1046 -
Okay, Ive been silent long enough. The story is great, but to leave us with a cliff hanger... is an evil tease. Is the next one coming soon?
((Thanks SuperDragon! Well, I figured with a cliff hanger like the last chapter I better get on the next one quick. I like this one.))
XVIII. The Last Gift
The heroes stood in a defensive formation. No one was sure of what to do. Larry was with Helsinger, he looked over them with no emotion or recognition, just a blank stare like looking into the eyes of a dead body. The few who knew Larry longest were reminded of when he was much younger, when the clockwork had taken him. Larry did not deserve this.
Tick-Tok moved towards them and Lord Raymond stepped in front to get his attention. Tick-Tok's pace and walk were different. Where he used to have a more leisurely, almost care-free stride was replaced with a vicious looking, yet autonomous pace.
"Larry, its me, Lord Raymond. You remember me. You remember us, we are your friends."
Tick-Tok stopped and stared at Lord Raymond, then raised his hand and sent a powerful electrical charge that knocked Lord Raymond to his back and caused him to convulse violently. Etherburn and Rose Cross quickly washed him with a comforting wave of energy.
Helsinger laughed as everyone looked in shock.
"Larry is gone forever. He is ours now. He is mine." Helsinger said as several small spikes protruded out of his fists.
They were green. Jadenium spikes, and thin enough to break off in someone if enough force was applied. Another hideous design of Helsinger's
Steele Magnolia fired several rounds into Helsinger's chest as Techsupport's hand connected to him by a thick arc of electricity. The loud boom was followed by Helsinge standing there shaking, unable to move. Blood Wolffe leapt behind Helsinger and bit into the cheek under his eye. His jaw stopped going in suddenly with a loud clank. Blood Wolffe then peeled off the fleshy material revealing the Jadenium robot underneath. For the first time Helen saw that Helsinger was made of her metal and her mind started racing.
He is a walking toxic weapon to the Invulnerable class heroes! Michael!
As Blood Wolffe spit out the flesh Helsinger knocked him several feet away and turned back to Helen, "I cant thank you enough Doctor Markov. I have become more powerful than I have ever been because of you."
Tick-Tok and Helsinger advanced forward.
Lord Raymond faced Tick-Tok along with Tigonus, Michael, Acier, Xyfen, Tabby Cat, and Etherburn. The rest went after Helsinger.
Pandora and Techsupport used their radioactive powers to slow down Helsinger, but it seemed like it had no effect at all. Captain Neem and Blood Wolffe blasted him with energy, knocking more flesh off or burning it, but the metal underneath barely dented. Helsinger charged forward and pushed Captain Neem hard enough to send him into a group of other heroes.
"How do you beat this Steele!?" He said wincing as he got up.
She hesitated for a moment, "Just give it everything you got!" Her voice was tinged with desperation.
In all reality they could beat on him all day and not do anything. Captain Neem picked up on the way she spoke. He started looking for escape routes, but there were none.
A few feet away, Tick-Tok sent every hero that confronted him flying back to land painfully on the ground.
"Come Larry, fight me." Lord Raymond said.
They charged each other until the last second. The earth beneath them rumbled and a crack formed in the ground between them, spitting up the toxic steam. They both reeled back, inches away from falling into black nothingness. Tick-Tok jumped through the steam high in the air as a giant piece of earth fell into a black pit from Tick-Tok's side. Lord Raymond took the opportunity to swing his heavy axe at Tick-Tok's chest. It sunk in slightly until a green spark spit out.
"Im sorry Larry."
Tick-Tok didnt answer, but responded by striking his palm against Lord Raymond's chest. Tabby Cat unleashed a furious blur of clawed swipes against Tick-Tok's chest. A shower of green sparks was interrupted as Tick-Tok grabbed her, lifted her up and slammed her to the ground with earth shattering force.
"Are you beginning to see the power of the Council?" Helsinger yelled over the newly forming steam vents, "Are you beginning to see mine!?"
Punching into the ground with both fists, Helsinger pulled a chunk out of the ground.
Blood Wolffe pointed his arm at him. It was shaking with energy now. Just before he released it the earth collapsed beneath him, causing him to miss.
Captain Neem saw him dissappear as steam shot up and more earth dissappeared into the depths below. He raced over to where he was to find Blood Wolffe hanging onto a shaky ledge.
"Grab my hand!" He yelled.
Blood Wolffe did, but suddenly yanked on Neem's arm to pull him over the edge. Neem looked up in surprise as the boulder Helsinger was holding bounced off the edge and tumbled into the darkness. Exactly where he was just a moment ago.
"I thought you..."
Blood Wolffe sneered, "If I was trying to do that I wouldnt throw you off a cliff. Now fly us out of here."
All around them the earth was crumbling away, giant vents of steam shot violently into the sky, and Helsinger along with Tick-Tok were overwhelming in strength.
Tigonus attacked Tick-Tok with a furious roar, his powerful energy strikes knocking his head side to side with each blow. When he paused for a moment Tick-Tok realigned his head then blasted Tigonus with a powerful burst of energy, hitting him with enough force to fling him to the ground. Xyfen took the opportunity to run up to him with electrically charged fists and slam him with his fist. Electricity arced in all directions but Tick-Tok just knocked him away with a sweeping motion with the back of his forearm.
"This is impossible!" Mister H said after his sword merely bounced off of Tick-Tok.
Steele Magnolia looked around. Her metal was going to be the death of everyone here. More importantly their mission would fail, and what then? Thoughts of The Center ruling the world with an iron fist creeped into her mind.
"Focus your attacks! Dont charge them by yourself!" She yelled as she pelted Helsinger with a hail of bullets.
"You are mine!" Helsinger said through his teeth to Steele.
"No. You are mine." 2020 Vision said.
"Very well." Helsinger replied smiling and extending his small fist spikes a little further. They looked like hundreds of needles.
"No Michael do-" Steele was interrupted by Tick-Tok who punched her in the stomach. If it werent for her Jadenium armor he would have punched right through her. Eternal Twilight ran up and gave a leaping kick to Tick-Tok's head. It had little effect and Tick-Tok struck him back, sending him flying into a large rock. Hippie Mage immediately ran up to him.
"You okay man?"
"Im okay, thanks bud."
"I have waited years to kill you Helsinger." Michael said, steam shooting up behind him.
"I will enjoy this." Helsinger growled.
Steele Magnolia yelled, "Run Michael!"
She was on her back and Tick-Tok stood over her now. He reached down and grabbed her by her sides and started squeezing like a hydraulic press. She screamed as her armor slowly started to push in on her.
As Tick-Tok pressed in on her, Helsinger had Michael on his back and was slowly pushing his fists toward Michaels chest. Holding him back by the wrists Michael struggled to keep him back but was losing the battle. The burnt, mangled flesh hanging off of Helsinger made him look like a monster. Michael looked at his arms to see tracks of light green spider-web down his arms. He started feeling weaker.
Acier leapt on Tick-Tok and was trying to pry him away but could do nothing.
"Larry. Its me, Helen! I know somewhere, you are in there. Remember Larry. You are a son to me."
Tick-Tok stopped suddenly. Out of the pack on her back, he saw the corner of a flag sticking out. He let go of Helen and reached for the flag. He held it in his hands. The only sound he made was the heavy breathing from his respirators.
He gently handed her back the flag.
"...I... Remember." Larry said.
"Now you die!" Helsinger said as he pushed one fist into Michael's chest. He twisted it, breaking off hundreds of tiny needles into his flesh. Michael howled in pain and couldnt hold Helsinger's other hand anymore. Just as Helsinger was about to stab him again Michael felt a sudden relief. He looked up to see Larry dragging Helsinger.
"What are you doing!? Let me go!" Helsinger yelled.
Larry kept dragging him back, closer to a slowly collapsing piece of earth. Helsinger threw his fists back into Larry's face, mishaping the metal parts with his force, but Larry would not stop for anything. When Larry was on the trembling earth he stopped, and even though he only whispered it, even though the steam roared all around them, Helen heard it.
"I love you mom. You were all always family."
Then the land collapsed, and the earth below them, Larry, and Helsinger dissappeared into the black abyss below.
Helen sat frozen, watching the empty space where Larry had just been. As the earth rumbled and began to collapse around her Captain Neem picked her up and carried her to safety.
