155 -
Heh, just had one of the more enjoyable stints as Ashen. Joined a PuG which, for once, did well. Started off as a 7 man group with a mix of defenders, blasters and I think a controller and a tank. Changed quite frequently, as PuG's are inclined to do, but still remained a decent team. Miracle!
Also, Ashen is now three bars into lvl29, so that helped my mood.
EDIT: Oh yes, and Tech and Dutch, you're going to be RP teaming with an Empathy/Archery defender. Fear the uselessness! -
Right, I've already put together my guy on union, but can change him if needed.
Currently he's an Empathy/Archery defender called Brother Tchall.
I'm working on a bio and will put it up when I'm done. -
Mmm, not doing much hero-wise recently. Still trying the test server out and, to be honest, Ashen's very slow at levelling at the moment. Still stuck on 28, but I'm getting there slowly.
Righty. If I had to choose one right now? Defender.
Mainly cause I've got an idea for one but never really got a chance to make him. -
Yeah this sounds like a good idea. Just one question, which server would this be on?
My handle is @Mr Hoke
I'd be interested in making a defender or a blaster. Depends what we're short on. -
Lord Recluse would approve of your devotion!
Although...probably not of his symbol of terror being snuggled at night.... -
Well, yet ANOTHER great picture. What are you a machine!?
Seriously. I'm really liking your art, it's nice to see a different style from the general comic book look you see in game. Pretty much everything I've seen of yours on the forum reminds me of a decent cross between comic book art and noir films. And I'm REALLY liking it. It's a relatively unique style (to me at least) and so much the better for it. -
Ashen is lvl 28 at the moment, not levelled in a while. Been trying the croatoa missions and it's slow going. Also I'm still on test and approaching the big 2-6 with my thug mm. Hoping to grab a bruiser soon.
EDIT: Oh and trig seems to have quite a bit of work atm so may/may not be on for very long. It depends how sick of university stuff he gets I suppose. -
I've got a character, Vale, whose supposed to be around 18.
That said since I've never been to a gg meet I only get to RP once in a blue moon and I've remade Vale so many times it's getting rediculous. -
It takes some guts to play a mm without relying on pets to do your work, It'd be cool to team with you just to see it done.
That said you'll forgive me if I hide behind my own little thug meatshield wall. -
I think some reply was removed by mod, and all ones after it were as well
[/ QUOTE ]
Looks like nearly all the ones after "Bobthedemons" crude little joke were removed. -
Yeah, that's pretty much how it should be as far as I'm concerned. The only exceptions being exceptionally pvp oriented SG's, but they should say this is the case before hand. That said so many supergroups now seem to be obsessed with building up a huge base as fast as possible.
Trick arrow could work, it's not the best thematically but it does have some nifty control powers to keep the groups off your back for a while.
Yup Master_Zaprobo is pretty much the mm guru it seems. One thing I would add is thugs (when they come out on live) have a short range nasty in their last pet. Much like the ninja's get control with theirs.
But still, primarily ranged damage and, to be honest, damage in general. -
Mob mentality is interested in signing on. Contact on Live is @Mr Hoke.
Or @Mob Mentality on test. -
Thug leaderships work on all other thugs. No other pets or players. I don't think the thugs have any major special "inconvenience" abilities like the others get bar the leadership skills. But then again I haven't reached level 32 so I can't say just yet. They do seem more bent towards extreme violence and making lots of numbers pop up over the enemies heads rather than tactical application though.
I agree on the sticky grenade thing though. -
Yup, lvl 18. The arsonist is indeed the third, first tier pet. Much like mercs get the medic. I'm sorry if my post was worded confusingly.
EDIT: The arsonist - Wears baggy trousers OR tucked in trousers and combat boots with a flame motif and t-shirt. Has a couple of skin and hair variations. Puts on a sleeveless uniform jacket with first upgrade.
Also one of my thugs at least, theorised the arsonist, appeared to have scourge. May have been a bug as it hasn't ocurred in a while. -
On the Arsonist, 3rd level 1 thug. Seems mainly area effect damage and doesn't have any special abilities other than new inherent resistances. Personally I think it seems on a par with other first level thugs. But with all the numbers on screen and moving at a rate (boy thugs attack fast) It's difficult to tell.
