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  1. Me Likey!
    Now how about some of those Advertising dollars get sent to make a commercial for NBC during Heroes?
    Target Market? Yes Please!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    thanks to the servers catching fire (or their hamsters escaping) and dumping both hotknife and butter offline at the same time, Hotknife is calling it quits for tonight after only and hour and a half. We are hoping to do the Cape Mish next week.

    btw, i sent meltdown the hotknife weekly update

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, at least I didn't miss much.
    Got caught working 100 miles south of home.
    Just got home 10 minutes ago.
    Sleepy time now.
  3. Don't worry, you weren't the only one who missed the clever filing system. Now about your TPS Reports.....

    Thanks for fixing it though.
  4. OK, I need all the Villain Static Team members to pay attention.
    The Enhancement tables in the base are divided by type. If you notice, each table has a color-coded banner above it.

    These banners are not just for show, they label what should be in each table. A Red D Banner over the Damage Table, Yellow A over the Accruacy Table, Light Blue E over the Endurance Table, Green H over the Healing Table, Purple D over the Defense/Resist Damage Table, and the Black M for Miscellaneous Table (which is everything else).

    Some people have just been putting stuff in a table till it fills up regardless of type. Please use the filing system provided, or I'll have to have a talk with you about your TPS Reports.

    Thanks Peeps!
    (And a Shout-out to Artic Quasar for giving me the idea from the Unleashed SG Base!)
  5. As I mentioned last week, I'll not be there this week. But, it looks like BrokenGoddess will be, if the schedule holds out.

    Also, I noticed y'all drained our stock of IOs in the tables. I made some more and put them in. And I'd appreciate those who said they'd like to help out make some lvl 25 IOs to prepare when everyone hits lvl 23.

    Also, let's hear everyones preference for IO Sets. We can't build it if you don't ask.

    Thanks all!
  6. Yeah we seemed to have a shorter run last night. Maybe because I was 15 minutes late, or maybe because we got our buts handed to us in a higher difficulty Mayhem. However, the difficulty was set lower on a 2nd run and we did just fine.

    I caught up pretty fast to the level range, and stayed on an extra hour after everyone left to get a little more. Although, I have a Freemasonry Special Ceremony to go to next week, so I'll miss again. But, I'll catch up.

    And the "Homework Assignment" is for everyone to go through the Invention Tutorial Arc. It's a boring little arc that we all agreed would just slow down the Wednesday Night Fights and we should just take care of it in our downtime.

    I got my travel power, as I assume alot of others did as well. Against my better judgment I chose Fly. It fit more with the character than Super Jump, although I would have rather had SJ. What Travel Powers did everyone else pick?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    To be fair to others I am on two Static (Weds Red/Thurs Blue), would love to run a third and will gladly take up the 8th spot if no one grabs its by Sunday. @Sir Quixotic "TBD" Elec/Elec Blaster. Please let me know by Sat Night so i may have one ready for Sunday.


    Sir Q

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There is a name for this new addiction you seem to have.
    Static Cling.
    Here, drink this. It'll help.
    *hands Sir Q a bottle of Fabric Softener*
  8. Also, tomorrow I will not be home in time for Static Team. So, Alpha Team will be 2 short.
    Sorry, but someone's got to take BG to the airport.
    And guess who drew the short straw?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I transferred 10 million inf to my brute, if you need some for crafting, let me know BA.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Someone's trying to jump ahead of us on Crafting Badges eh Beetle?

    But, seriously. If anyone wants to craft and put into the Enhancement tables in the base, go for it. Just build things you know we can use. a Stack of 15 Sleep IOs aren't as useful as you may think. I made 6 different tables to hold the Enhancements, and labeled the tables accordingly. Got the idea from the Unleashed Base (Thanks Arctic Quasar!) Damage Enhancements go in the table marked with a Red Banner with a D on it. Accuracy, marked with a Yellow Banner with an A on it, Healing, Green Banner with an H on it, End Reduction, Light Blue Banner with an E on it, Defense/Damage Resist, Purple Banner with a D on it, and all other Miscellaneous (Holds, Sleeps, Recharge, etc) the Black Banner with an M on it. Simple System, works good.

    But, it would be helpful if people would tell us what they would like to see in these tables.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Earthsmasher has issues accessing the forums, but he's a SG Mate of BA and myself we just haven't been able to catch up with him and let him know what's going on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, trust me. Once he finds out he's got a spot on the Beta Team, you'll hardly be able to keep him away! I was all over me when he first heard about the Static Team.