Blood Wolffe and Lord Raymond grabbed Michael, "We have to go! NOW RUN!" They yelled as the last of the earth began to fall away. They ran, jumped, teleported, and flew to safety just as the last of their path fell away into nothing.
They had crossed the wasteland. -
Really good Blood Wolffe, no negative posts yet. Just dont get bigheaded or anything. That would suck.
[/ QUOTE ]
I guess I will cancel the statue request. Just got some rendering toys for my comp, maybe I will be able to do something with that... who knows. -
Kboc2... It may not be directly your fault, but I hate you. I just put over $300 dollars into software....
Oh well, I wanted the stuff anyways. Plus I have come into a surplus of money lately. Thanks for the links! I will have something in a few weeks posted I guess. -
Wow, all those programs are a big help. I wanted to do a digital render of my character, but had no idea where to get that kind of software. I will have to get some of those programs. Are they downloadable or do they send you the box if you buy them?
Can you steal that quote? Of course! I would consider it a great compliment. Besides, Steele said it.
XVII. Old Friends
The Vampires had said their words and touched on each hero's forehead of the Ring with their sacred oils. The ones who believed or got their powers from magic sat quietly and humbly received the gift from the vampires. The ones who did not believe in it remained respectfully silent, after all, it
couldnt hurt.
Although Lord Mordachai moved slowly and every move made his rusted armor moan in protest he moved gracefully, standing up from his throne. He looked very young, but only on the surface. His face was pained with thousands of
years of experience, he had watched empires rise and fall. Tyrants come and go. But this new empire and tyrant concerned him. He could always rest assured that the previous ones would fall before stepping outside their
boundaries. But this one was... different. Their leaders attitude was less ambition and more "business as usual" in his demeanor. Maybe he was getting old.
"The ritual is finished." Lord Mordachai said, "You should leave soon, you dont have much time before the path becomes too unstable."
"Thank you Lord Mordachai." Captain Neem said, "We could use your skills in battle if you would like to join us."
"I am sorry. We may be helping you to correct an imbalance, but that is all the concern we will give to the troubles of mortals. You are on your own from here on." He said flatly.
Before long they were walking across the wasteland in the direction the
Vampires had said to go. The occasianal geyser of radioactive mist would
burst a few hundred yards away, but close enough to be unsettling.
Steele Magnolia, Captain Neem, and Lord Raymond led the group with Rose Cross and The Core Being close behind. Xyfen, Michael, and Tabby Cat walked close together. As did Eternal Twilight, Hippie Mage, Mister H, Tigonus, Pandora and Etherburn. They had become good friends since they met on their
way to Baltimore. Although Eternal Twilight never stopped being amazed at how Hippie Mage could unwittingly push his buttons.
Blood Wolffe hung out in the back, not because he felt left out, but that he had too since he would wander off the path they gave them to follow with no eyes to watch where he was going. It also gave him a good opportunity to feel out everybody else. Occasionally someone would go back and talk to him for a little while too.
Tigonus, seeing a fellow animal spirit was probably the most willing to hang back and talk to the new one. Even if he didnt look that much like a wolf.
"How are you doing back here?" Tigonus said. The terrain was rough and hard to navigate as it was.
"I manage..." Blood Wolffe replied, "So whats your story?"
"Me? Im not from around here, thats for sure." He said with a smile.
"From another world. Had to leave home and this was such a nice place before everything happened, that I couldnt leave it. I decided this is my home, this is where my family is and now that I am strong enough I will protect it. I wont let what happened to my last home happen to this one." Tigonus said with a quiet, yet fierce determination.
Tigonus looked out over the vast desert spitting its green gases occassionally. A little more than the last time he looked.
I just want a safe home.
He thought as he fought away a tear.
It had been a long time since any of them had been home and they all thought of it at some point. Lord Raymond had been away from his family for the longest. Since he had been banished from England by his own family he hadnt seen them. He still loved them and wondered where they were now. Hopefully they were alive.
Helsinger and Tick-Tok sat in the Captain's ship, which was closing in on their last known location.
Tick-Tok would be a great weapon against them. Helsinger had personally made sure that he would be recognizable yet horrific. He told the scientists to make him look like a monster. The metal parts, punching gruesomely into his flesh and scarred his body. The only thing that remained relatively untouched was his face, it had thick scars on it from the insertion of the jadenium plating. The flesh around the metal parts and plating had swollen, making it look like the metal was constantly pushing in. He had several tubes that went into his throat to maximize his oxygen intake, making his breathing sound labored and wet.
Tick-Tok stared out the window the whole time. It peaked Helsinger's curiousity.
"What are you thinking about Tick-Tok?"
He continued to stare out the window as he answered with an almost gargling voice, "Council... Family... Are you... faithful?" He droned.
He had not been the same since The Center had personally talked to him. It made even Helsinger shudder to think of what he had done to him.
"Yes I am Tick-Tok. Dont question me again. We are almost there." He said, extending his tiny spikes from his fist, a new toy from R&D.
"Only about another six miles." Captain Neem said.
He had flown up to get a bird's eye view, and could see where the wasteland ended and the wilderness began. They would be able to skirt around most of that though, fortunately.
Captain Neem flew down to once again join the rest of the group.
"How are they doing Steele?"
"They are uncomfortable. The tension between you and Blood Wolffe is not good for the team. You two have some issues you need to work out."
Lord Raymond chimed in, "She is correct. For the safety of the group you must resolve your issues. Even if you have to admit you are wrong, whether it is true or not."
Captain Neem looked at the ground. He was genuinely angry at them for bringing it up, but they had a point.
"Was I wrong to do what I did?" Captain Neem asked.
"Yes, but we understand why you did it. He was wrong, but we understand why he did it. Which is what you have to do for each other and the team." Lord Raymond said.
Captain Neem put it off as long as he could, and would never consider what they suggested if he didnt need to but it had to be done. They couldnt run away from each other forever so he slowed his pace to let the rest of the group pass him by.
"That reminds me." Steele said. "Michael, come here." She called.
Michael trotted up to her and walked by her side.
He looks so much like David.
She thought.
"Yes mom?"
"I am not really comfortable with you being around Blood Wolffe. Why do you do it anyways?"
"I heard he could see what kind of person you are. I just wanted to know if I was a good person."
Helen was troubled by her son's inner demons. The fact that he was keeping them to himself made her worry. It was unhealthy.
"I can tell you that you are a good person Michael. Whatever happened in the past is in the past. If you live there you will never be stronger than who you were." She said.
"Thank you Mom." Michael said as he continued walking on silently.
Captain Neem had slowed and Blood Wolffe and Tigonus were approaching. As he came near Tigonus made an excuse to leave the two alone and quickened his pace.
Blood Wolffe's expression changed from light hearted to more serious as he caught Captain Neem's scent.
Captain Neem started.
"Before you say anything, I am here not to apologize, but to get to where we understand each other. Can we do that?"
"Yes. I am willing." Blood Wolffe said.
Hard part was over. Now for the hardest part.
"When you killed my Uncle, I was angry that you killed my family member, but that wasnt it. It was a large part of it but that wasnt it. He was distant and I knew he wasnt a good person. The worst part was that I had worked with you to be a better person, to fit in more with society as best we can. You found out he was my Uncle and used me to get to him. I put so much faith into you and... it hurt when you did that."
Blood Wolffe looked remorseful for what he did for the first time. He didnt want to hurt him. That wasnt something a pack member did to another. But there was still what Neem did to him.
"I... understand why you did it." Blood Wolffe said, "You know what he did to me though.... Still." Blood Wolffe surrendered his words.
"When you put me in the arena, in the cage, I think you did it because it was the closest thing to being back in that facility as you could get me. Or was it so you could forget about me?"
Pangs of guilt ran through Captain Neem now. He didnt know how rough it was going to be for him.
"It made it easier to... not think about you. I didnt think it was going to be as bad as it was. I get why you feel the way you do. I am sorry about your eyes."
There was a long awkward silence between them. But no apologies.
"Okay, so a truce?" Captain Neem asked.
"Shake my hand then, partner." Captain Neem said awkwardly holding out his hand.
