my toons for PVP with CJ, SJ and Acrobatics (except Scrappers don't need Acro). But, moving erratically can sometimes cause pain in my wrists and/or fingers. So, I am trying to find powers that let me stand still and play. No, I am not handicapped, just much older than the average MMO player -
We had a 4 person team in WB last night that was only Cor's (at some points a couple of other members were there on other AT's) for an hour and half. Of course any kind of large fight draws out the solo Stalkers, I was never AS'd and I don't believe we had anyone AS'd who wasn't held or immob'ed first, despite having swarms of Stalkers trying to play.
Edit: Perception numbers are based on combat in SC.
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WhirwindX4? Stacked Tactics? What is the secret? Or, Radiation Infection
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Movement. If you have long, 4 second or higher rooting animations, you may have to use WW, otherwise use your rooting animations while in a jump, by the time your animation is done you bound back off. We also usually have one person running an autohit aura, that can be used as a shelter and we rebuff there or drop a target based AoE to buff in.
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Movement without breaking LOS is still a gamble, to a Stalker that guesses right. Yeah, it is luck that a Stalker can get into a five feet radius area with a foe that is moving erratically, but it happens to me way, too often. So, I guess my unluckiness is superior to their luckiness