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  1. BlackAmaranth

    Thread Murderer?

    [ QUOTE ]

    Shows how different men and women are, I would have said:
    The Lake House
    Something's Gotta Give, and
    The Gift

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Time Traveling Mailboxes do not a good movie make.
    The other 2 I've never seen.
    I may be a man in touch with his sensitive side, but I'm still a man. And too many chick flicks, result in my balls they will take.

    Bill and Ted Excellent Adventure
    The Devils Advocate
    And just for bonus Points.....
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Can you enter one arc split into three parts?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I still believe you to be a sadist, Mr. Squid.
    Eleven Missions?
    That isn't a Mission Arc, that's a Career!
  3. BlackAmaranth

    Thread Murderer?

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    Sounds like a bad Keanu Reeves movie..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Even good Keanu Reeves movies sound like Bad Keanu Reeves Movies.
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    For those who don't know i like my villain arcs to feel villainous. Think Peter Themari and Westin Phipps. I wanna steal bodies, burn books, break peoples spirits and generally be a [censored]. A challenge and some humor are always a bonus but I'm tired of helping heroes and inadvertently making the world a better [censored] place.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They grow up so fast!
    *sniff, sniff*
    I'm so proud!
  5. BlackAmaranth

    Thread Murderer?


    But, StarkFist was having the affair with Col. Mustard, not me!
    Besides, my weapon of choice is sarcasm.
  6. BlackAmaranth

    Thread Murderer?

    OK, are there just a lack of people on the Forums today? Or am I really just killing threads left and right?
    I keep responding, but most of the threads I respond in, aren't getting any more posts.

  7. [ QUOTE ]
    11 - 3 so far tonight says otherwise.

    For meeting places, on Heroside, it'll be in Atlas unless we find major, major issues due to the AE building there. On Villainside, I would expect it to be in Mercy, but Jester'll make the final call for that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I say we mob the AE Building after the last contest. Jumping and flashing powers all over the place. And if anyone asks, just say that the building aggro-ed us......
    Or we blame Ping.
    That's what a good Pingu would do.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    How about this card: Powercolor ATI Radeon HD 4650 It's recommended for CoH on

    [/ QUOTE ]

    it is pce-ex and since you have a Gforce MX4 card you have an AGP slot so it will not work

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Also, don't buy Open Box.
    Someone else had their grubby hands all over it.
    And who knows what they may have done to it before you got it. For all you know they rubbed it all over a mexican pig then sent it back.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeeeeah. Nvidia Geforce 4 MX?
    After the Graphics update a few issues ago, that card JUST BARELY meets minimum requirements. In fact, I think they may have even removed it from thier list of compatible hardware.

    I'm guessing you have an AGP system (since I've never heard of a 4 MX in PCI-Express) I suggest an upgrade. go here and pick out a graphics card. EVEN THE LOWEST PRICED one in that list is better than the 4 MX.
    Of course, this one is probably the best bang for the buck and it will even fit if you have a low profile case.

    Trust me, skip a night or 2 of take-out or pizza for dinner and use that money to get a graphics card. You won't regret it!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, one review says that MMOs like WoW get blue screened.. Are you sure this is a good card/ do you use this card?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There is a big differance between WoW and City of Heroes. If only on a code level, the differance is like comparing apples and oranges they are both fruits, but that's where the similarities end. WoW and CoH are both MMOs, but that's where the similarities end.
    NC Soft usually recommends NVidia over ATI. (Look at the bottom of this page to see the NVidia recommended symbol) But, the Nvidia offerings in AGP flavor don't really compare to the 3450 or 3650. NVidia still sells some AGP stuff, but it's outdated. And the 3000 ATI Series is last gen offerings, but the NVidia AGPs are 3 generations out of date, and I wouldn't recommend any of them as a new purchase.

    I have a 3450 in my niece's computer, but it's not an ASUS brand, it's a VisionTek, and it does play CoH. I played it over there a couple times. I have a handful of gaming PCs at my house. My personal gaming machine runs a 4870 Radeon, My Backup and my Guest Gaming machines run 3850 Radeons and they all run VERY well. I haven't had any Graphics Card faulted crashes on CoH with these cards. Now, these are much higher powered cards than the 3450 I linked to, but they are built with the same "objective" in mind. The 3400 GPUs are just under-powered, lower wattage versions of the other 3000 series GPUs. The 3400 was originally designed for laptops, but it performed well enough for the entry level vid card market.
    However, if you want a desktop card that was originally meant to be a desktop card, which will naturally be a tad more expensive, and need a few more watts of power, but will yield better performance and more stable use, go for this 3650 instead of the 3450. It's $20 more, but I built a PC for a friend with the PCI Express version and it's solid as a rock.

    So. I have seen a 3450 in a light duty machine my niece has, and I have run CoH on it twice, and it's from a different vendor. But, I can't really vouch for it's performance and reliability. But, the 3650 I have bought, and installed in a gaming machine and seen it run CoH, Eve Online, and Star Wars Galaxies with no issues. So, I feel confident in vouching for the performance and reliability of that card.

    I hope this helps.

    P.S. The 4870 and the 2 3850 Video Cards I use are all ASUS Branded/Made and they are of high build and design quality. The Sapphire I installed seems to be of good quality too, but the heatsink and fan design of the ASUS cards seem to be engineered better. Just my personal views.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Well, I was the last one in the guild after i closed it down, and left my toons on it so LMC will live on forever

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So, is this thread a request for it to start back up or not?
    If so, then dust off the Base Telepads, fire up the Generator, and get those PvPers back in the group.
    If not.... Why are we talking about it?
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Children are a nemesis plot. Ash said so.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Parents are too.