    And last night was faaaaaantastic. We got to Level 10/9 and got our Jet Packs. We ran the Mayhem twice because it was so much fun. I bumped the Difficulty on the missions to get the people focused (and ol' tactic I learned from iltat), and we started to come together nicely.

    The friendly rivalry with Beta Team is awesome too. Keeps us interested.

    Does Beta Team have any Masterminds? If so, I have some reciepes for Teen-Level IOs I can craft for you. I made a set for Wolfina already, and I'll be happy to make another set if you guys need it.

    I'll be farming some more cash and making IOs for us for the Teen Levels to start us off, so if anyone has any requests, let me know.
    Oh, and don't ask for Luck of the Gamblers or other Multi-Million infamy IOs. We are talking IOs in the 15-20 range. I'm not spending Millions so you can have an IO that you'll want to swap out in a month anyway. Be reasonable, and I'll get you an enhancement or two.

  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok 1st day out going to require a alt to take my place. Only thing I knew that would cause problem with 1 week has happened yesterday.

    My mom past away saturday from small cell bone cancer and lung cancer. So this week I will be travilling from my home in MN to CO.

    If I am able to get on wednesday I will but there is a good chance I wont on time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No Worries.
    Take care of yourself and your family. It's just a game. We all understand. The game is for fun, and help you unplug from daily life, not to interfere with it. Especially something as important as this.

    My thoughts are with you and your family during this very tough time. Cancer is no joke and goddess knows I've had alot of battles with it in my family, so I know how hard it is to deal with. May your strength be a overflowing well for yourself and those you care about in this time of sorrow.

    Take your time, We'll be here when you get back.
    We will see you soon.
  12. BTW Cim, I got a surprise for you in the Damage Enhancement Table in the base specifically for your MM. Check it out.

    I've been doing some crafting for the teams to help us out with IOs.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    i went ahead and created a "Wednesday Night Static Team" supergroup. i thought it would be cool to give us that label in-game. it will also give people who don't normally have access to the base editor a place to mess around. plus, it will be cool to watch it grow as we level up (everyone has all of the permissions). and with 14 people starting out, it'll grow really quick.

    i padded the group with alts and got us two tp pads (mercy and port oaks) and an enhancement storage bin.

    if we make a sg specifically for the wednesday night teams, it'll make keeping track of everyone a little easier. plus, we can always coalition with big bad and take advantage of their hospitality.

    i just figured that i set it up so we have the option. if we decide not to use it, there's nothing lost on my part

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Already ahead of you.
    We used an old Defunct SG of mine called "Big Bads".
    All of Alpha Team is in it except you. We just need to catch you online to invite your toon.
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now, that's a bit sexist.
    I know a girl that if you give her groceries, one of 2 things happens.
    Either it'll sit and eventually become smelly garbage.
    Or she'll try to cook, and she'll give me a 4 alarm fire.

    Now me, I'll give you a meal that will give you an orgasm.
    I don't know what's worse?
    Getting diaper rash, or treating it with vaseline. Icky.
    I've always hated petroleum jelly. There is something just.... wrong and unholy about that crap. It looks weird, smells wrong, and feels like alien snot.

    I'll not have it in my home.
    Best cure for diaper rash?

    And if I ever have to depend on someone else to clean that area of my body for me? I'll just shoot myself in the head and be done with it.
  16. I weep for the future.
    Wait a second.
    I'll be an old man in the future.
    And these kids will have to take care of me.
    I weep for me.
  17. Yeah, I dug through my messages, and saw that the Static Team first ran on March 29th, 2006.
    I can't believe it was THAT long ago.
  18. You know, we apparently have some other takers to the Wednesday Night Static Team.
    Looks like we have at least 4 more interested over the 8 we already have. I think it might be time to consider a Beta Team.

    To sign up for the Beta Team, please put the following information below: Your Global Handle, your Toon Name, Archetype and Powerset, and Level. Example:
    #0 - @JohnSmith - "Your Toon Here" Stalker Energy/Energy - Level 4

    You should be level 4 and assemble at Kalinda in Mercy for the Start of the Session. We are all gathered in the Big Bad's SG to allow ease of sharing resources (Enhancement, Inspirations, TP Pads, etc) Please send a tell to @BlackAmaranth or @Laughin' Jak to get an invite to the SG. And by all means, tell your friends! I'm not above making a Cappa Team!

