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  1. Thank you both, that sorted it, no idea why it's passing the other arguments but not -renderthread, but using "perl cohlaunch.pl -renderthread 0" fixed it, after months away I can finally play again *does happy smurf dance*
  2. I've been trying the perl script and I'm hoping someone might have an idea what I'm doing wrong (I have no clue about perl coding).

    I've got the perl script in the program folder and altered it to the correct location of the wine directory (/opt/cxgames/bin/wine) for my installation. I then ran it with "perl cohlaunch.pl" which won't patch my existing game files, but will download a whole new set (I've tried both options). Then instead of running the game, the script ends and returns me to the command line.

    I've made a couple of alterations to the script, activating the repair flag, changing the region to eu and changing line 732 to "push @additional_args, ('-renderthread 0', '-project eucoh', '-maxinactivefps 5', '-auth');"

    This will now patch my existing installation and will start the "loading" splash, but then it just hangs there.

    The terminal displays:

    Running City of Heroes
    Preloading DLLs...done. (0.02)
    CityOfHeroes client count: 1
    num cpus = 4 / 4
    Skipping verify step due to -noverify command line option
    Fast validation cancelled.
    Loading message stores...done. (0.30)

    Don't suppose anyone has any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
  3. little illusion troller on my way if it's still happening
  4. I was doing some redecorating of our base last night and the strangest thing happened. I'm not sure if it's a bug or something I did wrong, but we managed to lose ever item constructed from salvage from the entire base.

    We needed a couple of rooms to be increased, so my plan was to make a small room out of the way to store the items in while I sorted out the proper room... (Am I alone in thinking too little thought went into salvage items, when you can't remove them without losing them, you can't increase a room without deleting it, so you have to make a store room or lose all your salvage made items?)

    Anyway, I made my teleport room and put the 2 teleporters in it, deleted the original room and set about making it's replacement in a different location. (And who, oh why can't we drag rooms around, instead of going through all this palava to move a room?)

    Made the new teleport room, went to the store room to get the pads, to find that they had both vanished.

    Then, not being terribly bright at 4am, I tried the same thing with the control room, made the new room first, they dragged everything from the old room to the new one this time. But when I went to the old room, the bought items were there, but the salvage made control unit had vanished.

    Third vanishing item was an oracle. I wasn't sure which room it went into, so I tried it in all of them, placed it in the control room, but it never appeared, and is no longer in my list of personal items.

    Please, please, please, can we have salvage items either placed on another purchase tab if they are deleted or need to be moved, or given back to the original person, rather than being lost when strange things happen.

    It's hard enough trying to get salvage that is of any use, without losing the odd thing we can make from it!
  5. xRenx

    Storing salvage

    Oh I hope we get it, 2 of my CoV characters have so much salvage that I can't collect any more, but I can't make a single thing with it. Very frustrating! But if we could shove it all in a heap on the floor somewhere we might just be able to make something usefull with it.
  6. Personally I love MM's, I've ben playing CoV since early beta and CoH for around a year now, and I can say for certain that MM's are the most fun I've ever had.

    They suck in PvP, I'm usually dead before I've even summond all the pets, let alone spent 8 minutes trying to upgrade them all, but it's so nice to be able to solo missions and level at a reasonable rate!

    A lot of people have complained that they're over-powered, but I'd like to put that down to good gameplay. I've seen MM's that can clear out a mission so easily they hardly have to do more than run over the entire map. But I've also seen MM's that manage to agro most of the mission with almost no effort and lose pets faster than they can make them!

    Each architype takes skill and carefull slotting to get it's full potential, but too many people (including the devs) seem to think that if a lot of people manage to get it right, then the architype is over powered.

    As someone who loves their pets, and seems to be genetically unable to play as a scrapper, tank, brute or stalker, MM's are a wonderful alternative. Nevermind getting the pets to scrape and grovel at my feet, I bow down and worship them, after all, I couldn't get very far without them
  7. Yep mine do that too, and it's annoying the hell out of me