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  1. Overall, good. Here are a few suggestions:
    -If you've done without that third damage slot in X-Ray all the way to lvl 37, there's better places to put it.
    -swap one of the Heals in Rad Aura to an End Reducer- that thing sucks down end like you wouldn't believe. Frankly I'm tempted to leave it with the base slot with just an End Reducer. This is basically the same as using a small green inspiration.
    -I would consider the Def Debuff enhancement in RI optional. I think you could use that slot elsewhere.
    -Swap one of the damages in Irradiate for an Accuracy. This is especially important for AoE attacks as they have a reduction in accuracy over single target. Hitting more often is better than more damage!
    -I think you could live without the last damage in Electron Haze.
    -Air Superiority. ya know those other slots we pulled from other powers? Put them here.
    -Cosmic burst would also like a recharge enhancer, because it's been a good attack all year!
    -I think that last slot in Neutron Bomb could probably find a better home.
    -Fly NEEDS end reducers. That thing's an end hog.
    -If fly is your main travel power, and SS is mostly for in mission use with the stealth .. . I'd only slot the one Run in it.
    -Aim doesn't get much better with the added to hit buff, and frankly you don't need it. Find that last slot a better home!

    Seems like a lot of comentary, but frankly slotting is all about tweaks. Most of the Rad/Rad powers are decent right out of the box, so you just need to decide which need the most tweaking.
    Rock on, Corruptor!
  2. I'm working on one. Here's some additional information:

    Power Pools:
    Fitness Pool: you run toggle heavy, so you'll need this. That's OK, though. This will also let you free up some desperately needed slots for your early powers. Rad/Rad gets most of the really good stuff very early, so you WILL be gasping for slots.

    Flight: I personally just like flying, it's why I play Superheroes/Villains. But, taking the Flight pool opens up the superfantastic Air Superiority attack. Take it, love it, knock 'em on their keisters.

    Teleport: Leave this to the /Stone Brutes. You don't want to pull single mobs, so TP Foe is useless. Recall Friend is nice, but leave that to the MM, Dom or Stalker, really. TP itself isn't sexy enough to merit the cost, especially the end cost for a Rad/Rad. If you MUST take it for concept, please do. It's not bad, it's just of limited synergy with the rest of your powers.

    Superspeed: I like Hasten, it makes my Accelerate Metabolism come back faster. And the stealth on SS is really nice. I plan on these much later in life.

    OK, here's a build, no slotting info, though. I'm still undecided as to when to slot which power.
    1) X-Ray Beam
    1) Radiant Aura
    2) Radiation Infection
    4) Accelerate Metabolism
    6) Irradiate
    8) Electron Haze
    10) Enervating Field
    12) Air Superiority
    14) Fly
    16) Swift
    18) Cosmic Burst
    20) Health
    22) Stamina
    24) Lingering Radiation
    26) Neutron Bomb
    28) Hasten
    30) Super Speed
    32) Atomic Blast
    35) Aim
    38) EM Pulse

    Whack away! I'll just sit here and glow!
  3. Artillery MKV’s Quick Start Guide to the Rad/Rad Corruptor

    Well, after calling for this guide many times I decided to write my own! All comments and criticism is welcome as I am certainly not the final source on info for the Rad/Rad. Opinions on powers are based on my own play and perusing the Rad/Rad Defender threads.

    However, a Rad/Rad Corruptor is a very different animal from a Rad/Rad Defender. While the powersets are the same by making the blasts primary and emissions secondary the Devs have created a Radiation Blaster on steroids with plenty of self-protection. Really this AT plays more like a de-buffing scrapper than a blaster.

    Radiation Blast

    Neutrino Bolt lvl 1 Fast, single target blast, -Def
    X-Ray Beam lvl 1 Slower, ingle target blast, -Def
    Irradiate lvl 2 PBAoE Blast, high end, -Def
    Electron Haze lvl6 Cone blast, knockback, -Def
    Proton Volley lvl8 Sniper Blast, interuptable, -Def
    Aim lvl12 Self Buff to Acc + Damage
    Cosmic Burst lvl18 Short Range Single target blast, disorient, -Def
    Neutron Bomb lvl26 Ranged AoE Blast, -Def
    Atomic Blast lvl32 PBAoE Blast, Mega damage, -Def, hold, drains all self end