Blood Wolffe started to reach for his hand but suddenly froze. Captain Neem looked down at the stopped hand then to Blood Wolffe's face to see he was growling and facing the sky. He turned around and saw that Tigonus was bristled up and looking up in the same direction. They could sense the quick approach of something not friendly.
Captain Neem alerted everyone and they got into tactical positions, ready for whatever was coming.
The noise was quiet at first, getting progressively louder until it was obvious what it was. As the Hover Jet decloaked and landed they could here Steele Magnolia chamber a round. The ramp from the bottom of the ship lowered slowly with a smiling Captain Helsinger standing on it. When it stopped he spoke.
"Greetings Ring of Resistence. It looks like you have one new member and are short one old."
Steele Magnolia squeezed the trigger, but not before Lord Raymond put his behind the trigger, so it couldnt be depressed all the way to fire yet. They had to do this in an organized effort. Personal vendettas divided them.
Helsinger looked directly at her and Michael, "Hello you two." He smiled, "Everyone, meet the new, and improved Tick-Tok."
From the back of the ramp the could here metal clank against metal slowly coming towards them, revealing a mutilated young man with robotic arms and legs covered in sharp edges with metal plates over various other parts of him, the flesh swollen and scarred around the green metal Helen had developed so long ago.
"Larry?" Lord Raymond said with shock on his face.
Tick-Tok answered by slowly scanning the group, motors whirring as he did and the slow, gargling, labored breath that came from the rebreather tubes protruding from his neck.
"Destroy them Tick-Tok."
With labor he gurgled out "Yessss.... Massster." -
Hey everybody,
Well I was over everything a few days ago, but couldnt post because of the long board downtime. I will post the chapter tomorrow after wrapping it up. In the mean time check out Blood Wolffe by Celtic Bolt. I was very pleased with the results. -
Good picture Xyfen. I like it.
Unfortunately it may be a few days extra till the next chapter. My dog just died back home, which may not seem like a big deal to some but she was family to me, and at work things are just ridiculously overwhelming right now with a semi annual inspection at half the man power we should have. I feel the story has suffered from it. Things are going to get better soon and the next one should be up within a week though. I will still be playing the game and on the forums, not as much, if you are on Freedom look up Blood Wolffe(36), Virtue- Paul Barer(17), or Protector- Atheum(15). They are all willing to team and just looking for a good time.
Blood Wolffe -
Blood Wolffe looks at the other responses....
"Not one color mentioned yet? Those are all shades. The closest one to a color is smidgen. Anyways mine is red. The color of blood... fresh blood." -
((Ta da! Thanks for the writing program. I will use it. But for this story I think I will stick to the method I am using now. Kind of proud of the fact that I am just making it all at once and then giving it too you. It is fun this way too.))
XVI. The Truth Gets Out There
Lord Mordachai was a gracious host to the Ring of Resistance. They were provided with living quarters and all the necessary facilities and supplies while they waited for the scholars to decipher the incantations. Although they were assured that no vampires would try to feed on them there were occasional hungry stares from some of the more shifty ones.
The underground cave turned out to be an extremely complex lair, complete with private rooms, hospitals, plumbing, and libraries.
In one library was Helen. The vampires had aquired some rather interesting books of science after the war, probably from the old Crey facilities that were spared from the Council's wrath, and even a few Council projects. Some of it she already knew but read anyways to keep her wits sharp. Some of it was rather disturbing, based on torturous studies of subjects.
She was progressing along quite well by herself in the library, only a candle to keep her company when she heard the subtle noise of someone approaching slowly.
She looked down the dark passageway lined with books new and old.
"Hello?" She asked the darkness, only to be answered by her own echo.
She immediately regretted saying "Hello" as all it accomplished was make her presence being known all the more concrete. A slight wind blew against her with a chill and slowly snuffed her companion out.
"Damn candle, where are my matches?" She whispered.
After finding them she struck the match, causing a momentary spark. In the flash of light she saw the face of a vampire directly in front of her before the darkness enveloped her again.
She screamed and fumbled with the match as the vampire spoke.
"I have not fed for almost a year. Mordachai can only keep the sheep safe for so long."
Helen was panicing, trying to get the match to light as she heard scrambling feet as the vampire positioned himself for attack. The match finally caught and she lit the candle. Again the vampire was in front of her, but this time he had a look of surprise on his face, looking up past her. A fist came from behind her and the vampire was sent back to the floor. She turned around to find Michael. He stared at the vampire with fury in his eyes.
"Stay away from my family. Touch anyone of us and I will kill you." He said
The vampire started to get up but was halted by the sword of another running through him.
"Nothing more than a parasite." Another man said with disguist.
"Who are you?" Michael said, eyeing the man suspicously.
"BloodFang. One of the vampires. You would be wise to take more caution. Not all of us are here for the greater good unfortunately. I was assigned to make sure you all stay safe. Are you two going to be alright to get back to your friends while I tell Lord Mordachai who has been dispatched of?"
They both nodded and BloodFang left. Michael walked his mother back to the area where the Ring's rooms were. A few of them were milling about talking to each other. Michael noticed Blood Wolffe facing their direction as he went into a more private room.
"Mom, are you ok from here? I would like to talk to Blood Wolffe."
"I will be fine, you go ahead." She said.
Michael slowly entered the room halfway until he was waved in. Michael came in and shut the door behind him. Helen normally would not eavesdrop but she didnt trust anyone Captain Neem didnt trust. Let alone someone who had such a bad history with Neem.
Michael made some awkward conversation for an icebreaker, "Whats that from?" He said pointing at the bite mark scars around Blood Wolffe's cheeks, then realized Blood couldnt see where he was pointing, "On your cheeks?"
He snickered at Michael, "Birthmark. Is that what you came to see me about?"
Michael hesitated again, "Something has been eating at me since I met you. I know you cant give me that gaze, but if you could see into somebody's character like that you must be able to somewhat sense it, right?"
Blood Wolffe gave him a confused expression, "You dont need me to tell you what kind of person you are. Why does it matter so much to you?"
Michael hesitated, "I... I have somewhat of a past that I am not proud of."
"Is that it?" Blood replied. "Listen, I can tell that you have your priorities right, for the most part. Whatever happened in the past is just that. You can let that define you or you can learn from it and become a stronger person. I know you care for your pack, er, family. Thats what is important, thats what lasts forever... Most of the time." He paused for a moment, "So to answer your question, you are a good person."
From her listening post outside, Helen kept thinking of how the history of Captain Neem and his once-friend had ended so badly as she watched him from the opposite end of the cave talking to Lord Raymond and Tigonus. Captain Neem had mentioned briefly once that he was betrayed by him and that made her not trust Blood Wolffe. Then when he threatened Michael in the arena she immediately had contempt for him. As threatening her son in front of her should.
Michael saw a similiar trait in him though. They were the only ones who werent all buddy-buddy with Neem. Michael saw a possible ally, but wanted to know why. He would greedily soak in any Neem-bashing. A result of Neem pushing him unnecessarily as he saw it.
"What happened between you and Captain Neem?" Michael asked suddenly.
"You catch on quick. Lets just say, we are both guilty. Apparently he isnt ready to admit that, so thats all I will say for now... But you might find out more if you looked into the W.R.A.P. program that Crey tried, if you can find anything on it."
Michael was somewhat dissappointed in his response, but would unlikely get anything else out of him, so he said his goodnight and exited. An clandestine program by a Corporation that didnt exist anymore was not a promising lead. Helen managed to hide before he exited to keep him from knowing she was spying. She felt guilty for doing it, but at the same time it was a necessary evil. She would not let Blood Wolffe do the same thing to Michael he did to Neem. She would have to find out what happened between those two, she thought as she silently stealthed away from the room Blood Wolffe was in.
"Hear anything interesting Steele?" He muttered to himself.
The Center looked up at the massive machine that was already more than half finished from a steel grate walkway. Requiem stood next to him with his hands behind his back, at ease.
The machine was awe-inspiring. Even Requiem was taken aback. Any skyscraper would be hard pressed to challenge its height.
"We are ahead of schedule Sir. At this rate we should be done in a year or so. I understand it is important, but why move so many troops to defend this base sir? Isnt it a bit risky weakening our other positions so much?"
The Center didnt move, just continued staring up at the massive goliath of a thing, several glints of welders busy at work all over it.