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    Aunts and Uncles must be a Rikti Plot then.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Well atleast my Dell still runs CoX.

    Funny.. I posted this on the tech forums and got 8 hits in 4 days.. And I just posted this today and I got 4 hits in under 5 minutes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Championettes: Always willing to speak up, and shove our advice down your throat. Whether you like it or not.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    well if its going ... its lived a long life ... still going "Wow a gForce 4 MX, thats like so OLD'

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, you certainly squeezed, yanked, and choked ever last frame you could out of that card. It served ye well, time to give it a Soldiers' Burial with a 21 Pixel Salute.

  14. [ QUOTE ]

    Wow, I didn't realize the selection of AGP cards had gotten so piss-poor. Agree with the recommendation, although I wish the NVIDIA equivalent was still around.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    AGP, the Ex-Girlfriend that still thinks there is a chance you'll get back together. Even though you've fallen in love with PCI-Express. It's still around, but you kinda wish it wasn't, but at least it makes your present one look so much better by comparision.

    [ QUOTE ]

    EDIT: It takes a Molex, just to clarify. He'd have to already have his system quite stretched, power-wise, for this to be an issue, I think.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks for the update.
  15. I don't think the 3450 should need a PCIe Power connector. It's the low-band of the 3000 Series. Even the 3650 only needs a 4 pin Molex connector and has minimal power requirements, so I expect the 3450 has even less. But I can't confirm that.... It seems Newegg is having trouble with their image servers on the products, so I can't see the board.

  16. Yeah, Jak and I need to catch up, then we can have a All Static Team Mothership Raid!
    Both teams working together!
    That's just so crazy it might work!
    Or we'll turn on each other horribly.

    Either way it's bound to be alot of fun eh?
  17. [ QUOTE ]

    I aprove of this message

    [/ QUOTE ]

    See? Even the Prince of Faceplant thinks it's time to upgrade.
    And when the Prince talks.....
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    [ QUOTE ]
    You request vacation time at work for Double XP weekend.

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    Doesn't everyone do this?
    [ QUOTE ]
    You call in sick to play.

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    Again, hasn't everyone done this at least once?

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    Done the first one. Never done the second, but I have called in sick after spending all night/morning playing.

    Getting my Widow to 50 just after Issue 12 arrived left me with about 20 minutes sleep before work and I had to give up and take the day off

    I then logged back in and carried on playing

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bad Girl...
    Look who I'm talking to.
  19. Yeeeeah. Nvidia Geforce 4 MX?
    After the Graphics update a few issues ago, that card JUST BARELY meets minimum requirements. In fact, I think they may have even removed it from thier list of compatible hardware.

    I'm guessing you have an AGP system (since I've never heard of a 4 MX in PCI-Express) I suggest an upgrade. go here and pick out a graphics card. EVEN THE LOWEST PRICED one in that list is better than the 4 MX.
    Of course, this one is probably the best bang for the buck and it will even fit if you have a low profile case.

    Trust me, skip a night or 2 of take-out or pizza for dinner and use that money to get a graphics card. You won't regret it!
  20. Arc Name: A Flood of Red & White
    Arc ID: 123585
    Faction: Longbow
    Creator Global/Forum Name: @BlackAmaranth
    Difficulty Level: Moderate (Can be Farmed)
    Synopsis: The Longbow have finally done it! They've snapped! They have gone from noble protectors to a vigilante army of madmen! Someone has taken control of a large faction of Longbow and are declaring war on anyone or anything they consider "Evil" even the University! Hero Corps needs your help to stop them! (This is ALOT of Longbow. You may never want to see another Longbow ever again after this!)
    Estimated Time to Play: Teams of 1-3: 1 hour, Teams of 4-8: 2 hours.
    Notes: The Arc is listed as Very Long, but Missions 3 and 5 are VERY SHORT, so it's not as long as they say. Some of the testers have said that this arc CAN be used to farm, but it's not intended that way. It has a story, and I invite you to read all the dialog. And watch your backs....I love Ambushes!

    Please, Please, PLEASE give me commentary in the feedback. I want to know how to make it better!
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Once again - pretty solid night last night! I got back into my groove by taking....five....yes.....FIVE dirtnaps! So, I'd say welcome back to Meltdown, but I attribute my "deaths" to your return! That, and the fact that being next to Walking Grave (err Beetle King) equals death for all those aound him.......teamates that is.....teamates.......

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Gotcha beat!
    Angry Sysop tasted floor 6 times on Wednesday night!
    Ah, debt, nice to see you my old friend.

  22. Team Lowbie from the Freedom Tanker Tuesday Tour:
    Slashcraft, Frozen Custard, Golden Asteroid, Captain Coldness, Vegavitavitamin, .... Sorry, I forgot the other 3 with us.

    Tanks Hunt, and Kill Skuls

    The Vahzilok got the better of us.

    Again, thanks for spreading thr love to other servers Pep.
    I think I'll roll up a Tanker on each server, just so I can come to every Tour Event!
  23. [ QUOTE ]

    Tanker Fun

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I got a couple of Screenies from our mission runs.
    Will post tonight.

    "The Golden Asteroid" says Pep is OK in his book. He had a Grand Ol' Time.
    Thanks for spreading the love Pep!
  24. Forget I had a Silver Age Style Tanker over there.
    The Golden Asteroid will be in attendance!
    Hopefully at lvl 10 when we start (at 6 now)
  25. I tried to logon to Freedom last night to make a tank....
    But it was down.
    Sad Penguin now.