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  1. Nah, us stands for United States (WoW EU/WoW US), but I should have cap'sd it

    Correct cap'sd....I know ya wanna!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    New deal at newegg.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You forgot to give them the Promo Code to bring it down to $599.
    My link has that.
    *gives stark the raspberry*

    [/ QUOTE ]



    FWIW, I would be wary of buying any computers through e-bay... you never know what you're going to get. Might be good, but might be someone's broken craptastic paperweight.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yea thats true, you should usualy only buy high priced items from power sellers, and when a seller refuses insurance even at your on cost its a sign to move away from him.

    I got my PC from there, I was waypast happy cuz at the time pof purchase this same PC was only being sported by Alien ware at 2k lol I paid way less.
  3. Bring an Emp for sure lol nothing wrong with having a troller/Emp or a Emp/XxX, not only for buffs but for range if shiz hits the it usualy does.
  4. Little late, but has alot of high end shiz very cheap, also, have you tried checking out Ebay yet?

    Usualy really good deals on Ebay for most items ive come across.
  5. A few years back when I left, I made someone leader of this SG, he left months later as well for WoW us, he dont recall who he made SG leader of Second Chapter.

    If anyone knows who the leader of this chapter is please let me know as I am trying to reconnect the old SGs together again and its very difficult when SG lookup still dont show the current leaders name ;(

    Any help would be awsome!

  6. Count me in, Mrs. Cinders lvl 50 Fire/Kin!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    I still think you're a PL'd nub...i've even farmed with your SG while they were PL'ing you and you seemed like a nub then too!

    Just sayin

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's because he is. It's sad, really.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know, people like you are the nubs, calling people names for no reason.

    Here is an example, not much has changed for a Fire/Fire Tanker, even if then IOs would have came out I would have still asked for build info, just to see others.

    Capt Blaze was not PLd, but I would have still asked having leveled up to 50 on my own the right way.

    So if that makes me a nub...then so be it, I call it making sure I dont screw up and make costly mistakes.

    I sure wish I was as perfect, cool and quick as you, damn....ide be soooooo much more happy!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I still think you're a PL'd nub...i've even farmed with your SG while they were PL'ing you and you seemed like a nub then too!

    Just sayin

    [/ QUOTE ]

    WOW! Dont know ya, glad of it too lol

    Dont know why your talking BS over the internet, some poor pathedic excuse of a man who prob only does this over the internet because he dont have to worry about broken bones you would normaly get IRL.

    Well it is a forum, and your OP....well....dont matter lol but thanks all the same for the words of kidness when all I has was a question for veteran Fire/Kins.
  9. The way a global channel should be, the way BMT has strided to reverse when years before they were open and free, QQ
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    No censorship FTW

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    I'm on that, but besides no censorship there is also no one talking.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You want no Censorship?
    The Rabid Pingu Channel.
    It has to have no Censorship, cause no one on the channel is worse than the channel founder.
    Just know what you're getting into before you join the channel.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Was that for me? LOL because I dont recall Hamidon Raiders being anything but a active channel when I last played.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    No censorship FTW

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm on that, but besides no censorship there is also no one talking.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Theres talking when its needed, we dont discuss What kind of cupcakes Cobalt made for dinner last night.... We use it for what is intended for, when its needed

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bro, let me ask ya a question!

    If I hop on Champion United (Already in it) and said
    Atomic_Manz: AE team forming! Rather badges or infl were killin shiz left and right for what ever your aim is! No need not to join! PST!

    Are ya gonna silnce me?
  12. Yea I heard of yours, the only reason I origanly made Hamidon Raiders was the fact that I was leading hamidon raids nearly every night lol

    But slowly it became more so I let it grow, placed very few rules and no one ever had an issue with it....minus the nubs that would from time to time pull GMs into the goo and wipe us lol

    Ima miss those days ;(
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Did you say anything about Farming?

    And if you want to help people get specific badges for AE, you may want to specify that is the goal. And then run missions specifically for those badges. We usually don't indirectly aim for Badges on BMT, but more specifically, "Have Rescue Hostage in AE mission up, anyone need the badge? PST for invite."

    That probably wouldn't have gotten you silenced. AE is a touchy subject on BMT, and if you're clear about it, you shouldn't have issues. If you're unclear, it's just as bad to some people as hearing AP broadcast spam.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here is the issue, its a global channel (yes I know I can leave if I dont like) But why because the views of a select few do we walk on egg shells?

    im not trying to be a pric-k here, I just dont like being silkenced for nothing lol

    Everyone knows there are badges in AE, not my fault someone dislikes it enough to misuse powers in a channel over it.
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    No censorship FTW

    [/ QUOTE ]

    BUD! lol I had Vik gimmie back Mod of Hamidon Raiders, ill be rezzing that one back soon too lol
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yea I have seen them in WWs selling extremly high!

    But my luck with drops is a bad one, while I was in zones farming for hours, peeps on team were getting yellows and oranges, i was getting greys and whites ;{

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Last night I looked and they were going for around 100M

    If by chance you do multiple respec runs tonight, I'll be home around 6:15-6:30 PST and have a few heroes that I could bring along. If worries.

    We use to do these respec tfs as a SG all the time but havent dont them in awhile....probably cause once you're in the reactor, its boring as hell! But its easy merits!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Let me ask, even though I will get a repec for each done, will I still get Merits as well? Or only once respecs are all recieved?

    Cuz im for anything that gives merits, alot of good looking IOs from them.
  16. Ahhhhh cool, wiki lol I knew there was one for World of Warcraft, never knew there was one for COH.

    Yea I did not realize you could just run one 3 times for respecs, that helps alot.

    thanks bro
  17. Yea, like crappy SOs not IOs.

    some are grey and some were white, no idea why I got the shiz end of that stick, but what ever lol ill try again tonight when I finaly get my [censored] home!
  18. BMT Badge, Monsters, Taskforce.

    Okay, glad I got that cleared LOL for a sec I thought I did something warranted of a silence within that channel last night.

    After all, I asked in /BMT "AE team forming up! Anyone that needs in feel free to PST! Running missions (MISSIONS) all night!"

    BTW! There are badges accumulated within AE that ya cannot get anywhere else, so silenced me for only following the rules of this every way!

    So if a Moderator would not mind, please remove the miss-placed silence off my global please, so I can continue to help others get badges they do not have, and get into missions they would know about because I was silenced.

    Thank you very much! Have a nice day.
  19. What did BMT stand for again? Badge...something and Taskforce
  20. Sounds good brother, I think I'll give your shiz a shotz!

    ima have to find regular IOs however since you already have a ton more then I do in IOs.

    Ill just have to spend some time tonight going over my options, I started off with the mistake of Fireball: Acc/Dam/Rech (Posi) Acc/Damn/End (something else) and so on LOL i was slotting shiz based on the old HO princaples of individual powers enhances and not the over all of the set bonuses.

    So now that ya gave me a heads up I can possibly "know how to play" now that someone was decent enough to give a person some details, instead of insults.

    Thanks alot War, your a good man!
  21. GAH then this is the one I did on old Blaze lol was the worst nightmare ide ever seen lol tons of PSI dmg to a Fire/Fire tank, made me feel like a Blaster tanking.
  22. No, a group went into a zone and was killing level 50-54s for drops, they were getting yellows and oranges and I was (No lie) only getting greys and whites lol
  23. Ahhhh okay.

    I see now, thats why I had to ask lol was boxing?

    But I see what ya mean, I might try this out tonight when I get my respec, then again maybe not, dont have any of the epics just yet lol hell I barley have all IOs slotted still. But working on it