"Because when this is completed I will not need an army."
Hours of searching through the library (this time with Tigonus and Tabby Cat) yielded nothing on WRAP to Helen. It was time to go to Captain Neem. If anyone could get it out of him it was her.
As she approached Neem she took a deep breath for courage. She thought about how to approach it for a moment before settling on diving head first. She never was one for beating around the bush.
"Captain Neem, I have to know. What happened between you and Blood Wolffe?"
"Helen, please. I do not want to talk about this." Captain Neem said back.
"Why not Neem? You dont want them to know I'm not the badguy you make me out to be?"
Helen and Neem turned to find Blood Wolffe leaning against a wall with his arms crossed.
"First off, you are worse than I made you out to be. What makes you think they would take your side anyways?"
"Lets find out Neem. You start, or I will. Im tired of this."
Captain Neem glared at him and gave a sigh, "Okay, you wanna play hardball, you got it." By now most of the Ring was there. Not much to do in a cave.
"A long time ago, I met Blood Wolffe in King's Row. He was nothing more than an animal on a rampage. I was going to arrest him, but I saw potential. I taught him how to be civil. We got close, like family. Then one day he finds out that my Uncle worked for Crey and he killed him. You knew he was my family. I practically begged you not to do it but you attacked me then murdered him." Captain Neem said angrily.
The Ring turned to Blood Wolffe with judgemental stares.
"He was the one. He tortured me for twenty years in a lab with his experiments to turn me into a weapon. When I failed the WRAP program he shot me and dumped my body in the woods to rot. You expected me to let that go? Besides... You got me back. Real good too. Why dont you tell them how you did that."
Captain Neem remained silent.
"Fine. I will." Blood Wolffe said to the audience, "A few years after the Cleansing he found me bleeding from a bullet to the temple and barely alive. He took me to the Gone City and gave me to the arena." Blood Wolffe turned back to Neem, "I dont think you wanted me dead either. Just to be a caged animal. You knew I have the spirit of a wolf, you knew it would kill me from the inside out. I may have deserved what I got but the price I paid was worth it."
Captain Neem was furious now.
"Thats what I cant stand about you Blood. You always oversimplify it. It wasnt just that it was my family. You were my friend, my brother. I put so much into getting you to see that you didnt have to kill. You didnt have to be an animal. You used me to keep the heat off you while you hunted your prey. Thats all you do, is hunt your prey and kill it, then move on to the next one. That is not a pack member. That is a back-stabbing *******."
"Well you certainly proved the better man Neem!" Blood Wolffe said sarcastically.
No one had noticed the scholar vampire come in. Not until he hesitantly interrupted.
"E-Excuse me?" The elderly vampire said.
"What!?" Neem and Blood both yelled at the same time.
"The incantations have been completely translated. Lord Mordachai requests your presence and then you will have to leave to catch your window for safe passage across the wasteland."
((Glad to finally get all that is between Blood Wolffe and Captain Neem out there. Up to you who is more right or wrong. Personally I feel they were both just as guilty. Also had to speed up the Machine's progress. Can you say "Cop out"? The Rind doesnt really need any more delays.)) -
That guy with the tattoos has an energy sword... I want an energy sword.
No I havent started it yet. But fear not. That is because I hit reply, write the chapter, give it a once-over and post. I dont have the luxury of Microsoft Word so I have to work out the story in my head and as I am writing it.
(Okay, you all have suffered enough. Thanks for the compliment EmeraldField)
XV. The Gate Keepers
The Ring of Resistance huddled inside a the ruins of a toppled building, warming themselves by a fire as the smoke wafted slowly out the broken window facing the sky. It was a surreal scene, as they sat on the wall looked to their left and right at the floor and ceiling, and all the furniture and loose items broken and piled against a wall. They had not spoken a word since they broke Blood Wolffe out a few hours ago. They had to be discreet as Winston hired some bounty hunters to get back one of his biggest money makers.
Blood Wolffe was the first to speak up.
"What exactly do you need me for anyways?" He asked.
"The Council is making some kind of super weapon. We dont know what it does, or even if it is real. But we have to do something. We got some information that it is in the Council's main base. You are the only one I know that has ever even seen it, let alone been inside." Captain Neem said.
"That means we have to leave the city. Which means we have to cross the wasteland. Where is your vehicle, you must have had one to cross it since you dont all fly?"
"Vehicle's wasted. Crash landed here." Eternal Twilight said.
"You have no vehicle? Let me get this straight. You are trying to fight the strongest army in the world by trying to destroy a machine that you arent sure exists, in a base that you dont know the location of, and you got yourself stuck in the theives' den which is surrounded by hundreds of miles of impassable land?" Blood Wolffe asked.
"And we're following the blind man to the base." Mister H said.
Blood Wolffe nodded at the forgotten detail. "To get out of this city you need either a vehicle that flies, which is preferable, or you can go south. There is Lord Mordachai and his vampire clan. They know the only way to cross it. But I have to warn you. Not everyone who goes to them to cross it lives. Some end up their food."
"Can we fix Irene? Acier? Techsupport?" Steele Magnolia said.
"Nope." Techsupport said
"Even if we could, it would probably get scavenged apart faster than we could build it." Acier said.
"Okay, we will go to the vampires." Steele said.
They waited for a few hours until they left to head south for the vampires.
A bounty hunter hired by Winston was hot on the trail of the Circle of Thorns who took Mad Dog. He knelt on the ground, and looked up to the direction their tracks led. As he started in their direction a man stepped out from behind a building.
"Who the hell are you?" he said as he pulled out his shotgun and pointed it at his chest.
"I am Metal Wolffe. I will not let you get anywhere near the people you are after. If you want to live, just go home and forget about this job. I am being generous with you, take the offer, or I will make an example out of you."
The bounty hunter looked like he was considering the offer while he pointed the shotgun at him.
"Nah, I think I will just shoot you." he said as he pumped the round into the chamber and blasted Metal Wolffe with 12 guage .00 buckshot.
The bullet sized pellets peppered Metal Wolffe and he fell down, blood spraying from the wounds.
"Everybody's a tough guy till someone backs their word up." The Bounty Hunter sighed as he rested the shotgun against his shoulder.
He walked over to the corpse to see if he could get anything of worth. At the very least his boots could be sold. Looking over the body he noticed a lack of blood, and wounds. Metal Wolffe snapped his eyes open and looked at the man, morphed his appearance and said,
"Everybody's a tough guy until someone backs their word up."
The bounty hunter stumbled back and pumped another round into his shotgun. He fired three more rounds into Metal Wolffe. The rounds again peppered him but they healed instantly as Metal Wolffe got up and started walking towards the bounty hunter.
"I told you to go home. I told you I would make an example out of you if you didnt. I told you I was being generous. Why didnt you listen?" Metal Wolffe said.
He raised a hand to the bounty hunter.
A few moments later a scream could be heard in the city. A few hours later another team came to the same scene, on the same trail to the Circle of Thorns and saw the charred remains of some unknown, headless man, still steaming and holding a half melted shotgun strung up on a lightpost. They looked to the middle of the street and found the man's head on a steel pole.
"What the hell did that?" said one of the gritty men.
Another, older man looked at the body, "Plasma burns. Never seen 'em cover a body though, takes alot of energy just to fire one little plasma blast. Be careful. Spread out."
Requiem stormed down the hall, his medals jingling highlited his anger with each step. Scientists and guards dove to get out of his way as they stared in awe as he walked by. When he was this angry it meant someone was going to die usually. He angrily punched his code into the security panel on a lab door, ignoring the two guards on either side popping to attention and saluting him. Requiem walked inside to find Captain Helsinger watching over Tick-Tok, who was hooked up to wires that were monitoring his brain activity. Reading his mind.
A scientist who had not yet noticed Requiem spoke, "Minimal residual memory. No signs of any emotion. A high level of-"
"Get out." Requiem said to the scientist.
The man looked up with fear in his eyes, gave a quick "Yes sir." and quickly left them in privacy.
"I found out about your disc Helsinger. All of it. Do you realize you have given the enemy critical intel? You ought to be melted down into bullets for your treachery! Explain yourself!"
