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  1. So why isn't anyone offended by the idea that other players would verbally abuse and insult someone (including making real-world threats against the player) because his behavior in game isn't considered appropriate?
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    Also to clarify, the person who submits a petition does not have to have any knowledge of what a copy or violation of the EULA is.

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    So your saying a person with no knowledge of what a violation of the EULA is should petition people when they have no idea why their petitioning? So....they don't need to have a merit to petition somebody since they don't know why their doing it? I better never log back on again in case I meet one of these people...

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    Here's my understanding of how it works ... if a GM or Mod wants to correct this, they are certainly welcome to (and I'd appreciate any better info from an informed source).

    - Ideally someone should understand the EULA and Rules of Conduct before they petition someone ... but there is no expectation that their understanding is perfect. Folks may make mistakes and petition things that are not violations of the rules ... as long as it's an innocent mistake and not an attempt to grief, there is nothing wrong with that.
    - A GM must rule on all petitions. If the petition is groundless, they should ignore it. If it's not, they should take action. If the original GM action (as appears to be the case in this situation) was incorrect, it can be appealed and any errors corrected.
    - If someone is routinely submitting invalid petitions, the GMs should contact them and either have educate them on the rules or perhaps ban them for griefing. But this only applies when someone is routinely submitting invalid petitions, not because they misunderstood the rules in an isolated case.

    So yes, there is no expectation that someone has correct understanding of the EULA or Rules of Conduct when they petition. If that concept is so horrifying to you that you don't think you can enjoy the game any longer, I'm sorry that you will loose this form of enjoyment. Although I'm even more sorry that you probably will not be able to function in society, since most of society works very similarly.
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    I normally hardly post on forums, just sit back and laugh at the insanity. But I find it hillarious Triumph can't find a lot of players to join our server. Yet whenever one of these crazy forum people from other servers sees an angry post they come to tell us how wrong we are. =P

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    Maybe you should examine your self-described behavior on the server and consider that it's your own fault that folks don't want to play more on the server. Just something to consider ...

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    On the topic at hand, I understand why the EULA is there, but there is too much self interpritation of what really is a "copy". There are dozens of people that have never picked up a comic book, so how would they know their character Songbird or Moonknight would be a copy. I think if it's blatant, stealing a name, taking their look, copying their bio. Understandble to report them. If your on a toon you've had forever, and as one of your five costumes you wanted to see how cool a Batman or Rorschach costume you could make, I hardly see a problem with that. So sorry to hear about your toon Shard, hope you get it back, cause I know you make your own toons.

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    Also to clarify, the person who submits a petition does not have to have any knowledge of what a copy or violation of the EULA is. That's the GMs role. If the GM makes a mistake, Email them and ask that it be corrected. But don't get all bent out of shape because a player was trying to help the game.

    And like several others have said, there have been very few cases of Toons being generic'd that didn't deserve it. I'm not saying that this case wasn't one of them ... but unless someone can support the claim that it was unfair, I'd lean towards the position that this was a valid instance of genericing a character that was violating the EULA.
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    Do you even play tri server?

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    yes, I play on just about every server ... I'm not on Triumph regularly, but I've got a few toons there.

    Last I saw, there was no exemption from the Rules of Conduct or EULA for Triumph or any other Server. Unless you're trying to use the "Everyone else was killing people, so I thought it was OK to kill people too" defense, I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.
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    Seriously? If they are offended by off color language there is a profanity filter and they should use it.

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    The profanity filter is a tool to help protect people (generally children) who are playing the game ... it is not an excuse to ignore the rules of the game.

    For those who haven't recently read the Rules of Conduct, some excerpts:
    You may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language.

    And from the EULA:
    Member Conduct. You agree not to use the Service to: take any action or upload, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit any content as determined by NC Interactive at its sole discretion that is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable

    It may be reasonable to debate whether the phrase "No **** Sherlock" is obsene, but it is certainly not reasonable to expect someone to use the profanity filter to protect themselves from obscene language rather than putting the blame on the person who has violated the Rules of Conduct and EULA in the first place.
  6. First off, let me say that I have no idea who you are or who your Character is ... it sounds like a lot of folks know you, so they probably have a better idea whether or not your Character violated the EULA.

