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  1. Alena, you forgot your second account, @Chuck Mild
  2. Very nice. Let me be the first to say....what a bargain!
  3. The following information is what I have so far (as of 1:00 pm EST June 9, 2009). Any addition/deletions/corrections, please reply. Remember, signups will end on June 17th!:

    Full Registered Teams

    Team 1: Chibbles N Bits
    - @Weatherwoman
    - @Chibi Lime
    - @Moldylunchboxx

    Team 2: Unnamed Team 2
    - @Dr. Thraxis & @Thraxis
    - @Black Orchid II
    - @Adamantium Armadillo

    Team 3: Team Hoover
    - @James Donner & @James Donner2
    - @Loridai & @Nihilica
    - @Neuronia

    Team 4: Unnamed Team 4
    - @Plyx
    - @Bonryuu
    - @Sulaiman & @Rufus Balthory & @Hernan Cortes

    Team 5: Love the Turtles
    - @Odacer & @Schrodinger
    - @Badbad Girl
    - @Pie-ro

    Team 6: That Damn Good
    - @Xanthorin
    - @targutmunky & @targutmunky2
    - @Cheeky Angel & @Schrodinger

    Team 7: Unnamed Team 7
    - @Jade Forest
    - @Aponiwi
    - @-Machina

    Individuals Seeking a Team (listed by Global or forum name)

    @Sister Mayhem
    @Mr. Sword
    @fems Beast and Full
    @Dark Omega
    @Chilling Temper
    @John Murdock

    Sub-Pool Members (listed by Global or forum name)
    @Buck Wild
    @Sanity's Bane
    @Helin Carnate & @The Other White Meat
    @Sabin and @Sabin Deux
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I would think signups would end around June 17th and first round would be setup for June 21st at 5pm PST. Await confirmation from JK and Ninja before setting that in stone.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is this information accurate? Just checking.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, this is accurate. Even if you cannot make the first match on the 21st, be sure to get your team registered. You will have any time during the week after the 21st to reschedule your match or grab someone from the sub-pool.
  5. Still looks like 5.66 teams in the "need a teammate" pool. I'm guessing around the 17th we will just randomly pair you guys. But I think it would be best if you hook up between now and then, see who will work out the best.

    Ask the following questions:

    1. When are you normally available to play (good to know in case you want to get together and practice)?
    2. What type of characters do you tend to play (support, tank, dps, or specific ATs)
    3. Do you have access of voice chat?

    Hopefully these questions will help you get to know the other people seeking a team. Most importantly, pick someone that you will have a fun time with
  6. The following information is what I have so far (as of 12:50pm EST June 5, 2009). Any addition/deletions/corrections, please reply. Remember, signups will end on June 17th!:

    Full Registered Teams
    Team Name: Unnamed Team 1
    - @Weatherwoman
    - @Caleb Nokana
    - @Moldylunchboxx

    Team Name: Unnamed Team 2
    - @Dr. Thraxis & @Thraxis
    - @Black Orchid II
    - @Adamantium Armadillo

    Individuals Seeking a Team (listed by Global or forum name)
    @Sister Mayhem
    @Jade Forest
    @Mr. Sword
    @fems Beast and Full
    @James Donner
    @Dark Omega
    @Chilling Temper
    @John Murdock
    @Chibi Lime

    Sub-Pool Members (listed by Global or forum name)
    @Buck Wild
    @Sanity's Bane
    @Helin Carnate & @The Other White Meat
  7. Who is your daddy and what does he do?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    And I would think if people wanted to do warm up matches before the official stuff starts,they could.Or even stay after the official matches for some free-for-all or sudden death matches.
    Just for the hell of it :P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll be setting up and moving the old Pinnacle Fight Night to Sunday before (and after) the League events. This will be for fun for those that didn't get into the league or just want to practice for the matches. Should be very very casual. I'm aiming to be there 1-2 hours before and after then League events for that.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Should we list toons we have to make things easier for people to choose us, or would that be extraneous?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    At some point we will need to see your teams roster, just a list of characters you will be playing in the league. This will give the other teams a chance to strategize. Not sure you need to list that now though. I'll probably hunt everyone down after registration to get their rosters.
  9. <table align="center">
    <p align=center><font size=1>The below flier is posted on behalf of the player organization promoting the event.

    For more information about having an event flier posted, please see the Event Posting Rules.
    <div align="center">

    <font size=+0>Server Name: Pinnacle

    Hosted By: @Buck Wild

    Event Date: June 18th, 2009

    Event Time: 9pm EST[/color] </div>
    <p align=center><font size=2>This event will be hosted at the Monkey Fight
    Club in Pocket D.

