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  1. Braije

    Just sayin.....

    Glad to have met and ya and great having you in the channel with us Oath!
  2. Braije


    Great stuff Steelz!! I can't put into words how grateful and lucky I am to have friends as great as you guys! Rooth does great work, much appreciated broseph!!
  3. Indeed Myrm! That was just amazing fun! Thx to all who showed up for the CC and even more so to those who stayed tuned in for the ear candy!

    Btw, also on Saturday's @9pm EST DJ Rasta is where it's at on and I heard a rumor there might be another DJ going on after his show @12am.

    Friday night was 6 hours of Epic Win! If you've not tuned in it's your loss. They're always there to enhance your gaming pleasure like a purple drop... tune in while you're tooned in!
  4. This server is spoiled to have such an entity!
  5. Requests sent to all shows! Ty to our DJ's!!

    Btw Co-Judge, the song on Dazz's show is in our honor. Listen and enjoy the verbs, been a pleasure running into you and running with ya!
  6. Braije

    Hami Mondaze!!

    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    Here are some beautful opinions on scrubs...
    haha I knew you'd go there!
  7. Any animals are welcome, even mythological! "It's part lion, part tiger! They're known for their prowess and magical skills!"
  8. Braije

    Hami Mondaze!!

    Originally Posted by Shaytanah View Post
    LOL! Personally, I don't see the point to running a non-50 and turning off XP. Not with all the cool new end-game content!

    Off topic--I love this server. Just sayin'.
    It really is the best server!

    Although, I must interject one thing... skill compensation vs. a lvl 50 scrub!

    Just statin' and Just sayin'
  9. So, in the absence of our glorious host of Hellfire Club. We ran a Croatoa team with various ppl and almost always at full capacity in honor of Miss Shay! Even the team upon exit took on a zombie raid and then took the GM's! Thx all who were on the team even if only briefly looking forward to next week, get better gorgeous!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    Congoratz, next time you run one let me know, if there's room. =]
    Absolutely Ace, probably run a few TF's a night if room runs out. Either way you're always welcome, add me @Braije or just join DarkGuard Network channel. Glad to see more interested because RL comes first and not all can always make it.

    See you there!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shaytanah View Post
    Hey all--

    I've been down with a bad flu for the last few days and am still not back up on my feet so I won't be holding HFC tonight. If someone else would like to lead it tonight, feel free. Otherwise we'll be back up next week.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Aww we wondered how you were doing Miss Shay! We miss ya terribly and hope you get to feeling better sooner than later. I refuse to participate, it's not the Hellfire Club without you leading it IMHO.
  12. Well, I guess it gives some of us something else to do who choose not to do the Hami Raid or when the Hive is full. Personally I'll just ask the majority of who was on the team what time they'd like to do it, so far that seemed to be the average.
  13. Braije


    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    Is that Lucy? Daughter of teh Devil?!

    "Test, Test.. can you back out the high end? I'm getting a bit of more R than F up here!"
  14. Truly Marvelous! Just had to troll..

    If you're not tuned in, you're just tuned out!
  15. This Friday 3/11 9pm EST, DJ Bacon will be kicking off his debut before DJ Dazz and DJ Sinny on (listen to livestream). Therefore, with contributions from fans of the show and CAPE who is always so gracious to sponsor events that serve or further the success of Champion we will be doing a CC when his show starts (9pm EST) in Pocket D!

    Bring your toons that look like farm animals or toons you farm with or both, as this will be a themed CC. The prizes will be substancial (1st prize 500m thus far) and by tuning in you will be able to get at the very least a consolation prize when DJ Bacon passes out the 'keyword'. How easy is that?

    I am honored to also announce that Myrmydon will be a co-judge with me for this event!
    We're very lucky as a server to have the likes of CAPE and our own DJ's! So, log in and tune in.. hope to see you there!
  16. It was a good times! Was glad we didn't have to fill with anything outside of Illusion... all in a tight group and it's just ridiculous! So, this will be going on every Sunday @ 9pm EST (Spectral Sunday) trying to push it to the outside of the Hami Raid so more can join. Yet, not make it too late for the EST ppl. So, we can do the strike target TF of the week! And possibly even just tackle all the Masters TF's first..

