270 -
i got sik n ur momz faes = (
Remove @The Raging Canadian from the HO roster please.
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I see what's going on here. -
Not more Stalkers. >_<
You leave him alone.
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You take ur manlove elsewhere. kkthxbai
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lolujelus? -
Very nice. And yeah when Posi said "respecialization" I was like "wha?"
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Slots are actually called Specializations, or were to be called so. The term has more or less fallen into disuse, but appears in documentation prepared prior to release. Example here. Hence, Respecialization is defensible, since the respec process involves reselecting these.
I humbly suggest we don't worry about assigning an "official" meaning to the term "respec" when it can just as easily stand as an abbreviated form of Respecification or Respecialization.
Sorry I didn't see this sooner.
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When the respec trials were revealed they were billed as "respecification" trials. -
butt <3
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TF2 meh -
My friends and I recently broke our own record with a 27-minute run on an ITF. Team makeup was something along the lines of Fire/Fire Tank, Ice/Rad Corruptor, Ice/Kin Corruptor, a Fire and Ice/Cold Corruptor, my 38 Sonic/Sonic Def SKd, then a couple spots for toons I don't recall.
Despite some opinions, I've found that it's the buffs that really do it. Two sets of Cold shields keeps you going and the Sonic keeps you from going down too fast if they do manage to hit you. Of course, we ghost as much as possible (killing only hostage groups, ONLY crystals, ONLY Generals, etc.). I find Thermal and Cold to be far superior for this ITF because we move at a ridiculous pace and can't always stick together for team buffs like Rad, Dark, and Leadership. Another plus to having Cold and Thermal is their (IMO) superior debuffing capabilities (Benumb the healing fluffy and Heat Loss/Sleet them all). Not to mention me stacking -90% resistance on anything I'm shooting at. <.< Another boon is that a couple of us take and slot Vengeance in case someone "accidentally" dies.We didn't even really need heals in that TF because I'd just cage anything that switched from Tank to squishy.
Those of you on Pinnacle can look BSOD/Debt Squad or me up if you want to run with us some time. = D -
I really enjoyed the depth of your guide and share many of the same opinions with a few caveats.
Dark as Primary: Cone immobilize early to keep mobs grouped for Fulcrum Shift. Cone attack that, despite your saying Dark lacks punch, really delivers. Dark is more of an AoE/debuff set but still does terrific damage, especially with Kinetics. Despite there also being a KB power, I find that opening mitigation of KB helps keep a Kin alive for further [soft] control.
Energy and AR: See above in regards to KB; also, AoE KB really only hurts Fulcrum Shift use as all other Kin powers are ST. Now, if you're talking about groups: yes, KB can cause issues if you don't have an AoE immobilize or slow if you're not well-practiced at utilizing it (which you should be by 38 and FS). (See Patrons below)
Rain powers: I know some people live and die by these powers but don't personally like them for the same reasons most people don't like KB; EVERYTHING scatters. Now, I know both Ice Storm and Blizzard slow (though I find Blizzard more effective due to KD) but, unless stacked, I find Ice Storm very antithetical to survival on a Kin (especially one without buffs). Everything aggros on you, runs away, and isn't slowed anymore. However and IMO, it is very good damage and is worth taking if you pick up a patron immobilize. YMMV
Patron pools: Black Scorpion's immobilize is actually targeted AoE. AFAIK, pretty much all immobilize powers also do -KB. Since both Mako and Scorpion's patron pools have an immobilize, I find these to be very synergetic with rain powers, though you'll have to keep in mind that Blizzard's KD won't have effect until after the -KB wears off and mobs won't be trying to run away. Regardless, very nice for keeping things tightly packed for teams and more Fulcrum Shift (mmm). Also of note is that an opening salvo will hurt (badly) after you throw an AoE imm, Storm, and Blizzard, so it might be best to let a Brute/Tank/Scrapper aggro first or cast the rain powers out of LoS. Only downside to BS is drawtime on powers. = ( -
Then Impy and I fought the Bots. Christ, what a match. This was before any of you even thought of builds beyond 1v1. There were still people practicing against AVs (KillerShadow, I'm looking at you). My Energy/Ice/Fly [censored] flew as fast as I knew how to, yet I couldn't make up for the disparity between SS and Fly. The Bots won the 2v2 Blaster match and, honestly, I've never been so proud to have lost a match since. We were damn well out-played.
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Steel Canyon map?
2 Energy/? Blasters against Positronbot (Elec/Elec) and Polarbot (Ice/Em)?
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Office map.
PosiBot - Elec/Energy (right? Had SS and mostly duked it out with Impadivus)
PolarBot - Ice/Energy (for sure had SS but was dying far more than Posi)
Impadivus - Energy/Energy (Fly and SS but still, EM)
Alloric - Energy/ICE (somehow I almost kept up because of multiple holds shutting down the double-team on Impy, I got some kills but lacked the heavy-hitters) -
Did everyone forget teh LMC.
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Sorry, teh who? -
Wow, account is reactivated. Sweet. Hi.
