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  1. Great works all! (but I'm hoping you're all wrong on who they choose)

    1. Robin
    2. Liz
    3. Darth
  2. Sister Psyche: 15+1= 16
    Synapse: 7-1= 6

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead
  3. Grats! Now get cracking on all those devs that keep adding an apostrophe to Kings Row!!

    PS- your UI font hurts my brain!
  4. Hey Thirty-Seven, Hasten wore off last night at midnight. The 4 hour cool-down is currently in effect. Sorry. You'll be recharged in just over an hour it looks like.

    Current status:

    Sister Psyche: 15
    Synapse: 7

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead
  5. C2E2 is looking better and better...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    *le sigh*. Synapse was already having an even bigger comeback... but I think I'll throw the towel in on this foolishness.
    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead

    *Chyll: Dead
  7. Sister Psyche: 13 + 1 = 14
    Synapse: 9 -1 = 8

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead

    Come on Sister Squad! Biggest comeback of all time: you CAN do it!
  8. Sister Psyche: 13 + 1 = 14
    Synapse: 9 - 1 = 8

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead

    Yay! The Sister Squad finally showed up!! Now to crash as Hasten wears off...

    (And thanks Gabe, now I have that song stuck in my head!)
  9. Sister Psyche: 9 + 1 = 10
    Synapse: 13 - 1 = 12

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead

  10. Sister Psyche: 8 + 1 = 9
    Synapse: 14 - 1 = 13

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead
  11. Sister Psyche: 7 + 1 = 8
    Synapse: 15 - 1 = 14

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead
  12. Sister Psyche: 6 + 1 = 7
    Synapse: 16 - 1 = 15

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead
  13. Sister Psyche: 6 + 1 = 7
    Synapse: 16 - 1 = 15

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead
  14. Sister Psyche: 5 + 1 = 6
    Synapse: 17 - 1 = 16

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead
  15. Sister Psyche: 4 + 1 = 5
    Synapse: 18 - 1 = 17

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead

    *see ya in an hour!
  16. You can double-post, just as long as it's after the 1 hour recharge.
  17. Sister Psyche: 4+1 = 5
    Synapse: 18-1 = 17

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead

    *Where is everybody today? C'mon, hasten's wearing down!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
    Oh, my gosh, I love this thread! I thought I was the only one to do stuff like this!

    I remember years ago some team leader (who was much nicer than I had any right to deserve) told everyone to not pull any extra aggro. Later, he told ME I was pulling aggro. Shocked, I said "How? I'm totally invisible!" He replied "Yes. Yes, you are. That trail of pets behind you though, they aren't."

    Have often wished there was a badge title I could select reading "Big Ol' Dork." to go along with that PFP (personal face palm) emote.
    Hahahaha!! I remember learning this the hard way teaming early on with my RL friends. A teamate TP'd me to the group and my Jack Frost brought an aggro-train of doom with him that wiped us out.

    My RL friends at the time wouldn't team with me after that night...

    ...and that's how I learned MMO gaming is srs bzns to some people!!!
  19. Sister Psyche: 4+1 = 5
    Synapse: 18-1 = 17

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead

    Woo!! Somebody SB me,too!!
  20. Sister Psyche: 3+1 = 4
    Synapse: 19-1 = 18

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    Bah. Put us... her, I meant her, out of our... her, I meant her, misery already.
    Okay, *clicks [Hasten]

    All players can now hurt/heal once per hour til midnight pacific time.
  22. Very early in my CoH gaming experience I am exploring the streets of Atlas Park. Amid the shining skyscrapers, inspiring statues, and unreachable blimp I spot what looks like a raised monorail station!

    Citizens and heroes are milling about and streaming endlessly from the structure so I move in to investigate. I see a hero dancing to a boombox and (with a little help) learn to dance! But what intrigues me most is how heroes keep appearing from the tram, so I move up to the tram doors to investigate.

    Can I walk into the tram and ride somewhere? *face-slam* Nope.
    Maybe I have to time it to when the doors are open? *face-slam* Nope.
    Can I click on the doors? Nope.
    Can I attack the tram? Still nope.

    Heroes keep coming, tram after tram and I keep trying everything possible to get on that transport myself...jumping, clicking, running...but apparently I'm locked out. Too low of level, perhaps?

    After a good 15 minutes of trying, I resign myself to hoofing it around Paragon City; public transportation is just beyond my scope. But as I'm leaving, a couple heroes run past me and into a different section of the building...

    ...and that's how I learned the difference between the entrance and exit on the trams >.<
  23. Hey you cheaters!! Obsidian completely skipped my hurt/heal from 3pm yesterday and nobody corrected it? SHENNANIGANS!!! (includes fixed math below)

    Sister Psyche: 4 + 1 = 5
    Synapse: 18 - 1 = 17 *get my broom!!!

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead
  24. BackFire

    Can I cry now?

    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    right now, no we cannot search by those descriptive tags such as "canon" "horror" "non-canon", ect...
    Actually, yes, you can. You click on the "match keywords" radial to expand the options iirc.
  25. BackFire

    The Determinator

    Are you planning on taking Air Superiority? That's pretty much a standard attack on all my controllers/defenders.