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  1. GL/HF
    and welcome to the league
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
    I happen to like "Freedom Anal Pirates" d;D
    R u @Yellow?!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    I demand we draft Zwillinger or Hemmingway3.
    Exile will not draft Hemmingway if u let us draft Swag.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _koto__ View Post
    What are your global handles/recognizable names?
    xPc (scumbag koto registers forum account and uses own name)

    What server do you primarily play on?

    What server do you prmarily PvP on?

    What toons do you have to offer for 8v8 PvP?
    Nothing that fits this horrible meta, I just came back to the game and haven't played for something like 2-3 years.

    Which of these toons is on Freedom?

    If any, what toons would you be willing to transfer to Freedom for a league?

    What do you consider your primary/optimal role in a team setting?

    What do you consider your favorite role in a team setting?
    Ice/Storm in storm team. Thermal in villains pre-IO's. Psi Permadom in villains post IO's. Sonic/Sonic in Dual Sonic. Rad in multiple rad. It really depends on the team comp.

    Would you be willing to make a new toon and level it to 50?

    Would you be willing to respec into a new build for a league?

    Briefly describe your experience in PvP. (If you were on other 8v8 teams list them here, any substantial experience here also)
    Joined LotD played villains with them. We changed to heroes because villains were ****. We invented the offensive storm team and lost to Lion's Den because they exploited the **** out of vengeance stacking. Left the game with LotD.

    Came back ages later, joined JAL when they were #1 or w/e and played sonic and blaster for them. Played some matches then everyone quit the game I think.

    (OPTIONAL) (Only answer if you have a firm grasp of team rosters)
    Name Captains you would prefer to play for, minimum of 3. If you pick 3 I can guarantee you a spot on one of the 3 you choose, if you don't then whoever drafts you will be final. Also when we get down to the last draftees, there might be instances where people have to be picked in order to keep teams even numbers, in this case the draft protection will not apply.

    Mage, Philly Girl or Arctic.
    Whats ur gobal? ( Only asking becuz I edit the free agent list on the GP Site, and Ima need ur gobal so I can add u )
  5. What are your global handles/recognizable names? @Terror.
    What server do you primarily play on? Virtue / Freedom
    What server do you prmarily PvP on? Freedom
    What toons do you have to offer for 8v8 PvP? Psy/Em
    Which of these toons is on Freedom? All
    If any, what toons would you be willing to transfer to Freedom for a league? None
    What do you consider your primary/optimal role in a team setting? Look Down
    What do you consider your favorite role in a team setting? Being a Emo Mascot
    Would you be willing to make a new toon and level it to 50? No
    Would you be willing to respec into a new build for a league? Yes
    Briefly describe your experience in PvP. (If you were on other 8v8 teams list them here, any substantial experience here also) KB / Zone / Arena 1v1-8v8
    (OPTIONAL) (Only answer if you have a firm grasp of team rosters)
    Name Captains you would prefer to play for, minimum of 3. If you pick 3 I can guarantee you a spot on one of the 3 you choose, if you don't then whoever drafts you will be final. Also when we get down to the last draftees, there might be instances where people have to be picked in order to keep teams even numbers, in this case the draft protection will not apply.

    Any1s Team
  6. Signing up for some ppl that r still having problems logging on to the fourms.

    What are your global handles/recognizable names? @Sinful Blaze, @Sinful Blaze 2
    What server do you primarily play on? Champion
    What server do you prmarily PvP on? Champion
    What toons do you have to offer for 8v8 PvP? ill/Emp
    Which of these toons is on Freedom? None
    If any, what toons would you be willing to transfer to Freedom for a league? ill/Emp
    What do you consider your primary/optimal role in a team setting? Healer
    What do you consider your favorite role in a team setting? Healer
    Would you be willing to make a new toon and level it to 50? Yes
    Would you be willing to respec into a new build for a league? Yes
    Briefly describe your experience in PvP. (If you were on other 8v8 teams list them here, any substantial experience here also) Zone/Arena ( KBs and 1v1-8v8 )
    (OPTIONAL) (Only answer if you have a firm grasp of team rosters)
    Name Captains you would prefer to play for, minimum of 3. If you pick 3 I can guarantee you a spot on one of the 3 you choose, if you don't then whoever drafts you will be final. Also when we get down to the last draftees, there might be instances where people have to be picked in order to keep teams even numbers, in this case the draft protection will not apply.

    Teh Artic / Phillygirl / Venatrix
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emo_Bitter View Post
    I will "consider" forming a team if I can get a very solid co-captain and about 4 core people who really put a ton of time into PvP and are pretty serious. I'll attempt at teaching new people and will most likely play everyone as long as they are NOT tardaloo's.