    Beta Team Sign up
    #1 -
    #2 -
    #3 -
    #4 -
    #5 -
    #6 -
    #7 -
    #8 -

    Alpha Team
    1 - @BlackAmaranth "Angry Sysop" Elec/Inv Brute - Lvl 4
    2 - @cimmadif "Wolfinia" Necro/Dark MM - Level 4
    3 - @Jak O'Lantern "Black Jak" DM/Regen Stalker - Level 4
    4 - @BrokenGoddess "Fatale Burlesque" Elec/Kin Corrupter - Level 4
    5 - @Stray Kitten "Sinister Kitten" Sonic/Thermal Corruptor - Level 4
    6 - @necrof1m "Necrofira" Dark/Fire Brute - Level 4
    7 - @ Prvt. Slacker "Sandra FU " Fire/TA Dom - lvl 4
    8 - @El Idiota "Psychoponic" - Level 4 plant/psi dominator

    Come join the Villainy!
  19. Celebratory Run of Lady Grey TF for the 3 Static Toons, and Whoever wants to "Guest Star" on our last Hero Run starting in 10 minutes. Meet at Lady Grey. First Come, First Slotted!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Question for you all. I was doing a little reading on the LGTF and it says it takes 4-6 hours and another page says 2-4 hours. My question is this, since we normally play only 2-2 1/2 hours, how are we going to work this entire task force in?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Um, really big shoehorn?

    I think if we run on Heroic, and have a Kin, (or 2) and Stray on her Scrapper and a full team of 8, we can get it done before midnight.

    And I don't know about you, but I'm willing to loose some sleep this one time on our final hero run, just to make it an EPIC finish.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    1 - @BlackAmaranth "Angry Sysop" Elec/Inv Brute - Lvl 4
    2 - @cimmadif "Wolfinia" Necro/Dark MM - Level 4
    3 - @Jak O'Lantern "Black Jak" DM/Regen Stalker - Level 4
    4 - @BrokenGoddess "Fatale Burlesque" Elec/Kin Corrupter - Level 4
    5 - @Stray Kitten "Sinister Kitten" Sonic/Thermal Corruptor - Level 4
    6 - @necrof1m "Necrofira" Dark/Fire Brute - Level 4
    7 - @ Prvt. Slacker "Moo Shoe" Spine/DA Stalker -Lvl 4 or "Sandra FU " Fire/TA Dom - lvl 4
    8 - @El Idiota "Psychoponic" - Level 4 plant/psi dominator
    1st Alternate - @Earthsmasher
    2nd Alternate - @Murlon "Lava Rocks" - Level 4 Rock\Fire DOM

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love that you want to run with us, but someone already claimed "1st understudy" status. But, you have the 2nd alternate spot.

    The best thing I can say is, that we will not always have 8 people every week. Work, Illness, and other Real-Life stuff gets in the way. We normally look for more people to fill the slots and "Guest Star" on the team that week. If you are around, feel free to send one of us a msg and ask if we have room!
    If we got space, you got a team! (First come, First Sidekicked! )
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't take offense to it because well, I have no kids of my own but keep helping other people have their kids.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which is a wonderful and nobel thing to do.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are..... Are you talking about Sperm Donation?
  23. I know one female who wouldn't take offense to being called a baby factory.
    Of course, she has had 5 kids and she's only 28.
    So, if the shoe fits.....
  24. At first, it looked like we were going to be Brute heavy, now I'm thinking we are going to be Corrupter heavy. So the only thing that I am certain of, is that I am doing a horrible job of predicting what people want to make and play.

    So, Brute or Corrupter, make whatever you think you'll have more fun playing. The more fun you have, the more likely you'll stay with the group, so that's a big plus.

    2 Years ago, we started with 8 Heroes on our Static Team. We ended up with 3. I really don't want that to happen again. So anything I can do to keep everyone of the team, I will.
  25. The desired level is 4, and should be at the Beginning Fort in Mercy to start. Please rply and fill in your information on the list below if you are confirmed with a toon made and ready.

    1 - @BlackAmaranth "Angry Sysop" Elec/Inv Brute - Lvl 4
    2 - @cimmadif "Wolfinia" Necro/Dark MM - Level 4
    3 - @Jak O'Lantern "Black Jak" DM/Regen Stalker - Level 4
    4 - @BrokenGoddess "Fatale Burlesque" Elec/Kin Corrupter - Level 4
    5 -
    6 -
    7 -
    8 -