    That said, I will say that your attitude is totally wrong. The person who reported you did nothing wrong ... in fact, they should be commended for helping to keep our game running and avoiding legal issues that could shut down the entire game.

    Like I said, I don't know whether your Character violated EULA or not. If there is a problem with what happened, it's either on the side of the GM who adjudicated the petition (if it wasn't really a violation of the EULA) or on your side for making the Character in the first place (if it was a violation).

    On the bright side, if the individual being conscientious enough to follow the guidelines passed down by the Devs has now generated an interest on your side to also report potential violations of the EULA we can at least take some comfort from the frustration you've felt. It sounds like the interest on your side may be somewhat misguided, since it sounds like it's generated more by a desire to harm your fellow gamers than to protect the game. But sometimes we have to accept progress in small steps.
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    EDIT: And when did this turn into a debate on whether or not taunt was needed? That includes so many other variables that are far beyond the scope of the vids I made.

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    It didn't, the guy noted he was Off topic. Still would be nice for it to be, given how the power is identical across all power sets.

    Edit: Stop editing!!!!

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    I think the question on Taunt was focsed on Lac's comment that because we can't hold Agro with Taunt Auras (which is blatantly false, as demonstrated by the recordings posted), a Tank needs to have Taunt.
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    In my estimation, most Tankers who do get agro pulled are usually guilty of relying on taunt auras (which can be easily pulled away from)

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    Aside from AVs, that's really a mischaracterization of taunt auras. You don't pull "easily away" from something that has a taunt effect on it, whether it comes from Taunt, auras, or Gauntlet. That 1000 * Taunt Duration multiplier is really, really hard to beat unless whoever is pulling aggro has a taunt multiplier of their own (usually scrappers or brutes with taunt auras). Even if you park a regular critter next to a Willpower tanker who doesn't do anything but let RttC tick (the weakest taunt aura in all of CoH), it is practically impossible to pull aggro with just damage.

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    Totally TOTALLY untrue. Unbelievably untrue.

    Do you actually play a Tanker? Try taking any of them, using only a taunt aura and not attacking and see how long you hold agro.

    Not to mention that the taunt mag, taunt duration and general area of effect are MUCH different from Taunt to taunt auras.

    I sincerely can't see how you could possibly say that's a mischaracterization.

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    Other than Willpower, I'd agree with the statement that it's very difficult to pull Agro from a Taunt aura. I often run Tanks who seldom attack and I'm often throwing Taunt out at folks well away from me (to keep their attention focused on me, since they are outside my Taunt aura). And with the exception of when someone else with a Taunt effect is in the area, I almost never loose Agro of those near me.
  9. One 'nit' update:

    "Assuming you get only your list price (typically, I've gotten far more), you've made 225,000 influence with 10,700 influence investment. "

    This doesn't take into account the cost to craft the enhancements ... I don't remember the exact cost, but I think the Lvl 30s are around 30,000 each ... so you've actually invested approx 100,000 influence. Still a nice tdy profit when selling for at least 225,000 ... but not quite as much as originally depicted.
  10. With the approach of the next Valentine's Event (which appears to be the same mission to defeat Snaptooth from last year), the comments on the Forums about how hard it is to complete the mission have started again. Amazingly enough, I couldn't find any existing guides to the mission. So here's my contribution to the Valentine's Event ... How to Defeat Snaptooth.

    A few caveats up front:

    - This isn't the definitive guide to the Snaptooth mission. I'm not going to comprehensively cover everything you could do or provide detailed quantitative analysis of the mission. This Guide is just intended to provide one strategy that should make it possible for anyone to complete the mission.
    - This strategy won't protect against mistakes. There are some key elements of this strategy that, although simple, must be followed. If you skip or ignore those parts (which I'll emphasize below), you will most likely be defeated.

