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  1. Reading the thread got me wondering. I have a lvl 50 DM scrapper, I also am holding 6 damage/range HOs that nobody wants to trade for. Soooo.... Off to test we go.

    Shadow Maul slotted 2 ACC 4 DAM all lvl 53 SOs

    Attack on Lvl 50 Nemesis Colonel Lt.
    -I could get Shadow Maul to hit two of them, if they were right next to each other (One infront of the other). This is just how it's always been. I could get 3 in the cone if I could line them up to where I'd attack the one in front of me, and the other two were side by side behind the first one, again this is normal. Damage was 38 smashing 38 negative per tick for a total of 304 damage.

    Shadow Maul slotted 6 Damage/Range HOs lvl 50

    -This is sick, and I really don't see this hitting live. I could hit the same lvl 50 Nemesis Colonel from about 10 feet away. I rounded up a bunch of minions, and could reliably take out whole spawns (8 or 9 minions) in one application of Shadow Maul. The cone was noticably wider at the end. I'd say a bit over 4 mobs wide. This is a huge difference. That, and damage vs a lvl 50 Nemesis Colonel was up to 60 smash and 60 negative per tick for a total of 480.

    Just thought I'd post my results for those speculating what it would be like. Tested without buffs, soul drain, or insps.