Good points Memphis *nods* and I whole heartedly agree that a FULL Respec where people could swap between AT would create a terrible mess. Furthermore you are quite correct in the differences between powers within the same AT. There are huge differences in how they play, an yes you will end up with the idiots who keep trying to play the new powers just like they did the old powers. Even for those of us who dont intend to do that there would still be a learning curve of course, its only to be expected. Ive tried out most of the power sets, as I have terrible altitis. Infact thats part of what made me think of this. I have tons of toons, but only a few that have clicked and Ive stuck with, not because I didnt like the power but because the character didnt speak to me, and like I said in the previous post there have been a couple of those that Ive reached level 20-30 and gone I really love this character, but the powers just dont fit
. and then Im faced with either playing the character with that nagging problem, or re-rolling from scratch. If they are level 25 or below
not a biggie
you can get to level ten pretty quickly and to 15 in a reasonable amount of time
from 15 on up though things start to slow down, especially because I tend to solo or play on small teams (usually with my wife) and I dont try to PowerLevel. Considering that Im a workin dad who pulls 40+ hours a week and has a house with four kids, finding the time to re-roll a character Ive already spent 6 months playing up to 35 with a new power set is a really big time commitment.
I guess I feel like saying no you cant do this because some people would be bad at it or may screw up is like saying No one who has grown up playing football can ever play baseball because Jimmy is unfamiliar with the rules and tools and will possibly hit people in the head with the bat. In real life (I know, this is a game), Jimmy would either find a mentor to help him learn how to use the bat, or would quickly find himself sitting on the bench, not being permitted to play that particular game, but not everyone would be banned. Now, its true, even with a mentor, Jimmy will likely not ever be picked up to play pro Baseball since thats not what he spent his early life playing, but he could pick up a bat and play with his friends every once in a while right?
As to avoid doing the power changes in the midst of a mission or a TF seems pretty easily controlled.. Make it like the current alt build where you have to go to a trainer to switch, or put a limit on how many times/how often you can change your build (once per hour or something like that), heck, even make it so that you CANT change build while active in a mission or TF, only between. *shrugs*
Ive read over the forums a lot as thats something I can do during my breaks at work (though granted not every thing of course *chuckles* that would take a lifetime) and I see a lot of pretty interesting ideas shot down for no reason other than someone would be a jerk if we gave them this. The argument that something shouldnt be done solely because some one might abuse/misuse/be bad at it just doesnt seem like that good of an argument to me. Just because a lot of people can and do abuse the MA for farming for example doesnt mean we all do, and it shouldnt be taken away from everyone just because a portion of the population misuse it *shrug*
It was just an idea. If the Devs have said no then thats that.