Hey, can anyone hook a brother up with some IOs for pvp this weekend? I haven't played in years.
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Liur. You so begged me for my Ice/FF two years ago. -
I think Evolution was only around briefly, they were present when i4 first came out and participated in some arena matches, but never reached the high level of competition.
I know Evolution and Jagged Legion had a rivalry going..if memory serves me correct.
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As I remember it, Evo wanted a match with JL because JL was the "better of the Hami spank-down teams". JL fought TA (Twilight Avengers) almost IMMEDIATELY after the I4 Beta and, well, too many perma-MoG Scrappers and about five Blasters with about eleven support toons did bad, very bad things to Scrappers.
JL housed people like Forum Troll[er], C'len [H E R O], and Climhazzard [R'shiel]. Twilight Avengers were the only SG at the time who could even mount a 16v16 against JL. Holy crap, even my En/Ice Blaster led killcounts.
I was there the night that Evolution first fought JL and, if I remember correctly, we had -a- kill to their sixty-some. Dominated every match before then and we got stomped. And hard.
Then Impy and I fought the Bots. Christ, what a match. This was before any of you even thought of builds beyond 1v1. There were still people practicing against AVs (KillerShadow, I'm looking at you). My Energy/Ice/Fly [censored] flew as fast as I knew how to, yet I couldn't make up for the disparity between SS and Fly. The Bots won the 2v2 Blaster match and, honestly, I've never been so proud to have lost a match since. We were damn well out-played.
Then the real matches started up. It was no longer PvP, it was TvT (JL v TA, Tri v OG, TT v Bots). JL stood back and watched. No longer challenged by the predictable AI, JL wavered, watching PvP teams trump one another.
If anyone remembers, it was I that challenged Tribute on behalf of Jagged Legion. I had only the backing of a few people at the time and didn't feel the team cohesion that we'd truly need to even -fight- against them. The challenge fell to the wayside as JL found itself short on aggressive members in the PvP community. A number of SGs challenged JL and I turned them all down; Jagged Legion lost too many of the sure-fire members that made us both PvE and PvP successes. Beyond our home server names like Belle., Blue, Saint, Seleven, Charbroil, ProZack, Victim 51, Radition, MISSUniverse, Scarlet Claw, and Collapsar don't mean much but they damn sure caused a ripple in the current "celebs". Alarys's "Goddess of Gravity" was shaped after Collapsar to fight my Ice/En, Loridai (who lost to CantBetMe, lawl). Loridai beat Pesky's Kat/SR. H E R O was never trumped until a Rad/Psi from Pinnacle beat him. Forum Troller may have lost to an Earth/Emp but there are pletny of Lvl 3 BRK FRZZZZZZZ, when someone did better. I even remember the day -Fates lost. *ahem* Sure, those on Pinnacle can remember people like H E R O, R'shiel, Forum Troller, Impadivus, Green/Brown Aphid, and Alloric; yet few remember the legacy of the members of Jagged Legion that still led the crowd.
JL led the pack from the gate and nobody challenged for a good, long while. Then Top Ten took the stage, Tribute did even better. By the time most of our "veteran" PvPers learned to spike the best players in the game lost interest and went elsewhere.
Maybe another game can reunite all of CoH's very best for a true trial of the greatest teams and players. -
Well, try harder.
Good intention; sadly, not gonna happen.
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Try hard as I might, mate, I still don't understand WTH yer talking about.
Which of my intentions are you mistaking for good?
Or perhaps you have no idea who or what you are responding to and just decided to jump in and say something, *anything*, to attach yourself to a convo that was otherwise simply over your head?
In that case, welcome to the zone!
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The fact that you totally missed my points has proven whose head the conversation has gone over. The "polite" insults are getting old however, so I'll let your post sink to the bottom of the list and die a not-soon-enough forgotten death. -
Well, try harder.
Good intention; sadly, not gonna happen. -
While I agree with the thought behind this post, it just so happens that this is the 3473345th post just like this.
The problem with your idea here is that it's like evangelism, which is something that I neither discourage nor condone under any circumstances. If you're posting this you should also be writing books on how to treat your neighbor, not covet your buddy's wife, and leave other countries the [censored] alone.
See the parallel? -
a huge modsmack and my post is still there? is the world coming to an end? lol
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Yours was nice though. Mine was the dick post. -
Someone recently took "Alloric" so keep in mind that the Pinnacle Alloric is no longer me.
I actually enjoy the trashtalk. Helps me wrangle noobs into the arena with me when they say things like, "you couldn't do that without your blank."
Then I say, "don't you worry about blank; let me worry about blank."
Really, it makes things interesting. It'd be nice if things were amicable but if people can't take it as a joke [censored] 'em.
You know what they say about elephants that dream of flying, right?
They're [censored] stupid. -
Grats to Unbalanced for getting Unbalala (lol creativity), his Fire/Energy Blaster, to 50 tonight!
Little closer.
That's not a snare trap... >.>
(What's that supposed to mean?!) -
/springs the trap
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