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  1. Snap doodle porcupine fiddle comb wasp Megatron's rubber ducky
  2. Would be nice if they'd upgrade everyone to VIP. :/ I just came back, was trying to upgrade, couldn't figure out wth then saw they weren't allowing it anymore.

    NSOFT: Shut up and take my money!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Yeah, it's because you're not a paying subscriber. If you can invite a subscriber into your SG then they can pay the rent.
    If you can't find anyone else, I can try and hop for you on whatever server you need.

    But wow. Can't pay base rent just cause I don't have a sub? Wow... that's really retarded. And you'd think they'd let that slide with the game ending anyways.

    I'm on on Defiant and both sides seem to be a complete ghost town; I haven't even seen another person in the past two days. The base is question is on the hero side if someone could help out. I'm mostly on Kaji Asura on the villain side or Headwounds on the hero side. Hero side is not my main base but, meh, I wanted to have a looksy. It was still newish when a friend and I made it and I wandered off into some other game shortly thereafter.
  4. It's been a while since I played proper but there were two things that drove me off after a bit:

    #1: Separating the villains from the heroes almost completely. Very very little interaction. IIRC I even had to log a toon on the hero side to see if my friend was on.

    and #2: Too many repetitive and somewhat grindy missions. Getting those missions from the newspaper thingy it was always the same few maps and the same few mission types (and of those, there were only a few types I did consistently; I never ever took the escort missions).

    @Xiang Shao, wow, that pic broke my heart, but mostly because of some bad things that happened involving a dog I loved named Rex.

    Here's hoping they think about CoH2, but go about it in a better way. To me, CO will always be a cheap knockoff of CoH/CoV.
  5. I haven't played for a while (690ish days according to my Supergroup stats) and came back recently. I was actually going to start paying for a sub, but then saw it was closing! :/ Well anyways, I've been trying to get back into my base in CoH, but the rent is due and I get no options to pay it at the register. I checked permissions and every member of the Supergroup has permission to pay, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Is it because I'm not a paid subscriber? Yes I can still access my base in CoV, so go figure.