Captain Helsinger calmly turned to face Requiem, "You and I both know that they would have found out eventually Requiem. They would have went to get Blood Wolffe but we wouldnt know when. Since I have controlled that, we know where they are, where they are going, and where the one man who knows where the base is located is. It was necessary for the greater good. It also gives you the opportunity to use some of your favorite projects. Tell me you dont want to use the "pack". I will be leaving with my latest project soon to thin the herd and to lay down some psychological problems for the Ring of Resistance. I didnt tell them everything about it. Just enough to bring them out of hiding."
Requiem thought about what he said. He was right, they would have found out and then it would have been hell trying to find out where they were.
"You better watch yourself Helsinger. You are spinning out of control just to get to two insignifigant heroes. Go to far and The Center will crush you into a ball with a single thought. However, this will prove to be most interesting for my experiments. Metal Wolffe has been a great success as has the pack. After you are finished with your little project I want a full report on their direction, speed, location, and strength. I will send one of the other elites to intercept them."
"Yes, Requiem. As you wish." Captain Helsinger said.
The Ring of Resistance made it out of the city with nothing more than a few supplies packed into some backpacks they carried on their backs. They came to the top of a hill and looked over to see the cracked desert in front of them. Noxious, green gases spit up from between cracks at random intervals, and occasionally a patch of land would sink, then fall into blackness, followed by a green cloud shooting into the air. Sometimes a mass of land would rise quickly into the air, forming a new obstacle or path.
Blood Wolffe sniffed the air, "Their cave should be nearby... Over there." He said pointing at a large hole in the side of a cliff on the outskirts of cracked region of earth that expanded into the horizon.
"How can you do that?" Lord Raymond asked, "How have you survived fighting blind every day for years?"
"The other senses were already sharp when I lost my eyes. Beyond what science understands. Then they got sharper. I am sure Tigonus could tell you all about animal senses. I could tell you that Steele Magnolia has Hero 1's flag in her pack." Blood Wolffe said.
Captain Neem looked in surprise at Steele, "Where did you find it? I thought it was gone in the explosion."
Helen looked at the ground, "I found it on the ground. I am carrying it for Larry. I want to make sure it flies again."
"Me too." Captain Neem said putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
She smiled at him, taking comfort in his touch. Even though he had to reopen old wounds recently with someone who betrayed him, he was still a rock in a stormy sea.
"Lets see these vampires." Michael said as he stepped off toward the cave.
The rest stepped off as well.
A few feet into the cave was pitch black nothingness.
"Blood, we cant see anything. Little help?" Captain Neem said.
"Oh right. Sorry." He said as his hands burst into flames.
Some bats flew over their heads as the source of light startled them. The cave echoed every sound and its dark corners made it seem more and more like a bad idea to come here. They were making slow progress when Techsupport felt a presence behind him. He slowly turned around to find a vampire staring at him eye to eye, hanging upside down from the low ceiling.
"AAAAAGH!" He screamed as the vampire flipped over and landed on his feet.
The Vampire unsheathed a sword and pointed it at him.
"Who are you all and what do you want?" The vampire said.
Captain Neem spoke up, "We are the Ring of Resistance. We are trying to cross the wasteland and heard you knew the way."
He sheathed his sword, "Come with me."
They followed him into a large chamber where another vampire sat in medieval armor on a throne made from scavenged wreckage. Other vampires stood beside him, or were sitting in other parts of the cave. All were watching the newcomers.
"I am Lord Mordachai. I hear you wish to cross the wasteland? I am sorry to dissappoint you but there is no way across it. The path recently collapsed."
The group gave a collective, frustrated sigh.
"As it does every four years. It will be another four before it opens up again. Until then you will have to wait."
"If you live that long." Another vampire hungrily added.
Captain Neem ignored the vampire's comment, "We dont have that kind of time. I dont know if you heard of the Council's plans, but they are building a super weapon that will end the war in their favor. We only have a little less than three years. There has to be another way."
Lord Mordachai glared at the vampire that made the comment. "We know about the Council and their machine. We know that there is an imbalance right now that needs to be corrected."
"So you will help us?" Captain Neem said.
"Yes. But I can tell you now that The Center is too powerful for all of you. He will destroy you all with only his mind. We can give you protection with certain incantations and spells. But it will take time."
"How long?"
"Researching the incantations and spells will take a long time since they are so ancient, they are powerful yet sensitive to any error. One wrong syllable or artifact could result in less than desirable effects. A few months to get it right. You have to wait almost as long for another path to open up anyways."
They thought about it. If The Center was really as strong as they said he was then they needed all the help they could get.
"Okay." Captain Neem said.
He didnt like it. Everyday the Council was growing stronger and smarter. He wasnt sure if Helsinger's statement about the machine's completion time was accurate anymore, or if it was in the beginning even. It felt like they were running out of time. -
Butbutbut... What about my love scene?
I mean... He's like... 37 in this thread. Debonnaire, white-haired, good health and handshome in that Shean Connery shtyle ala Jamesh Bond... erm.. ok... So I exaggerate a little.
[/ QUOTE ]
My heart is pitter-pattering.... except, well, The Steele part of me sees that Neem Avatar and goes wild. Pandora is a single girl, 35, built like an athletic Marilyn Monroe....
[/ QUOTE ]
Im sorry. Was Fabio on the cover of this thread? Was the word Eternal, Embrace, or Fire in the title? I dont think so.
Anyways, the price the Ring will have to pay is high and more heroes will pay the ultimate price on their mission to stop the Center and his war-ending machine. Who will pay that price? What does the machine do? You will have to wait and see. I would put the machine's potential summed up into these words...
There will one day spring from the brain of science a machine or force so fearful in its potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled, and so abandon war forever.
- Thomas A. Edison
Except the man who controls it will use it. Next chapter coming soon. -
Tell you what Youko. You can be in the next one.
EDIT: That is Metal WOLFFE and Blood WOLFFE, Techsupport. You know this story could use another tragic loss of a hero.... -
I have a question. Do those programs allow you to replace character models with different ones like I have seen in other videos (I remember one where a guy bought a kronos titan suit, would like to know how he did that). If they dont, what program is it and how do I get it?
Those were Vampyri suped up with Vhaz medical technology. More examples of cross villian group pollonization are coming with what wiped Team 27.
For the longest time I thought [Metal] Wolffe was Blood Wolffe turned evil, guess I was wrong. Glad he is on our side. I wonder if I won my match...
[/ QUOTE ]
Congratulations. You are the first one to have figured it out. Or at least to tell me. I was intentionally trying to mislead. Did I fool anyone else? Now the question is, who is Metal Wolffe?
That was more a list of the top Battle Dome champions than a schedule. So you won many. -
((I may be "power-playing" with Blood Wolffe at a few moments, (not sure but covering my bases here.) but I think I earned it. 13 chapters of writing other character's strifes and not mine, try to tell me I havent. First and last time I promise. Stepping down from the defensive soap box for a second: This is the chapter I have been waiting to write. And gave an honorable mention....Shadez!))
XIV. Battle Dome
The Center sat in silence in the dark, looking at his black armor with its ornate golden trim and golden wreath that perched on his black helmet.
This thought still lingers in the back of my mind. I have crossed worlds and time, gaining absolute power. I have defeated the most powerful champions this world and all others have birthed. Yet this thought still lingers. Fear of a future which is dark even to me. I have not felt this in a thousand years. While I will throw away these feelings I will not be so foolish as to ignore it. I will send them a monster the likes of which they have never seen. One to eat their will. One of their own.
"Stay close everyone." Steele said quietly as they walked through what used to be Seel Canyon. They could feel they were being watched from the shadows and sometimes hear or see people eyeing them suspicously. The sky was black from the forever burning fires, and the night added to it's raven cloak even more. The charred buildings brought back a flood of memories to them all as the wind whistled through the holes and broken glass. When the wind went a particular course it gave a moan that sounded eerily familiar to them yet the memory was just out of reach.
They had been walking for a while now. None of the gangs would question the Circle of thorns members walking towards the Battle Dome. While other gangs had weakened or dissappeared entirely they remained as strong as ever. Not to be trifled with.
They heard the noise of the crowd before they saw it. The chants and roars of the crowd demanding death for their entertainment, the chears when they got it, and the boos when they lost their credits.