    But NONE of this until I can get a solid co-captain
    Ay Bitter try and see if PF will Co-Cap with u a new team. I also heard that Mebs was trying to form a team, u should hit him up as well.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    I assume we take off for Thanksgiving and if it runs into christmas we take that off as well? I know Thanksgiving is on a Thursday but in the past we had travel issues with people. I dont have a preference personally since my travel is limited. Should have people check with their teams and take a vote.
    I agree we should have to skip official matches on weeks with thanksgiving and xmas.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HelenofCimerora View Post
    Venny @Venatrix Inferno :: Captain
    Mage @Mirage Mage :: Leprechaun Manager
    Smallz @Smallzies :: Co-Captain

    Tempty @Tempty
    Fiery @Fiery-Enforcer
    Masque @Masque @Masque2
    Exit @Exit
    Pixel @Pixel Empire @Pixel Nation
    Morti @Mortilance
    Just Curious, but ur not going with 10? or jus didnt decide who ur 10th was atm?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post
    WARE is also interested in setting up practices as well.
    Sounds good let me see what days we are / we arent practicing with other ppl and then I'll hit u or Silit up with some options on diff day/times we could practice.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Nice pickups Artic, hope to see you guys on Freedom soon, PM PF? for practice and such once we get organized.
    Freedom is were all of our toons are at... But yea um I'll talk to PF about setting up some practice nights with u guys.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    Quick update, core sizes have been raised to 10 maximum as of today. The 2 additional spots are not required to be filled but filling them now is legal at this point. Additional info can be found on the GP.
  13. Captain:

    @Teh Artic, @Artic Chill -44


    @Pimprock, @Be a Man
    @Midnight Havoc, @Ice-GX


    @TRTerror, @TRTwo, @TRThree


    @Frozen Viper
    @Lil Swag
    @Sinful Blaze, @Sinful Blaze 2
    @Diotrophes, @Diotrophes 2
    @METI, @METl
    @Darklogos, @darklogs
  14. Oh wow cool tyvm whoever got this Thread sticky'd !
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    tossed it into excel hit sort. Enjoy.

    @Artic Keeper
    @Athena Shadow
    @Black Tabby
    @Celeistal Lord
    @Cherry Cupcakes
    @Disciple of Horus*
    @Elf Stalker
    @Fallen Leprechaun*
    @Fanged Knight
    @James T Mobster
    @Jonnie Neutron
    @Midnight Havoc
    @Newguys Son
    @Pixel Nation*
    @Teh Artic
    @The Gigan
    @The Void
    @Viking Princess
    @War Admiral
    Ty person
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hindenburg View Post
    ooh jeez, its not alphabetical.
    you fergot @smallz and @masque
    Well I jus now added them after seeing the posts after ur post im quoting Hindy, but to answer why I left them out is simple, this list is a head count list, the reason I didnt add their names and some others that have sent me tells ingame asking why I didnt list their names in the list is becuz I felt they would have moved their toons off of champion after the league was over.

    but them plus some others r in the main list now.
  17. Hai You!

    This thread is basically me making a huge list of every1 on Champion that still plays ( whether its actively/occasionally or Good/Bad pvpers, and or if u dislike/like certain ppl in this list.) so that I can do a head count so to speak of our servers population in order to help plan for future pvp events that Me and some of the other Co-Hosts are thinking of throwing together.

    People say that all the servers except for freedom are dead, but I'd like to consider Champion server as more in a coma on life support in a broken down hospital then being actually dead. We proved this by having the latest pvp league here.

    The following names/globals u are about to see are ppl that I have personally seen at recent Kickballs or PvP Events in the last Month here on Champion Server. Please feel free to add yourself if ur not alrdy in this list of names if u wish to be apart of this count or if I simply forgot ur name, also feel free to remove yourself if u wish NOT to be apart of this head count. Forgive me a head of time if I misspell ur name or global thank you!

    @Artic Keeper
    @Athena Shadow
    @Black Tabby
    @Celeistal Lord
    @Cherry Cupcakes
    @Disciple of Horus*
    @Elf Stalker
    @Fallen Leprechaun*
    @Fanged Knight
    @James T Mobster
    @Jonnie Neutron
    @Midnight Havoc
    @Newguys Son
    @Pixel Nation*
    @Teh Artic
    @The Gigan
    @The Void
    @Viking Princess
    @War Admiral
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post

    Hopefully see some of you in the 3 v 3 ladder or the 1 v1 duel ladder.
    I heard talk of such rumors in my travels across a variety of servers as of late and My question is as such this.

    1.) When/Where/What will happen with any of those ideas in the above quote ^

    2.) May I join?

    Thank u kind citizen
  19. dats gai the fourm censored my cuss word & I cant edit it
  20. Too bring up all drama but at the same time pretty much a fact from what Ive seen since Im in both channels, BMT may have less ppl in it at one time of the day/nite but it get PANCAKEPANCAKEPANCAKEPANCAKE done like no joke. Champion United has alot more ppl in it at any time of the day/nite but thats jus becuz when it was first formed a few years ago all those mods blinded invited mass ppl and the ppl that clicked accept jus stayed in it. But I will say Champion United does have alot more talking going on in it and a less I guess one word to use would be " serious " attuide around its chat windows.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Who won prizes last night? Might be tempting for new people if people knew what they might get.
    The prizes r random lvl 50 pvp ios ranging from anything to procs - to anything literally, so far if I remember off hand

    5 glad javs
    1 Panacea
    4 Glad Armors
    1 Shield Wall
    2 Glad Strikes
    1 Glad Net
    1 Jav Volley

    and 250mil inf have been given away so far. The ppl that won last nite were

    @Artic Keeper
    @New Guy

    and 1 more person but I dont remember who.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Braije View Post
    Another fun Saturday night with a good mix of ppl and we KB'd for hours! It's cool there are unofficial KB's going on during the week, the past few Saturdays have been good times though!
    Fosho, we went exactly 4 hours and 39min of Kickballs last night all 7v7-8v8s only! Come on out if u want in on some action and free money/prizes!