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  1. Is there prizes for the best costume? and do u have 2 do the AE arc 2 enter the haunted house?
  2. As for these past 3 weeks of this league i havent been able 2 show up 2 any of the matches, and with the other league on sunday nites my time that im not having 2 work on a weekend nite is getting smaller so Ima have 2 quit out of "Team Exile", can't speak for the rest of the team but i myself dont have the time 2 have all the weekend nites off sry but was fun.

    So I offically withdraw from the league, ty all the teams i had the chance 2 fight against was alot of fun.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CityofChange View Post
    This is sad to hear...

    I guess Philly and I will need a 3rd then.
    You up for it Artic?
    Yea if this gets off the ground fosho
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice Knight View Post
    100% support this effort. Let me know what I can do to help.
    well like philly said, idk if mac still has the time 2 run this so since u r PvPEC why dont u run it ? ?!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
    1. Team Name - Easy Kills
    2. Date joining - 8/29/10
    3. Team Captain - @Fiery-Enforcer
    4. @ItsCamRUN
    5. @iBuds
    6. @Dread Shinobi @DreadShinobi
    7. @Force
    Updated roster.
    Hello @iBuds!
  6. Does any1 have a good pvp build for a fort?
    something with over 1500HP, and good def and some good resist to psionic would be nice
    if any1 has something like this pls post it in this thread for me 2 look @ ty.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    I'm actually on arkenstone...
    if u r u should send me a tell to " Talonsama " i know random names ftw and u can team up with me , exit and deno when we do a lowbies during the nighttime
  8. I'll have 2 talk it over with my team if this league is going 2 happen Exile will be playing in both leagues, also if its a 8v8 cap roster like u say it is Ill be a panel member of a team as long as I and the rest of my team can play both leagues
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    I'd totally be in favour of a new standard fight night.
    I'd have to consult with my teammates on when they could be there, but yeah Tuesday or Wed or maybe even Sunday would be awesome from my point of view.

    is what I would vote
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CityofChange View Post
    So Friday is a "no" then?

    Kara = Said she'd check with the crew
    Exit = Isnt opposed to Friday.
    Philly = Is okay with Friday
    Peril = Same as Philly
    Joe = ?

    I realize I'm not privy to pm's and such, but as an outsider looking in on this thread alone, I'm seeing 4 out of 5 from A&C available for Friday.

    I haven't been able to get ingame or on vent on weekdays and have been mostly kept updated through pm's on the boards so I really am confused. Artic told me he wanted to reschedule to Friday. I hadn't heard from him til yesterday (Thursday) when he said the match was moved to Friday and that he was gonna pm Kat to let her know. This is why I'm confused. Sorry. Not being ingame hurts communication...I know.
    A&C couldnt make it on friday from what kara said so the match is @ its normal time on saturday @ 10:00pm EST ( 7:00pm PST for u lite )

    also my phone broke about 10 min after i sent u the text yesterday lite so lol... as u know im not going 2 be able 2 make saturday so pls make it if u can. Im trying 2 get a new phone also so if i do get a new 1 ill be n touch before the match.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psoma View Post
    Well, I was kidding when I said it, but that really is my own, personal desire for league match days/times. I didn't consult my own team about it or anything and post that trying to get support, if that's what you're asking. But yeah, I'm always a "maybe" on Saturday nights.
    I agree with Oz and I agree with what psoma says also maybe saturdays really arent the best days
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Artic and co.

    Half our offense can't make Friday, will need to do it on Saturday, sorry.
    Np saturday @ normal time it is
  13. Yay Then it looks like the Exile vs A&C match is this friday @ 10:00pm est cya u all thar!

    I'll PM Kat rite away, kara if u can do the same would be cool 2 ty.

    P.S.: I know she will probably just read it here in the posts but just PM her anyways so we dont gets in troubles it maybe against the rules

    P.S.S.: Ty 4 replying as quick as u possible could!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    I'll ask Exit and then and let you know.
    Did u get any more information from ur teammates or no, would like 2 know Asap pls and ty
  15. Any1 from A&C online or when u read this post pst 2 @Teh Artic or just reply in this thread pls and ty:

    Would u guys be willing 2 change the fight time 2 friday nite @ 10:00pm EST?
    pls let me know rite away ty
  16. Exile vs Outcastz Results:

    First Match: 7-5 Exile Wins ( Steel Canyon )

    Second Match: 4-0 Exile Wins ( Atlas Park )

    Third Match: 2-1 Outcastz Wins ( Striga Isle )

    GG Outcastz was fun!
  17. Gratz Cherry!

    Hopefully you wont be as bad as a mayor like Elf was.

    P.S.: Jk kidding Elf =p
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WarScribe View Post
    Defending Buds honor from the looks of things. Since you are the best pvper on Champion, he has appointed you into his service, o' loyal Protector of.....
    It looks like u got a fight alrdy homie :0
  19. * sigh * i just woke up um hmm what am i getting myself into tonite?! =(
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megami-Neko View Post
    what session was this?!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha_Zulu View Post
    Out of those 9, you tied 4.

    You have no one to hold responsible except yourselves for tieing those four matches consistently.

    Should've swallowed your ego and lost the matches and gotten more points.
    Fixed ;p

    P.S.: Oz Dont say it!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Really not seeing the big deal here.

    The old system gave only one point from a tie and it looks like some people played for/earned a tie so they got 3 points. With the new point system, there's no reason to play for a loss or tie unless you want to play a "prevent offense" and stall someone higher in the standings, which might not work since they can win on their own.

    You can't go retro-changing the point distribution, it's there. Just win more of your matches, hope for some teams to fall out of contention through play mistakes and move on.
    Its Still very early in the League we will have 2 finsih another 4 weeks of fights before ( im guessing ) we go back and fight all the teams once more for the last time and then B00M its over.

    what im saying is their is still a LONGTIME before this league is over so Any1 can as some1 said in a earlier post " virtually " come back from their loss of points and vice a versa.

    But if it makes some teams more happy and less likely 2 try and put MORE CHANGES 2 a vote then I'll gladly vote 2 change the scoring simply becuz I dont want 2 c teams falling off the league in Rage or the feeling that they wont be #1 so why bother competeing.

    in Conclusion i would like 2 state that im happy that Champion Server is having pvp on it again and with that being said GLHF 2 all teams and GG for every1 that My team has fought so far looking forward for rematches

    P.S.: Sry i misspelled alot of stuff in that post i have been hanging out with Elf Stalker 2 long
  23. Exile vs STA Results:

    First Match 0-0 Tie ( Cargo )

    Second Match 6-0 STA Win( Perez )

    Third Match 4-1 Exile Win ( Perez )

    GG STA was HELLA fun