Then they saw it. The arena had been changed to suit the villianous styles and the atmosphere of impending death. All the statues of champions were knocked down. Replaced with bonfires creating an orange glow against the black sky. Spikes went up the sides and the dome with a hole at the top so no one would climb for a free show. As they approached they heard the mob of people create deep booms with their feet rythmicly and cheer on occasion.
As they approached the doors a greasy, grimy man spoke from behind a caged booth.
"fifty credits ta enta. Bets taken inside. Hurry up, cause a big match is comin up soon. They say this'll be the one that kills Mad Dog Scar."
Michael pulled out some money and presented it to the man. He returned a confused look.
"What's this? We take credits here. Thats outsider money. Worthless here."
Michael dropped his arm in disguist. "Well *****." he said.
Do we have to fight for every inch in this f*cking mess?
Captain Neem reached into his pocket and pulled out some strange chits.
"A new recruit... here are the credits. Say, you look like you could make for a nice shell. What do you think?" Captain Neem said, cocking his head concealed by his hood.
"N- No thank you. Just go on in please." The man said wide eyed.
Captain Neem nodded as the tall iron bolted doors slowly swung open.
"Where did you get those credits?" Steele asked.
"From when I was here last."
Captain Neem surprised her every day. He was so mysterious.
Michael upper cut the air and slapped his bicep giving the "up yours" signal and flipping him off as he walked in just to mess with the man.
"That was wee-uhd." the man said to himself.
The cheers got instantly louder as they entered at the base of the stands. People were shaking the chain link cage that surrounded the dirt floor arena. They looked up to see thousands of people all cheering on as a battle took place in the pit below.
They walked up to the cage in time to see one man in full armor cut the head off another. Another red stain made on the dirt floor. The crowd cheered louder as the man held up the loser's head.
"Ladies and gents! We have a WINNER! Turn in all winning chits to the bets office before tomorrow. Next is the fight you've been waiting for. Atheum versus Mad Dog Scar! Last call for bets!"
"Is Blood Wolffe even alive anymore?" Xyfen said.
"I hope so." Captain Neem said as he picked up a crumpled pamphlet from the ground.
He looked over the names.
"Walking Weapon... Shadez... Atheum... Mad Dog Scar... I dont see him on here, but Mad Dog's bio here sounds like him."
"Look! The match is beginning." Etherburn said.
"Here he is. The unstoppable Mad Dog Scar!"
The crowd rose with cheers and boos.
Two huge metal plates raised up with the sound of clinking chains echoing and a raggedy man with strapless goggles stepped out. He was 6'3, maybe 190 lbs. He had short but messy hair and an old shave. He wore only some tattered pants and leather boots revealing scars all over his body from countless battles in the dome.
"Are you sure its Blood Wolffe?" Steele said.
As he walked out he let out a primal howl, very similiar to a wolf's.
"Yup." Captain Neem said matter-of-factly.
"And now, the challenger. A god of war, an untouchable killing machine, Atheum!"
Atheum stepped out. He must have been ten feet tall and five feet wide. The hammer he carried was all steel. Even the handle, it must have weighed a 150 pounds and he lifted it up with a single hand over his head, showing off a great bulge of muscle you couldnt shoot through. He wore black shoulder plates, leather pants, steel spiked boots and a black metal helmet. All the metal must have been an inch thick.
Again, more cheers and boos.
"Good Lord! That is a man!?" Michael said.
"No more talk, now the fight for the championship begins!"
A loud buzzer sounded and Atheum ran towards his opponent screaming while Blood Wolffe jumped up into some rafters above.
"Come down and die like a man you coward!" Atheum boomed.
"Stay down there and die like an idiot." Blood Wolffe yelled back.
Atheum dropped his hammer with a loud thud and squatted down punching into the ground. He ripped up a piece of rock just underneath the dirt and pushed up with enough force to send it flying at Blood Wolffe. He moved gracefully, like a gymnast on uneven bars, to another rafter as the boulder collided sending the rafter back down to the dome floor, crashing loudly and shaking the ground.
Blood Wolffe returned fire with a volley of blasts of blue energy that exploded on and around Atheum shrouding him in a cloud of dust and debris. Atheum ran to the rafter, a large grid iron, as Blood Wolffe fired. As Blood Wolffe fired the rafter blew into smaller pieces. When the dust cleared Atheum had some scrapes but nothing of signifigance. He laughed as he picked up the brick sized chunks of metal and threw them up at him to knock him down.
Guess you're not as dumb as I thought. Too bad.
He leapt to some other rafters as Atheum chucked large pieces of steel fifty feet into the air as Blood Wolffe dodged them. He timed a jump so Atheum threw it straight up only to come straight back down and land right on the big brute's head.
The crowd burst into laughter as Blood Wolffe just embaressed Atheum and sent him into a rage. He wiped the blood from his eyes and threw the piece as hard as he could. Coming straight for his chest, Blood Wolffe tried to catch it like a baseball. It whistled through the air at him.
Bad idea.
It was like catching a rocket and Blood Wolffe didnt even slow it down. It knocked the wind out of him and sent him into the cage creating a visible dent in it, bouncing off and falling very ungracefully towards the earth.
The crowd cringed as they saw the catch and went wild at the action. Now it was a ground fight.
Blood Wolffe slowly got up to see this beast of a man standing over him. He quickly gave a powerful burst of energy at point blank immediately replied back with a right hook, sending Blood Wolffe cart wheeling then sliding for a good distance, kicking up a cloud of dust. Atheum went back and picked up his hammer.
"He is gonna kill him! We have to do something!" Tabby Cat said.
"If we do something this crowd will kill us all." Neem said.
They watched as Atheum walked up to Blood Wolffe, lying on his back. Atheum raised the hammer over his head and swung down. Just before he claimed victory Blood Wolffe put his hands in front of him and sent an energy blast to the hammer. Not only did it stop it but it sent the hammer back to greet Atheum in the face, knocking him back, now with a bleeding nose. He shook his head and looked where his Blood Wolffe was only to find empty space.
"Behind you."
Atheum spun around to see a Blood Wolffe charging up a blast. The energy's hiss became higher pitched until he released it. Smashing into Atheum and sending him to the cage, and partly through it.
The crowd was going crazy, and might become dangerous soon. Some of the ring started to look around for quick exits.
Atheum got up clutching his ribs. He was furious now and charged with his hammer screaming. Blood Wolffe shot him with several blasts, but it didnt even slow him down. He swung at Blood Wolffe.
"Oh shi-" He said as the hammer smashed his chest sending him up into the air then back down to the earth for what seemed like an eternity.
Now he clutched his chest, back on the ground again.
Atheum walked up to him. The crowd was chanting "KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM!"
Atheum held the hammer upside down, hovering it over Blood Wolffe.
"Your time is over Mad Dog Scar. Time for me to be the champion of the Battle Dome."
He began pushing down as Blood Wolffe pushed up with his hands against the large hammer head. Atheum was much stronger, but wouldnt kill him without putting some weight into it, so he leaned over the hammer.
Blood Wolffe felt the extra weight crushing down on him. Atheum looked down in confusion to see him smiling, baring those damned canine teeth of his.
He shot the hammer head with a powerful burst sending the shaft up like a bullet through Atheum's chest and out his shoulder.
The crowd gasped in surprise as Atheum stumbled back and the other man slowly got up.
Atheum looked down at his hammer and began to pull it back out.
"Oh no you dont." Blood Wolffe said.
He walked up to Atheum's side and placed a hand on either end of the hammer. Atheum looked at Blood Wolffe and screamed for a second as he pushed the hammer sending it skidding across the arena floor.
The crowd roared with their cheers as Blood Wolffe tiredly raised a fist in the air and looked down on his latest victim.
"Jesus. You are friends with this guy right Neem?" Xyfen said.
"Actually we hate each other." He said.
Blood Wolffe sniffed the air as the announcer spoke of the exciting battle, where to cash in, and other events coming up.
He turned his head to Captain Neem, then turned back and walked back towards the door he came in through.
They walked down into the basement where the cells were, looking for Blood Wolffe. Hundreds of cells lined the hallway as they walked down. Some were just normal men, captured and being prepared to be slain for amusement, the more talented ones had strange devices in them that prevented them from using their powers to escape.
"I dont like this place." Steele Magnolia said.
