Ok, here's a thought... instead of comming up with new inspiring (yet often buggie) content. How about we address an OLD problem never resolved... Remember that pesky Mission that's unable to be selected by the SGbase Mission Computer... The Cathedral of Pain? Remember how it awared a base item of power. If you can, then that's amazing, hats off... but for almost 3+ years this mission has been closed due to some bugs.
SO for 3 years, the mission computer & sg mission teleporter have been redundent. This also restricts the "base raid" option only to those who have the "item of power". So what's the deal. Why can't we come to a solution to allow supergroups the ability to use these items...
Thankfully, I've come up with some possible ideas...
First, instead of having the Item of power come from a mission, have it be something more like a SG Accolade. If the Supergroup earns a certian # of supergroup badges, they are awared with the Item of Power to add to their base. Enabling the Mission computer & teleporter to be used...
Here's another potential one, how about you link the wonderful new AE features to a Supergroups Mission computer, perhaps make it useful again?
Well? What do you think? I'm sure they could each be refined, but I feel they are all great possible resolutions to these dusty base pieces... Granted, if they've already implemented alternate ways to get an Item of Power, I'd love to know...
Something else I'd like to see in base options would be the ability to add the Arena Booths for supergroups to use in their base, much like they did with the Invention table workshops.