    Myrm's Ill/Rad is 34 now so should be ready by Sunday! Too easy...
  17. Hey, I was glad to have the help of all the great people like yourselves that threw in Influ and CAPE for their contributions as well! I really didn't do anything, but have a lot of fun! Great shows indeed and lolz all around local, one of my favorite contents of the game!

    I'll be making another thread for this, but for Bacon's debut next friday @9pm we're gonna be doing a farm theme CC. Toons you either farm with or look like farm animals or both. I'll post as soon as there are more details, it's just to get ppl tuned in while we stand around and socialize or run around and kill!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shaytanah View Post
    Thanks, B! It's only a success when people show up, so the credit goes all around.

    I was absolutely amazed how quickly the hunts went; really glad there were some GotKO accolades earned that night. I'll post this weekend concerning the next few weeks' events. Croatoa was so fitting, I'm going to think about what other content is really magical in nature and hit some of that.

    What do you think about an occult static team? Like an all dark and fire, maybe? I know another player is running one and has floated the idea of possible static occult team vs. static occult team pvp events. Lots of merit to that idea I think!
    Surely, love the static too... Hmm anything we can get into in Dark Astoria possibly? Another fitting place. Although, the weatherman says 100% chance of fog, hehe!
  19. Braije

    Warriors Club

    Indeed, this is more up my alley than LoW, not that I wouldn't love to roll with Steel on that! Until he's stripped for a new build I'll bring my BS instead of saying, "Seriously, no Fire Melee?!" (Does FM qualify?) lol

    Themes are great and it's always good to see another that brings ppl together who may not have teamed otherwise!
  20. And once again, another fun time in the Hellfire Club! All that showed rocked it and looking forward to this every Wednesday! Thx again Miss Shay, for a grand idea.
  21. Ok, CAPE has offered to match the CC... so the 1st CC will start during DJ Dazz's show @11pm EST .. and then @1 am during DJ Sinny's show the CC will be (same prize amounts) but this one is themed. DJ Sinny's Pajama party!

    This should keep a lot of fun going all night and many thanks to CAPE for their support and contributions, Champion is lucky to have such support!
  22. Come as you are, no theme or need for a bio and so on. Spread the word it should be good times!
  23. Tonight in Pocket D, we will be holding a CC @11pm EST... depending on the turnout the prizes will be at the very least 300m for 1st 200m for 2nd and 100m for 3rd. Costume based only (no bio required) powers are welcome as long as they do not interfere with another participant(s) costume near you!

    The real big prizes will be for tuning into (select listen via livestream) also starting @ 11pm EST The Marvelous Mix featuring DJ Dazz. He will be giving out 2 riddles during his show, each awarding a prize of 500 mill to the 1st correct answer. And again @ 1am EST Sinny's late night Sounds featuring DJ Sinny, 2 riddles 500 mill each! You just tune in while you're mishing/TFing or whatever it is you like to do and can still participate!

    This is a way of promoting the many DJ's we have on Champion server and getting people tuned in to what they're missing! (And yes they do take requests as long as you put them in the week before). Hope to see ya there!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shaytanah View Post
    Yeah, I'm working up the dom to lead things off in Croatoa. We did tear some $#|t up didn't we?

    Spread the word, tell yer friends!
    Witness! lol

    Later on tonight i'll join ya with no sidetracks of some ill/storm trying to take on my dem/therm even with pets on passive.. haha! Love your face!
  25. DG Network hosted event, I'm thinking next Friday 3/4 kicking off @ Midnight an hour after DJ Dazz starts and DJ Sinny takes us home til 3 am. Prizes will be at least (depending on turnout) the same! If more show up I'll double it to 200 mill for 1st 75 mill for 2nd and 40 for 3rd! All costumes, auras and powers are welcome (plz don't buff others around you is all I ask) and 100 million to whomever can answer the 2 riddles first!

    "What's your favorite colour!?" hehe ... A riddle during DJ Dazz's (11pm-1am) and then one during DJ Sinny's (1am-3am) and just use the listen to live stream option. We're spoiled only because Champion is so badass to have 2 great DJ's taking our requests and keeping us going while we go at the end of the week!

    I think this will be a good time for it after the player auction that C.A.P.E. is doing this Friday 2/25 @ 10pm in Pocket D! Come purchase someone, legal slavery! And now I have two great end of the week events to look forward to. ty Champs! Nobody does it better!