"Me neither." Said Tabby Cat.
"It reaks of death." Tigonus said.
They had told Winston they wanted to buy one of his gladiator's.
"Would ya like ta rent one of our fine young men, just for a few moments ladies?" Winston asked the women smiling.
"Ugh!" Steele said.
"I wanna see Mad Dog Scar, how much?" Captain Neem said.
"Not Cheap. I got every man who bet money on Atheum out for his blood."
"Here. This is all the credits I got." Said Neem.
"More." Winston said greedily.
Michael grabbed the man by his shirt, "How about we dont use you in one of our many, painful rituals?"
"This will do." Winston said quickly, taking the credits.
He brought them to a cell at the end of the hallway and banged his cell bars with a metal cane he walked with.
"I know."
"Leave." Captain Neem said to Winston menacingly.
"Alright, but if you do somethin ta him I'll have your head on a pike." Winston said. He wasnt kidding either when he left them some in private.
"Hello Blood Wolffe." Captain Neem said.
"Haven't heard that name in a while." Blood Wolffe said sitting down and facing away, "You are either here to kill me or... well I cant imagine why else you might be here."
Captain Neem sighed, "I need some information."
"I smell others. Women at that. Information comes with a price, and guessing by the size of your new crew it must be important."
The women of the group recoiled at the implications of his words.
"Quit f*cking around Blood, I need that information."
Blood Wolffe turned around with an angry look. Captain Neem looked at the scars on his face, the one on his temple from Requiem's bullet.
"You quit Neem! Just why would I give you anything after what you did to me? Did you tell them what you did? I bet you didnt. I know I deserve what I got but that doesnt change the fact that I hate you for what you did. You deserve to be in here with me... so about the cost of the info..." He said giving a sharp-toothed grin.
"Just give me the info Blood." Neem said frustrated.
"Just go to hell." Blood Wolffe said as he turned around and started to walk to the other side of his cell.
Captain Neem's face flinched with anger. "You can be part of a pack again."
Blood Wolffe stopped. "Last time you said that I ended up here."
"I need you Blood. I know you dont care but this is bigger than the both of us. Remember what you said about a wolf without a pack? Do you want to be a wolf again?"
Blood Wolffe was still facing away. "It's not like you can do any more damage. Death would be a relief now, is there chance of death?"
Captain Neem smiled "The better question is "Is there chance of survival?"
"I'm in."
Michael chimed in, "Give me the gaze of the wolf. I want the gaze Blood Wolffe."
"Ha! You want it kid? I dont think you do."
"Give me the gaze damnit! I came through hell to get it and I will."
Blood Wolffe spun around and ran up to the bars and pulled Michael's face real close to his.
"You haven't seen hell yet boy, but I can show you."
His large, sharp teeth showed a little as he spoke.
Steele Magnolia pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Blood Wolffe's head.
"Been there done that lady. Requiem put a bullet in my head. Guess it wasnt silver. Is yours?"
"Wanna find out?" Steele said pulling back the hammer.
"Relax. I am gonna give him what he wants." Blood Wolffe said as he turned back to Michael.
He removed his goggles to reveal to eyeless sockets. Michael recoiled in disguist. But got no gaze like he wanted.
"They ripped them out six years ago." He said letting go of Michael, "They took the wolf out of me." Blood Wolffe choked on the words as he sat down.
"Not completely, but they hurt him bad. I couldnt do anything to stop them from hurting my last friend... Have I paid enough now Captain?"
Captain Neem looked at him with pity for a moment, "Lets get him out of here.."
"Can you hear me?"
"What is your name?"
"I have none."
"Yes, you do. That isnt important right now though. The Center has high hopes for you, he is going to see you today and give you power like you have never seen before. Do you want that?"
"Who do you serve?"
"The Center, then The Council."
"Beautiful. Open your eyes Tick-Tok. You and I will be leaving soon to destroy the Ring of Resistance. Is that understood?"
"Yes Captain Helsinger."
Wow, those were some great compliments. Excuse me while I go deflate my head... You like that speech on a hero's burden Lord Raymond?
I am writing that chapter tomorrow.
[/ QUOTE ]
I will be the first to point out I missed that deadline. Sorry. Another upcoming inspection at work means everybody freaking out and I have to do the little puppet dance. I hate that stuff. Let that be a lesson to writers young and old. Set a deadline, and you will miss it. -
((I cant believe I forgot Xyfen when they were listing off the teams, I feel like an idiot. Sorry Xyfen, I have to review my notes more carefully. Better news, this one has a little preview at the end of the next chapter. I am only doing that though because I am writing that chapter tomorrow. So you dont have to wait too long for it.))
XIII. The Journey ahead
Dawn had come. Captain Neem had given the team as much time as he could comfortably. It was time to move on, away from here. Probably never to come back. For one reason or another.
"Everybody get up. It's time to go." He said with a tired voice.
Everyone was already awake. They couldnt sleep after the Council had been so close to them, had been in where they sleep and nearly killed them all. Everyone just looked around, as if to say "What's the point? Why fight when we cannot win?"
Captain Neem tried to think of something to comfort them, to rally them. He had no energy for this right now.
He leaned over to Lord Raymond and whispered, "I need your help. I... I dont know what to say to them."
Lord Raymond stood up and gave Neem a pat on the back. Turning to the group, he looked them over, gave pause to think for a moment, and spoke.
"I know you are all very upset, over the loss of a friend. That you are scared of the Council with their deep cut to us."
He looked at the eyes of the heroes, he could see that they were tired of fighting a losing war. He thought for another long moment.
"A wiser person than me once said, 'A sacred burden is this life ye bear: Look on it, lift it, bear it solemnly, Stand up and walk beneath it steadfastly. Fail not for sorrow, falter not for sin, But onward, upward, till the goal ye win.'
This burden, a hero's life, we all bear. Grieve for poor Larry, he was a young man and his death was tragic. But do not let his death be in vein. We must all bear the burden, and because of that we can look to each other for strength and support, sharing it when it becomes too heavy. That is our strength. You are all my brothers and sisters as I am your brother. When one of us is cut we all bleed. That is something that can never be taken from us, and the evils of this world, whatever they may be, will never know. The greater the burden, the stronger we must be, for each other.
I do not know what lays ahead of us except that it will be a very hard road to travel. If you want to join Captain Neem, Steele Magnolia, and I for what will be the hardest thing you will ever do, then come forward. If not, we can not force someone to be a hero and you may go to live the rest of your life without grief or danger. But I ask you this; If the heroes of this world aren't strong, who will be?"
Steele Magnolia, Lord Raymond, and Captain Neem stood, waiting to see what they would do as the remains of their home still smoldered behind them.
Xyfen stood up. "Whatever happens, wherever you go, I will follow. Whether the sky rains fiery carnage, or you go through the gates of hell itself. I will follow." He said as he walked over to them.
Etherburn and Eternal Twilight were next.
"It would be an honor to walk this road with you." Eternal said, looking over them as he clapped his hand down onto Lord Raymond's shoulder.
"My parents were great heroes, now it is my turn." Etherburn said with a smile.
Quickly, everyone got up in threes and fours to join them on their journey until they all were together, ready to fight the world and the heavens.
The leaders of the group had to fight from showing their emotions. They all had shown such courage. None of them deserved what they were about to endure.
"Very well." Steele said, "Who can fly this thing?"
The War Bird looked sleek and fast for its size. It had a turbine at the end of each wing. Two more turbines adorned the tail with a jet engine beneath it. Written on its side was "Irene". Larry's name for his most beloved project.
"I can." Michael said, "I am a little rusty but I can get it off the ground."
"Good, you will be the pilot. Everyone else, we leave in five minutes."
Everyone gathered what few things they had saved from the fire or found after. Including Michael, who grabbed a bag containing his pistol.
Michael sat in the pilot's seat looking at all the switches. Helen crouched through the small cockpit door and into one of the two seats that were for a co-pilot and for someone to give orders from.
"Where did you learn how to fly?" She asked.
"You know where mom. It was part of the Council's Elite Officer training. They dont have to know." He said.
She sat back, thinking about what they would do if they found out Michael was in the Council.
"Right." She said. There was not much else she could think of to say but she had to say something. "I love you Michael."