- Same summon as other lvl 1 thugs naturally.
- Wears baggy trousers with a flame motif and t-shirt. Has a couple of skin and hair variations. Puts on a sleeveless uniform jacket with first upgrade.
- Resistance to lethal and fire.
- Starts with molotovs. Small Area of effect, reasonable damage. Causes less on an individual target than other thugs I think but sets things on fire. Also Gains flame breath with upgrade 1.
- Flame breath seems to cause slightly more than normal thug attacks, but over time, and sets target alight, cone area of effect and quite short ranged.
And gang war. Nice little skill, the posse it summons are pathetic individually but that's to be expected. Reasonable length, about enough for a handful of enemy groups if you're quick. Target an enemy and they summon round it and attack it and any groups nearby. After that they follow you round and it seems you or they need to get hit and/or run right into enemy groups before they respond. You can't give them orders (as stated in the skill description). Summons around 10 members using the basic thugs summon. They look like basic thugs and use gang style low level weaponry (sledgehammers, axes) and small pistols. I also swear blind I saw one throw a rock...
EDIT: Also enforcer leadership skills do stack and affect other masterminds thugs as well. This was expected but is worth noting as confirmed.
If I've missed anything feel free to correct me. I'm tired and am working from memory. I'll check this all in the morning and make any addenda when I log in and look again. -
Oh, ok. Didn't know that (which shows you how reliable my info is
). Haven't seen any of the debuff style icons on anything my enforcer shoots, but I'll look a bit closer from now on.
Yeah, the bots were the reason I assumed they stacked too. I really want the big pet now....oonly 10 levels....
Although 2 levels till gang war, which sounds interesting in itself, though also as though it could easily be overpowered. I'm interested to see how they've handled the ability to summon a large number of temporary pets.
EDIT: After rechecking enforcers DO have a resistance. To lethal damage.
EDIT THE SECOND: Maneuvers is available from the start with Enforcers. Tactics requires the first upgrade. -
Enforcers, second level thugs.
These guys are relatively nasty, though their damage is all DoT. Same draw animation when upgraded as other pistol users, but without they use a rifle draw animation. No special abilities on their attacks that I noticed.
- Summon uses whistle emote again however they climb up through a manhole cover. This takes a while.
- Use an uzi (actually looks like assault rifle enemies use) or 2 uzi's (when paired they DO look like uzi's) when upgraded. Damage done is similar to merc pets and is all DoT.
- They grant the +Acc(Through upgrade 1) and +Def(Natural) leadership powers to any other nearby thugs only (not you or other players), unknown if two of these will stack as I only have one, but assumed so.
- They have a resistance to lethal Damage. Thanks to their leather jackets apparently.
- Come in tanktops, biker leather trousers and a small selection of skintone, faces and hairstyles. When upgraded they get a sleeveless leather jacket.
- upgrade one grants 2 uzi's rather than one. They attack more frequently and occassionally seem to use a toned-down full auto.
- No movement abilities.
- They can be slotted with +acc buffs (for their leadership skill) and -def debuffs. So they probably do both of these, though I haven't noticed the -def yet so it's probably in upgrade 2.
I'm not a specialist at comparing powers and the like, so the above may have inconcistencies with what they actually do. This is just what I've seen. -
Hmm, RL timetable clashes mean I can't escort anymore due to time constraints. I may be able to make the tail end of the party. Ah well, such is life. Still, sounded like a good time. Sorry for the short notice but I doubt you'll need me anyway.
Hmm, aaactually saturday afternoon may or may not be good for me just gotta check. I MAY have a previous engagement, something in the back of my mind tells me I have. Just gotta check.
EDIT: Just as I thought. saturdays between midday and 5/6pm are out for me for the next few months. Blech. -
Rightyho just talked to Trig. If possible could a time be set for any TF's this Saturday or sunday? Tell me by friday (tomorrow) if possible, as he has work and other social obligations. Real life interferes like that you know?
Cool, I'm up for a TF this weekend. I don't have anything scheduled. I'll try to get onto Trig, but no promises on that front.