    Mission Overview:

    The mission is to stop Snaptooth (a Redcap) from destroying DJ’s portal. The Portal is a glowing ring placed randomly on the map … If Snaptooth finds the Portal, he’ll start attacking it. Snaptooth starts in a random (as far as I know) position on the map and follows a random (again, as far as I know) search pattern to find the Portal. You need to find and defeat Snaptooth before he finds and destroys the Portal. Sounds easy, except for two main challenges: each time you defeat Snaptooth, a large ambush of Redcaps attacks the party; and the first two times you defeat Snaptooth, he dives into the ground and returns stronger than before (he starts as a Lt, returns the first time as a Boss, then returns again as an Elite Boss).

    Here is a step-by-step guide to winning:

    - Find either Snaptooth or the Portal. Ignore all of the other enemies on the map until you find either Snaptooth or the Portal. Hopefully, you’ll have a Travel Power that can get you around … even if you don’t, just avoid or ignore the other enemies (even if they attack you, they’ll quickly loose interest if you run away and don’t fight back). If you find the Portal, hang around there until you see Snaptooth (he’ll be along shortly).
    - Attack Snaptooth to get his attention and draw him away from the Portal (or to keep him from finding the Portal, if you found him first). This is CRITICAL … make sure you fight him away from the Portal … if he can see the Portal from where you fight him, you will almost certainly fail the mission.
    - Defeat Snaptooth the first time, then immediately run away. This is CRITICAL … if you or anyone in your team hangs around and is still there when Snaptooth returns, you’ll attract his attention and be fighting him as well as the impending Redcap ambush. As long as you’re not there when he returns, Snaptooth will happily stand around, wondering what he’s doing there.
    - Be ready for the Redcap ambush (buff, resummon henchmen, etc.). There seem to be a lot of Redcaps (it seems like 6-8) per Hero or Villain, so be ready for a major battle. And these Redcaps don’t care about you being invisible or having pets around … they’re going to come straight at you, and they’ve got nasty ranged attacks. If necessary, exit the mission … this seems to break the ambush lock, although I’ve seen them immediately attack again as soon as you return … so be ready to fight as soon as you re-enter the mission.
    - After you defeat the Redcap ambush, return to Snaptooth and defeat him again. Then just like before, run away as soon as you defeat him. Another Redcap ambush will soon arrive … handle it just like you handled the first one.
    - Return and defeat Snaptooth the last time. He’ll be an Elite Boss this time, so don’t think he’ll be a push-over … but at least you’re just fighting him and not him and a dozen of his angry friends. Also be aware that a third Redcap ambush is going to come after you upon Snappy’s third defeat … you can either fight them or exit the mission.

    I can’t stress enough the importance of stopping Snaptooth before he finds the Portal and getting away from Snaptooth as soon as you defeat him. It is especially important on teams to make sure everyone understands and follows this direction. If one Hero or Villain decides to do a victory dance on Snaptooth’s grave or stop to rest after the fight, you’re going to be defeated. Or If someone hangs around to keep fighting some of the Arachnos that may be near Snaptooth or were drawn to your fight with him, you’re going to be defeated. But if you draw him off, fight him away from the Portal, and then get away as soon as he falls, you should be able to handle the Redcap ambush and return to fight Snaptooth again.
  11. * Supergroup Name: House of Chaos (within the Ivory Tower)
    * Website (if any):
    * Leader or Recruiting Officers: Coup Fatal
    * Preferred Method of contact: global /tell @Boegs -or- CoH message board pm

    Guild Description: The House of Chaos within the Ivory Tower is changing it's focus. As part of the Ivory Tower, it is still part of an RP-heavy Villain Group. However, the House of Chaos is now focused on forming close-knit teams. We are looking for Villains who are willing to focus on working as a team. Villains who want to build their Powers to match those of their teammates, even if it means their individual Powers are slightly less. Villains who want to get together and practice working as a team, including giving and taking constructive criticism.