Dear Manticore-
I am very impressed with the game and your philosophy for workmanship and quality of gaming. I enjoy getting lost in the story line and playing it up. I have one request of the character creation. <ul type="square">[*]The mutant race is one that I think could be expanded in the creation process. All other races are somewhat more human in nature. I feel the term mutant should deserve more body adjustments than the typical. If your program and graphics team could come up with a way to morph the human body with animal bodies it would create a more mutant feel. It would be really cool to see character hands with 3 fingers or more claw like at the end, and see leg features that are more mammal, bird, lizard, or fish shaped. If the user could choose one or up to three animal types to merge with it would be way cool. The transform/morph rate could be integrated with a dragging scale and watch heroes morph from one side of the spectrum to the other to make the final look of the body. I am a big fan of the mutant class and would like to see some more attention paid to that physical development more than just horn features in the head and tail features for the butt.[/list]
I am enjoying the expanding physical features you have done so far, now its time to take it to the next level. Thanks to all of you who have made this game great and continue to amaze me.
<ul type="square">[*]Star Rion / Level 18/ Virtue Server[*]Mardoge / Level 8 / Justice Server[*]Cricket Warrior / Level 12 / Virtue Server[/list]