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  1. Hi all this is a quick (and probably silly) question that I haven't been able to find an answer to. I've looked in the forum and in the help section, to no availe.

    Anyway does the Train Ninja power need to be called every time you call your pets? every X seconds? just once period?

    I guess I just don't know if the power wears off or what.

    Thanks for the help!
  2. Hi my name is Blue Lightning and I'm gimped....

    Shhhhh don't tell States to play it we might get hit with the nerf bat for being a blaster.

    In all seriousness I love my elec blaster. I can one shot even lvl Lts(yellow)... I can't do that with any of my other chars(ok if I'm lucky and get in a critical with my scraptastic).

    In case you didn't notice I go off topic more often than a drunk falls off the wagon.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Like I said above, y'all need a power called Glancing Blow.

    I still like my Deflection idea. I think it suits the Super Reflexes set rather well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed. Especially that AoE and Ranged should be on the same power.