    If there are multiple Pocket Ds please use Pocket D 2.[/color]</p>
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    question - this is only one 10 min match per week? Not best of 3?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I believe this was planned to be one match each week, but the idea of "Best of"s sounds a bit more interesting. I personally would like the idea of a Best of 3, but it ideally will be one team vs. another team ONLY for that week (and then rotating next week, and next). Makes reschedules easier.

    [ QUOTE ]
    *Eyes Buck Wild suspiciously, withholding b33rage.* &gt;.&gt;

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You should have picked up Energy Punch instead!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm definitely interested.....2 questions.
    When will the League begin? and what is the deadline for reg. a team?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Looking at my calendar (and considered JK said giving everyone about 2 weeks to signup), I would think signups would end around June 17th and first round would be setup for June 21st at 5pm PST. Await confirmation from JK and Ninja before setting that in stone.
  11. Remember, if you have any time constraints, there are two features in place to ensure that you can still participate.

    1. You will have 7 days to make up the scheduled match on Sunday as long as your team and the opposing team can agree on a date.
    2. If that doesn't work you can offer your spot to someone in the sub pool to fill in for you that week (either at the Sunday event, or during a reschedule).
  12. The following information is what I have so far (as of 12:40pm EST June 3, 2009). Any addition/deletions/corrections, please reply:

    Full Registered Teams
    Team Name: Unnamed Team 1
    - @Weatherwoman
    - @Caleb Nokana
    - @Moldylunchboxx

    Individuals Seeking a Team (listed by Global or forum name)
    @Sister Mayhem
    @Helin Carnate
    @Jade Forest
    @Mr. Sword
    @fems Beast and Full
    @James Donner
    @Dark Omega
    @Chilling Temper
    @John Murdock

    Sub-Pool Members (listed by Global or forum name)
    @Buck Wild
    @Sanity's Bane
  13. The following information is what I have so far (as of 4:30pm EST June 2, 2009). Any addition/deletions/corrections, please reply:

    Full Registered Teams

    Individuals Seeking a Team (listed by forum name)
    - Weatherwoman
    - Caleb_Nokama
    - Cirkuit (maybe has team)

    Sub-Pool Members (listed by forum name)
    - BuckWild
  14. At this moment I know that JK and Ninja are eager to get involved with this. I'll be happy to mediate any problems with their league matches (assuming they even have any problems, which is not likely) since I probably won't be competing myself (planning to fork over some personal prizes at the end, and I really don't want to win my own junk )

    I do however want to fight, so I'm probably going into the sub pool.
  15. <div align="center"><font size="-2">The below flier is posted on behalf of the
    player organization promoting the event.

    For more information about having an event flier posted, please see the <a href="http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=8952225"">Event
    Posting Rules</a> [/color]</div>
    <p align="center"></p>
    <p align="center"><font size="+5" color="#FF9933">Pinnacle PvP League[/color]</p>

    Mission Statement: The Pinnacle PvP League is a group of dedicated City
    of Heroes/City of Villains players formed for the purpose of promoting increased
    PvP interest and participation across the game as a whole. The aim of this group
    is to provide high quality player verse player content to the game community
    in such a way as to bring PvP to a greater audience, as well as retaining its
    current constituency.


    The Pinnacle PvP League has two primary goals:</p>
    <ul>[*]To retain a currently diminishing population of dedicated PvP players by
    providing incentive to keep them interested in City of Heroes/City of Villains
    PvP.[*]To increase PvP interest in the casual and new player by providing an introduction
    and educational opportunities on the distinctions between the PvP system and
    the rest of the game, as well as providing incentive for participating in
    that portion of the game.[/list]


    <font color="#FF9900" size="+1">CODE OF CONDUCT [/color]</p>

    It is expected that all members will uphold the following Code of Conduct,
    as participating in the Pinnacle PvP League. Conflicts or concerns should be
    addressed personally and privately, in a respectful manner, if at all possible.
    Conflict mediation is also available, if requested or necessary, from the League
    <ul>[*]All members are required to follow the EULA.[*]Extreme griefing or individual harassment of a player participating in the
    Pinnacle PvP League is non-tolerable. We do understand there will be playful
    banter or small &quot;trash talk&quot; will occur between some teams, but
    extreme instances will not be tolerated.