    Radiation Emission

    Radiant Aura lvl1 PBAoE Heal, high end
    Radiation Infection lvl2 Ranged AoE Auto-hit de-buff, -Def, -Acc
    Accelerate Metabolism lvl4 PBAoE Buff, +Rech, +Regen, +End, + Spd
    Enervating Field lvl10 Ranged AoE Auto-hit de-buff, -Dam, -Res
    Mutation lvl16 Ally Resurrect, +Acc, + Dam
    Lingering Radiation lvl20 Ranged AoE debuff (needs to hit) -Spd, -Rech
    Choking Cloud lvl28 PBAoE slow, hold
    Fallout lvl35 Ranged AoE, disorient, required dead hero
    EM Pulse lvl38 PBAoE Hold

    Here’s a breakdown of the sets. For those who like to crunch numbers, well, I don’t have any, so nyah.

    Neutrino Bolt
    X-Ray Beam
    Your two level 1 blasts. The debate rages on as to which produces better DPS, but frankly even I am not THAT much of a geek, so I’m not going into it. The basics: N-Bolt is faster but does less damage, X-Ray is slightly slower but does slightly better damage. In the end it seems pretty level to me. How do I decide? Freaking laser beams from my eyes! X-Ray Beams for the win! You have to choose one, let the force guide your choice my young padawan!

    Irradiate: are you kidding me? A PBAoE blast at level 2? OK, this’ll kill you fast and rob you of all your end, but dang its fun! I’d hold off to 6th or 8th level to get it though. You need your debuffs to keep you alive when you use this. Make sure you slot this with at least 2 end reducers.

    Electron Haze: better than purple haze, this cone adds the benefit of knockback to keep those crazy creeps off your back and on theirs! By level 10 your three main attack will be your level 1 blast, E-Haze and Irradiate. That is, if you follow my crazy Gong-fu, bwahahaha!

    Proton Volley: This is a fairly standard, though extremely cool looking, sniper blast. While I’m a fan of sniper blasts for blasters, I’m less so for the Rad/Rad Corruptor, I think it plays against the in your face play-style that Rad/Rad calls for. Basically this is a low priority power that I’d wait to pick up until higher levels if you get it at all.

    Aim: this self buff adds greatly to your accuracy (@+100%) and somewhat to your damage. As a Rad/Rad the +acc is less of a priority, you’re more likely than not taking the opponent’s defense down almost to it’s minimum. I’d take this late in the game more for the damage buff than the accuracy buff. This is useful for fights against mobs that have defense buffs (ie Tsoo, Skyraiders, etc.)

    Cosmic Burst: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah, buddy! That’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout! Close range (20’), huge damage, chance to disorient. What’s not to love? This attack must be taken as soon as it’s available and slotted ASAP. Mmmmm . .. close combat goodness!

    Neutron Bomb: OK, this attack is cool, it’s a ranged AoE blast. Frankly I wouldn’t play with it at range, too much. I’d drop this in short range to alternate with Irradiate in clearing out those masses of annoying minions. Throwing this too far out is likely to agro mobs who aren’t under the influence of your debuffs, and that spells pain for you.

    Atomic Blast: Sure, it drains all your end, and you can’t recover end for a while, but it’s a frikken NUKE! Get it, love it, use it sparingly.

    Radiation Emission
    Radiant Aura: you have to take this, and that’s OK. This is your own little healing Genie in a bottle. I slot this mostly for end reduction until I have spare slots late in the game. I use this heal when I need it, I’m a scrapruptor, not a healer. However, since I’m up in the mix the Brute and MM pets will often benefit from my nutritious green goodness. You’ll end up being thanked for the heals, but so wht? It’s the debuffs that are actually saving their scaly hides.

    Radiation Infection: OK, whatever else you do, in all seriousness, you MUST take this power. It will make you foes easier to hit and make it harder for them to hit you. Best of all . . .IT NEVER MISSES!!!!!!!!! Slot for end reduction and accuracy debuff.

    Accelerate Metabolism: Mmmmmmmm, this is you drug of choice! Every time it’s up you improve your end recovery, speed, recharge rate on all your powers and your speed. Slot this for recharge. And PLEASE take it as soon as it’s available. Oh, this also buffs any team mates that are close to you when you activate it. Courtesy demands that you tell them before activating, but if they ignore you just keep on using that amazing green glow to be the best that you can be! If you activate in combat you’re likely to get the Brute at least anyway, so you keep them happy! =)

    Enervating Field: if Rad Infection is your bread, this is your butter. E Field reduces the mobs’ damage and resistance. So they hurt you less and take more damage when you hit them. So with RI and EF stacked on mobs that means they hit less often, do less damage when they do hit, are much easier for you to hit and take more damge every time you hit them. What’s not to love? Slot for end reduction first.