"Love you too mom." He said flipping some switches
The turbines started winding up and the rear ramp lowered to let in its passengers. The interior looked like a troop carrier. Seats were lined up side by side against the wall with straps to keep them in place. Thankfully, Larry had placed some supplies on the floor between the seats. Quite a few actually, the boxes stacked up to the ceiling and were securely strapped down.
Everyone piled into Irene and strapped themselves in for this prototype flying contraption built by a former clockwork to take off on its maiden voyage with a pilot they had never seen fly before and by his own admittance was "a little rusty". There was more than one person sweating just a little.
With everyone in the ramp closed and the jet roared to life. The turbines spun faster as Irene rocked off of the ground for a few seconds before unceremoniously thumping back to the ground.
"Sorry!" Michael said, turning to the wide-eyed heroes gripping their seats.
With a little more rocking Irene found her wings and took to the sky slowly at first, then soared off like a streak of lightning as the thrusters showed their muscle.
Helen looked out the co-pilot's window and Captain Neem leaned back in the other chair in the cockpit.
Are you watching Larry? I think you are. Look what your baby can do. Be proud.
"Be careful" Helsinger said, "Do not damage him. He must be perfect."
The zenith bots pulled away the wreckage of the base, revealing Tick-Tok's body. Gingerly, they picked him up and brought him to a clear tube-like case with padding inside, metal bands and an electronic monitoring system attached to the side. It opened up length wise to receive him and shut promptly after he was in. Captain Helsinger checked the electronic monitors to make sure everything was in order.
Helsinger looked up at the trail of ice their War Bird had left at high altitude.
"This is only the tip of the iceberg Dr. Markov. I cant wait for you to see the rest of my masterpiece."
They had crossed the wilderness and most of the wasteland without incident. While the wilderness looked like a beautiful forest, if they were lower in altitude they would see trees rocking back in forth from the movement of the things that lurked in it. As they crossed the wasteland, if they were lower in altitude, they would see the dangerous unpredictable earth, changing shape constantly. Paths would crumble into deep black fissures as toxic gasses spewed up and new ones would be formed just as fast.
"There it is." Michael said pointing into the horizon, "The Gone City."
They looked on in silence as they neared the ghost from their pasts. There were several plumes of smoke rising into the sky.
Mister H looked over Captain Neem's shoulder, "They are called The Fingers of Death. Those fires are always burning, just as death is always touching that city."
A chill ran down their spines.
Michael looked at Mister H, "You know, you can be a real downer sometimes."
"Ha! Well thats because I-"
A large boom rocked the plane and alarms started going off.
"What happened!?" Captain Neem yelled.
"We have incoming!" Michael yelled as he yanked the control and pulled the throttle.
Everyone braced themselves as they dived towards the earth like a rock with several alarms going off at once.
Sky raiders, who had gone from being elite mercenaries to another gang fighting for survival were after them.
Two more super skiffs fired their missiles at Irene. Michael twisted and turned the plane as the red buzzer light lit up.
He hit a switch labeled ECM that let loose a cloud of Electronic Counter Measures from the back of Irene. Distracted, the first missiles took the bait and exploded as they impacted the small drones. The explosion vibrated the plane with fiersome intensity, threatening to shake Irene apart right in mid-flight.
"I can lose them in the city." Michael yelled.
"Do it! Whatever it takes, do it!" Helen said, gritting her teeth and clenching her seat.
"I dont like this very much." Lord Raymond said. His stomach was anything but calm at the moment.
"Dont you puke on me." Eternal yelled back.
Michael made a sharp turn into the city. Buildings were zooming past them as Michael maneuvered with calm determination.
Another missile fired and locked onto Irene.
The buzzer screamed again. Michael hit the ECM button but there was none left.
"If that missile hits us there is no going down! We'll be pink foamy mist!" Michael yelled as he swerved Irene left and right.
"Open the rear hatch." Helen said.
He looked at her confused.
"Trust me."
"Go." Michael said.
She stumbled to the rear as Michael twisted Irene every way he could to buy more time. As the door opened all she could hear was the roar of the engine and air. She put her arm through one of the straps holding the supplies down and clicked her rifle to 'fire', then to 'auto'.
The door was open all the way now and she could see the missile coming at them. She squeezed the trigger and watched as the rounds zipped around the missile as she tried to aim in on it. Others got the idea and those who could fire, fired from their seats at the missile. There wasnt much hope to hit it, but it was all they could do. The wind whipped around them as they fired.
"Michael, straighten out!" Helen yelled to him.
He looked back at her, the missile, and at the screaming alarms telling him to do anything but straighten out as that would let the missile catch up to them.
"I trust you mom." He whispered as he leveled out.
It came so fast it was like they were standing still. Helen aimed in and fired. The Jadenium bullets pierced through it into the computer causing the missile to detonate immediately. It was so close it knocked Helen back to the cockpit with its explosion. She then almost immediately slid towards the back as Irene, now crippled, nose dived towards the earth. Before she slid out the back into emptiness she felt someone grab her.
Michael struggled to start Irene again, praying she still had some life left in her. The only alarm now was the descent alarm that kept getting louder and louder.
"Start Damnit!" Michael yelled as he punched the control panel.
As if acting on his demand, Irene sputtered to life and Michael yanked on the controls to pull up. Irene crashed into an old building, and was now sliding and spinning through the twentieth floor of an office. As the plane caught some firm ground it began to spin and tumble through towards the other side. Helen looked up to see Rose Cross and Tigonus had grabbed her, keeping her from plummeting to her death. They looked back at the world violently spinning around them.
Irene came to settle on the edge of the floor for a moment before falling out of the window of the twentieth floor to the ground. The thrusters had enough left in them to slow the fall, but they still hit the ground with a bone rattling crash that went through the street and into the sewers below.
The sky raiders, thinking they had blown up in the impact with the building moved on. They had better things to do than make sure of their kill. The other gangs would do that for them.
After a few minutes they slowly woke up and came to their senses. They groaned awake, muttering various obscenities and praises to the lord. The sound of metal crashing and settling into its final resting position filled the air for a moment.
"Is everyone okay?" Michael said back. He woke up looking at the sky as Irene's nose was almost pointing straight up.
Everybody gave a grunt, word, or thumbs up to signify that they were okay.
"Any landing you can walk away from, right?" Michael said with a smile on his face.
After they all got out of their seats and were coherent again Captain Neem spoke.
"Looks like we will be walking from here on out. Luckily Tick-Tok also put in some concealing clothes with the supplies. We will have to disguise ourselves, if they find out we are heroes here... well, it will get alot harder, thats for sure."
They changed into the clothes, which where hooded, brown robes that looked rather raggedy and smelled a little moldy.
"We look like a bunch of druids." Hippie Mage said.
"We look like a bunch of idiots." Eternal Twilight said.
"Where are we going to?" Tabby Cat asked.
Captain Neem looked back at the heroes and said with a grave tone, "To the Battle Dome."
A dirty old man with few teeth known as Winston walked up to a cell. He was the one in charge of the Battle Dome, and had become quite rich with its Gladiator-like spectacles of death. In all his time he had never seen anyone live so long as one man in particular. He didnt like it. The mob demanded everyone's eventual death, even the favorites. This one refused to die though. Even with their "special treatments".
"Its almost time, Mad Dog. Do you hear them chanting your name? They want your blood. This new one is a crowd favorite." Winston said with his british accent that made him seam just a little more bastardly.
"So was the last one, and all the ones before that."
This man is different. Eight feet tall, strong as an ox. Arms like tree trunks to swing around a hammer as big as your chest. He's got some hate in him." The man laughed with a hiss.
The speakers anounced the next fight. "Ladies and gents. Listen up! Cause the next fight is the one you've been waitin for. We got the reigning champion, undefeated with... uh... alot of kills under his belt, Mad Dog Scar!"
Half the crowd cheered and half booed as the final bets for the winner were placed.
"But we also got the latest and greatest, undefeated and unforgiving, the merciless murderer, the challenger, Atheum!"
Again, half the crowd cheered and half booed. The fight would begin soon, with more on the line than the credits wagered.
((If you were wondering who said that quote about life and burdens, it was Frances Anne Kemble.)) -
Awesome. Just awesome. Please continue. My favorite current story now.