5 -
The fact that fireball has DoT doesn't make it a DoT attack. some 80-95% of its damage is front loaded, meaning in terms of Scourge, its not a DoT, as that big fire component doesn't scourge.
Its quite subtle, but the real reason fire is the king of AoE is its activation time. Damage per attack chain is next to meaningless because it ignores how long it takes to deal that damage. I love radiation's AoE's, but fire can get a firebreath/fireball off in about the same time as haze or bomb. DPS 4 teh win. -
I think all this effort into curbing powerlevelers is a waste of resources. Plvlers will find out how to do whatever they want with the tools at hand. This hampers a few plvling techniques, but exacts a tangible cost to players in terms of freedom to play how they want. Overall, I don't think this will have any real effect on plvling. They'll go do their outdoor mission maps, and players doing content will have to do their "Kill 150 Crey" hunt missions in a big group because you wanted to fix a problem that doesn't exist.
I don't buy the plvling hurts the game argument because what it really comes down to is "Is the content interesting enough to curb Plvling?" For a lot of players it is. For some players, it doesn't matter, they'll always plvl. For some, they have half a dozen toons over lvl 40, and they've done every mission, badge, story arc, TF, trial, etc. 3-4 times, and they just want to play with a new AT/build.
You're trying to tell people how to play the game, even though they're playing well within the confines of your world. If its not griefing, and doesn't violate the CoC/ToS, either leave it alone, or make it an exploit. To me, tram plvlers are like RP'ers in Galaxy. Its not how I chose to play the game, but it doesn't bother me one bit. Some people are going to do only missions for their xp (until mid 30's when you start running out) because it makes them feel heroic. Some are gonna roll up a Taxi Bot and recall people all day. Some will host a play in Perez Park, and some will sit all day while getting plvled by a friend or 2nd account.
Lastly, a quick question: How does this effect badge credit? I NEVER do hunt badges within 300 yds of my teammates, often a mile or more away. Like many players, I've put a lot of time into collecting my hunt badges, solo and in teams. I currently have all of them (except for isolator, which I did not have the option of getting). If I had to stay close to teamates to get badge credit however, I definitely wouldn't have bothered with many of them. -
Something like 2 health, and 2 End Recovery in RotP will ensure that you rise with 90%+ health and endo. Its good for trials and TF's, and missions set to Invincible in a team of 8 in the shard.
No way, Faultline can't compare to Shard because the Shard is about 8 miles long. Now just FBZ, maybe, but its not fair to consider FBZ without its brethren (Chantry, cascades, storm palace), because some wackadoo will send you there for a mish.
But I could write for days on why the Shard is a terrible zone. It is highly, highly frustrating to travel. Its cryptic and the jump geysers are very unpredictable. Lots of them don't work properly with SJ on, and many of them don't work with SJ off. Assuming you can get around, you often see clouds of enemies way above you. Not only are the mobs very, very challenging, but their position and mobility makes it a tactical nightmare to engage them for all but a few AT's (scrappers and tanks get the shaft, my fire troller can't hurt them either). The sq footage of the 4 zones is like 100 sq miles, but it adds up to about 1 zone worth of real estate to work with. Traveling blindly through gargantuan zones to get to mission objectives is nobody's idea of fun. I realize that my $15/mo doesn't allow me to delete that zone off servers, but if I had any say, I couldn't imagine designing this huge additional zone + content that excludes so many toons for so many reasons (don't get me started again on that hamidon fellow).
When I first got to the Shard, I thought it was amazing looking, and would be a great place to explore. Now that I've run all over and done a bunch of missions there, I'm rather disappionted at how dang repetative it ended up being. Its much worse than any city zone, and the Rularuu, Lanaruu were all but unkillable for both of my toons who can get there.
What we really really need is a city zone that is near the "meat" of Paragon City (i.e. has a tram that'll take us to SC or talos), with enemies up to lvl 53, with all the amenities of a city zone (trainer, missions, contacts, stores), but inaccessible to lower lvl toons. There are enough opportunities for low and high lvl players to interract, but high lvl toons need a place to hunt and adventure without constant plvl requests and the raging competition for mobs that is Peregrine Island.
What are we talking about again? I'll stop whining... -
AM does not provide mag, it only reduces mezz duration. No amount of AM stacking adds mag. I've had between 10-12 AM's on my toon at one time, and have still gotten mezzed by a rather standard mag mezz effect (yes, it was 10 AM's, and I'm not exaggerating) that CM, ID, or any scrapper mezz protection survived.
There isn't a recharge reduction cap afaik, and if there is, its nowhere near as low as 300%. However, recharge reduction works on a reciprocal function.
Enhanced Recharge Time = Base Recharge/(1 + Sum of all Recharge enhancements) As you increase your recharge buffing it keeps doing less and less for your recharges:
180 second base power with:
6 SO's recharge = 60 seconds
8 SO's recharge = 49 seconds
10 SO's recharge = 41 seconds
12 SO's recharge = 36 seconds
Cosmic Inferno - lvl 46 Fire/Rad
Devouring Shadow - lvl 12 Rad/Dark - Member of Fallout Shelter