    Mutation: this brings an ally back from the dead and turns them into a killing machine for a little while. Bah, if the rest of your powers are in full effect there should be very few deaths unrelated to stupidity. Stupidity should not be rewarded. Do not take this power, it takes end away from your attacks.

    Lingering Radiation: a great power to add to RI and EF. It stacks slow and –recharge on the mobs, making them unable to get away or attack very often. This should be stacked after the others as it is not auto hit. This is a click rather than a toggle, so you need to watch its duration. Acc and end reduction followed by recharge enhancers.

    Choking Cloud: Meh. Some people like it, I’m unimpressed. This is a PBAoE that slows the local mobs and has a chance to hold them. The end cost for this makes it less worthy than lingering Rad. Your Mileage May Vary.

    Fallout: OK, this requires a teammate to die to use. NEVER take a power that requires a dead teammate. If the team is working the opportunities for this are few and far between. If it’s not working you should leave. If you solo this power is USELESS. ‘Nuff said. Freakin’ lvl 35 situational power . . .grumble, grumble.

    EM Pulse: Oh yeah, a semi-Nuke that doesn’t drain you dry and holds massive numbers of Mobs? Yup, you just won the jackpot! Get it, slot it, love it!

    OK, this is a massive YMMV section, but my vision for the Rad/Rad Corruptor calls for an up close and personal fighting style.

    You start every fight by pulling with Rad Infection, immediately stacking Enervating Field on the same anchor. Make sure you get into hand to hand range with the anchor and then you can drag him with you to any other mobs that may be using ranged attacks on you. Once they’re clumped up you land Lingering Radiation on them and go to town killing everything except the anchor. Anchor dies last.

    Anchoring and you:
    The Anchor is the enemy that you apply your AoE debuffs too. Where the anchor goes is an area of safety for you and doom for your enemies. Needless to say you want all your enemies in that field.

    If you solo, drop the anchor on a minion level enemy. This ensures that they are almost completely unable to affect you and you can haul them all over them map without fear. You know they’re the anchor and won’t (usually) kill them by mistake.

    On a team creating anchors is more problematic. Minions die too quickly and bosses are the number one target for the major damage dealers. I recommend using a lieutenant for the anchor, making sure you announce this to the party. If they kill the anchor too soon, oh well, they just made the fight harder, but you can say you tried.

    Rad/Rad Gong-Fu: All your best attacks are short ranged: Cosmic Burst, Irradiate, A-Bomb, EM Pulse. Electron Haze to a lesser extent. That means that to be fully effective you need to up close and personal. That’s OK, because you have agro from your anchor and anyone they affect with the debuffs, so you want to make sure that they STAY in that debuff when they attack you. So you hang out in scrapper/Brute land and beat up the mobs, occasionally hitting Radiant Aura. You have passive defense (debuffs) but the true key to your Gung-fu mastery is the art of Active Defense- kill the mobs.

    I know this guide is biased, but I hope you’ve found it of some use and perhaps source of amusement as well.

    Please post any corrections to facts I may have missed or misrepresented and I’ll edit appropriately. All opinions are mine alone. Much research done in the many great Rad/Rad guides on the Defender Forums, thanks to all those who posted.

    PS: reposted here at request of fellow Corruptors.
  4. Since no one else would do the work for me *pout* here's a Rad/Rad Guide. YMMV.

    Artillery MKV's Quick Start Rad/Rad Corruptor Guide
  5. Jumping in my my Blaster's opinion of Crey! =)
  6. Let's try to remember that the CoV side is significantly behind the CoH side in getting updates, having just started and all.

    I don't play CoV right now, and sure I'd like more for CoH, but I think that's the greedy side talking. I think there's enough content to survive a few more months.

    Lacking post 50 content? I'm not all that concerned, being an altaholic and all. . .. . .

    For those who are, I sympathize, but I'd bet you'll see some loving in I8 since the Devs are in high level content mode at the moment.
    I'd imagine there are some high level missions in RV as well. Just have to dodge the PVPers. Shouldn't be too hard for the first week or so.
  7. Add this to the fact that the devs have stated that a later patch will bring the bases etc. into CoH without CoV . . .. seems like a meaningless whine. CoV is only required if you want the bases, etc, RIGHT NOW! Calming . . ..