    <font size="+1" color="#FF9900">GUIDELINES[/color]</p>

    The Pinnacle PvP League has an 8 week season were registered teams compete
    for an end prize, which can include but is not limited to Influence, Infamy,
    Recipes, CoX Swag, or Gold Titles. </p>
    <ul>[*]League Nights are Sunday night at 5 PM (PST), 7 PM (CST), 8 PM
    held in the Pocket D Arena.[*]These will be 10 minute matches with Diminishing Returns left ON,
    and Travel Suppression turned OFF. [*]There will be No Repeating ATs on any team during the matches. [*]Only the Temp Powers and Inspirations that can be purchased at the Pocket
    D Arena are allowed in the matches. This excludes Tier 2 and 3 Inspirations,
    along with Super Group Base Buffs.[*]All matches will be Team 3 vs. 3 fights on Random maps set to Level
    . [*]If any members of a team are unable to make it for the Sunday match, both
    teams have until the next league night (7 days) to make up the match. Subs
    from the Sub Pool can be asked to fill the spot(s), if both teams agree.[*]Teams will face off against each other in a Round Robin System. Teams
    will be scored on a Win (2 pts), Tie (1 pt), and Loss (0 pts) basis.[/list]


    <font size="+1">TEAM REGISTRATION[/color]</p>

    The Pinnacle PvP League Registration is available to all players of City of
    Heroes/ City of Villains. The teams are made up of a player's global name, so
    in an event a player could choose any character associated with that global.
    This not only makes the league more diverse, but also allows for strategies
    to be formed for the next week's event. </p>
    <ul>[*]Teams need to create a Team Name and a list of the Global Name(s) that are
    apart of that specific team. [*]Example:
    <ul>[*][u]Team Name[u]: The Nightwalkers
    <ul>[*]@NinjaVampyre[*]@JKwervo[*]@Buck Wild[/list] [/list] [*] The size of a Team will be 3 members. However if a player has more then
    one account and desires to use both of them, then the player will need to
    list his main global and their secondary global. (Example: @NinjaVampyre
    &amp; @NinjaVampyre2)[/list]


    <font size="+1">SUB POOL[/color]</p>

    The Pinnacle PvP League includes a list of City of Heroes/ City of Villain
    players wish to help other teams out in case they are short players for an league
    event. Subs can be part of other Pinnacle PvP League Teams, or SG mates, or
    players just willing to lend a hand. </p>
    <ul>[*]Subs need to register with the Pinnacle PvP League Organizers so they can
    be put on the available list.[*]Subs have no obligation to help all the time or participate in any event,
    nor can the Pinnacle PvP league guarantee that the Sub's will ever fight in
    a match.[*]Subs are not eligible for any of the winning season prizes. This however
    does not apply if the Sub is a registered member of the winning Team.

  16. [ QUOTE ]
    We have 3 new operators in Pinnbadges:

    @Coz, @BG,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Right about here...I lol'd in my pants.
  17. BuckWild

    Tired of...

    I love ya bro, really do. But you gotta stop calling people out on stuff like this. Its cool that you wanted to share the feedback, but block out the guys name or something.

    Didn't mind the direct quotes from broadcast or public global channels, but this was a private tell....private being the key word there. If people can't give honest feedback (no matter how stupid it might be) without fear of being marked, then it ruins the whole intention of the system.

    That note aside: Sorry for your bad rating. I do look forward to trying out your arc, sounds very funny.
  18. Ummm...Dogbert technical support comes through again.

    I Shut Up
    I Rebooted
    I Think its working again


    Will post again if issue resumes.
  19. Let me start by mentioning that I have run 2, 3, 4 even 5 accounts on this computer at once and never...never had this issue until this morning.

    I was trying to run 3 this morning and I noticed that suddenly accts 2 and 3 were dropping off. Lost Connection to ...." It doesn't happen on my active window. It's whatever window(s) I have running CoH in the background. I checked the netgraph and the ping (which normally hovers around 100) starts to slowly drop off into about 4000 and then I get the lost connection. If I switch back to any account as the active window, its right back up.

    Furthermore if I run just 1 account and take focus off it (I play windowed but maximized) and open internet explorer or something, its fine, even multiple windows are fine. Its only when I put focus on one window that any other instances of CoH start to slowly die.

    I tried stopinactivedisplay didn't help.

    Any other suggestions on things I can try or is this some backlash from the anniversary event or something? It just popped up outta nowhere.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I blame Buckwild for trying to be funny.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You fail. I wasn't above you. Insert 2 tokens to Continue...
  21. BuckWild

    Pinnacle and I14

    [ QUOTE ]
    I told all my friends off last night at the bar. .... I should have wore them to college night last night. ...

    [/ QUOTE ]

  22. Can someone from technical support help me?

    I wanna know what the command is to ignore an entire thread. It keeps popping up all highlighted and stuff on the main list and yet when I click it, its full of crap!

    Please help! TIA!