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  1. Greetings Ex Libris,


    1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?

    My base will go from a 12x12 Plot to a 20x24 Plot. I will be able to add items and rooms I previously had no room for, (much less enough Prestige). The actual size of my base will double, and I will still have expansion room available on the 20x24 Plot. With the larger Plots in easier reach when needed.

    2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?

    Absolutely. All the way to the Entry Portal.

    3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?

    Approximately 24-72 hours, depending on how much I want to Decorate and Detail.

    4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?

    Positive: I think it puts everything in easier reach for those who do not have a hugely active Roster. It allows me to offer my members more funcionallity, and Decor.

    Negative: I have no negative concerns. The existing prices were not attainable for many groups.

    5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?

    Short Term: As stated, my base is about to double in size, and have functionallity I presently can not accomplish. (In the Short term).

    Long Term: Larger Plots, and crafted Items that we unlock from here on out will be affordable. It will allow me to actually have a "Maxed out" Base one day.


    1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?

    No one will want to store Invention Salvage in Base Storage because;
    a) They have no guarantee that it will be there when they return for it.
    b) Members will be using more Invention Salvage to complete their Dual-Build, and be selling the rest for the spiked prices that are very likely to occur at the BM due to Triple Demand for Invention Salvage.

    2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?

    Alot of the Salvage I used to just sell may be of use to improving my Base.

    3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?

    Not long at all.

    4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new salvage?

    As stated before, The BM prices on Invention Salvage are going to be raised drastically due to Triple Demand.

    Members are not going to feel comfortable leaving salvage they want to hang onto in "Public" Base Storage.

    Members may jump to the conclusion that the Base Architect took all the Base Salvage they had donated, and was in Storage when the change occured and sold it at the BM for a Profit for His/Herself.

    Base Architects will be torn between using Rare Salvage for Base Items, or for Recipes they need to craft for their builds. (The personal salvage they themselves would donate to the cause).

    5) What security concerns do you have regarging this change?

    There is no way of restricting access on Invention Storage to the person who put it in. Meaning, that whatever someone puts in will possibly not be there when they return for it.

    The Base Architect will have to use his Personal Salvage Vault Space to store Invention Salvage for Base Recipes he is working on, to insure that all the items he is gathering will still be there when he has the recipe complete.


    The limit of 18 Storage devices per base, and the Cap of 30 on the Invention Salvage Storage Racks does not allow adequate storage for Invention Salvage.

    All in all, I agree with all of the Base Changes except as noted above. I am eager for the Issue to Hit, so I can expand my Base!
  2. LOL, all of the above!

    And as mentioned, release more stuff that already exists; Council Base Decor, Long Bow Base Decor, and Sky-Raider Base Decor.

    Stairs of different heights, appearances and arrangements. (Goes back to multi-story complexes I guess).

    Cafeteria Decor; Serving line, Bufet tables, Dining utensiles, heck, everybody gotta eat.

    Just simple Kitchen Stuff, if the above is to much bother.

    Ditto the Weights/Training Room already mentioned.

    A Garden set, with natural wall, floor, and ceiling tiles to work with. No planters, but the plants themselves that can be placed. Benches as would be aesthetically pleasing in such a place, cobblestone walkways that can be placed, or floor tile arrangements to make it possible.

    More medical equipment for decor in the Medical Area of the Base; MRI, Cat-Scan, X-Ray equip, Nurses Station, Nurses?, Real Hospital Beds to choose from other that the Torture version offered now, X-Ray Lights both on and off, some blank, some displaying x-rays.

    Ditto on TV's that are not showing statistics and madical Info, and whatever else the ones now are showing.

    Sure I'll think of more.