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  1. cool! thnx for the help both!

    the actual prob is that that I didn't knew that small rooms canot accept an ancor.! thnx again for answering...
  2. Hi all...

    I'm really sorry if anyone else has already asked that question...but my search didn't have any results.

    Well... I'm a leader of an sg and we are trying to get our first IoP. I have obtained a raid teleporter, mission computer, vault with IoP base and already have 8 rooms.
    I tryied to put some anchors but exept transportation,control and energy rooms couldn't place them anywhere else. I know that vault and entrance rooms can't have anchors, but medbay and workshop ??? can't put there either.

    any suggestions???

    thank you...
  3. Hello...

    I wanted to know if there are any greeks in defiant as villains. Or even in other servers. Just PM me in greenglish if you like. I just write in english to be more polite.

    PM me to get to know each other....