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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    There's more to horses than just that stuff
    There will be blood,
    It may be yours.
    So go kill someone.

    Bad Horse
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Publicity stunt. And a sad one at that. It's them trying to show PCness and using a character that might have name recognition than creating a new character who might bomb in the sales department.

    Of course, doing this could still bomb sales after a bit, as people will buy up the coming out issue, then drop it.

    It's a stunt. And a poor one. It's no different than New Ultimate Spidey.
    Yes, they are taking a page from the Joe Q playbook. Remember all the free press surrounding:

    The Raw Hide Kid
    The Black "Captain America"
  3. Hmmm....this sounds familiar. Rawhide Kid/Isaiah Bradley anyone?
    Another publicity stunt by marvel, and these media outlets fall for it everytime.

    If marvel truly wanted to give Latinos/blacks/gays their due respect, they would create a new hero that didn't suck and wasn't a walking stereo type...instead, here is a mixed race kid (2 for 1!) who no matter what is always going to be living in Peter parker's Lilly white shadow.