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  1. Okay, so I got a new computer and my wife already cleared everything out of it. I am working on a WS and lost my dang mids to it. So I am left with asking the knowledgeable ones for help. What i am looking for is a human/crab freaking monster. Not to big on the whole squid thing. Inf does not matter cause it is like a pet project right now but will more than likely become my main toon that I use. I am looking for one of those builds that you think to yourself "dang, glad we brought that guy along". Any help would be awesome.
  2. Thanks for the insight. I knew something was wrong when I was looking at it but couldn't put my finger on it. Your builds provide a lot of food for thought. I appreciate it greatly.
  3. Okay this is what I have. I am trying to build like a hybrid of melee and ranged. Basically a beast that can help any team with buffs and sheer damage. It is expensive but what really good build isn't. Any help or thought would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Bringer_of_Pain

    Fort build help

    This is what I have thus far. But again I am willing to go back to the drawing board.
  5. Bringer_of_Pain

    Fort build help

    Okay, I got a new computer and before i could send my build info over to it my wife had already cleaned everything off the old one. I am in major need of help on my Fortunata build. I went with Soul mastery and other than having that, cause I just really like Darkest Night, I am open to suggestions. No need for travel powers and cost is no issue. I just want a an Epic build that greatly can help a team out as well as solo fun. Any builds will help out greatly.

    I have my slotting on my build just don't know what to put in them. Once i figure out how to bring in what I have thus far I will post it.

    BUT, I am willing to start from scratch. I have seen a couple with some melee mixed in and that actually sounds really good.
  6. Bringer_of_Pain

    Brute TW/??????

    So am I on the right track thinking Brute rather than Tank or Scrapper?
  7. Bringer_of_Pain

    Brute TW/??????

    Ok, so I am thinking of rolling a TW Brute. Kinda wondering what everyone thinks would be a good Defense with it. Was kinda thinking electric but I am open to suggestions. I have a Tank I farm with so inf is no object. I just want to build an "epic" toon. One of those where people are like "DANG!!!". Any build info would also be appreciated.
  8. I have been working on one myself and wasn't really sure about what is good and how to slot what. I have always been a Brute and Tanker kinda guy. Was trying this combo out for the heck of it. Actually really like is an understatement, and thanks for the info on slotting. This would help a great deal. My question is about the PvP IO's. What to get and where to slot is my question. I have been out of the game for 2 years and am making a come back.
  9. OK, so I'm not nuts. Tanks cannot dishout what my lvl50 Brute can do. I was wondering because around lvl 30 on my Brute i was like man i need to up the Diff big time. But i must say that this Brute can take a massive amount of damage. The real big bite in the butt is i missed double exp weekend. Well...I think to make a scrapper I go. And thanks to everyone that posted a reply.
  10. What type of Tank can deal out alot of damage and hold his own against EB's? Not to mention one that isn't an inspiration poping nightmare.
  11. I have a lvl 50 Brute (SS/WP) that just owns everything that I come in contact with. I'm trying a couple different Tank builds right now (DA/BS, Inv/SS). I am looking for a PvE build or build advice. The tank's are both lvl 34ish now and before I get to far into them I figured I'd ask the question of what build own's it over here. I'd even be open to a scrapper if the build is right and not squishy. Any advice would be appreciated.
  12. First off thanks, this will help ALOT. Some posts on builds here on the PvP side say that you NEED phase shift. Is that really the case? And YES, Rodman should be in the Hall of Fame!!!!!!!!!
  13. 30people veiwed this and nobody has any advice of info? Cmon, I'm not asking for the world am I????
  14. OK, after alot of deliberation i want to go with a Dom, and decided to go with mind/electric. The only problem is I am totally new to the PvP thing, other than running in the areas to get badges and getting ganked. I want a descent build that i can PvP as well as PvE, not to mention be able to finish Recluses SF. Does anyone have a build they can post so i can check it out, i really have no idea where to begin. All help is appreciated.
  15. Bringer_of_Pain


    Okay, this is the question. If you are slotting with lvl 50 recipes and head over to lets say sirens call, do you loose what the recipe does or is it "nerfed" to the max lvl of the zone. I'm not talking about the powers you loose but all on all the stuff that is still active. Any help would be greatly appreciated.