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  1. ok . i did not know that COX team was moved to a new studio of NCSOFT ,i mean i love the team that create City Of Heroes And Villians not cryptic ,im glad that 100 precent of the team was move to a new studio that was only for them ,so i understand that CO and the new cryptic have none of the COX delovpers ,so i realy dont care about CO ,i will keep checking about NC Norcal ,the team that create COX .

    and sorry and tnx for the answers and the information .
  2. wait[editing my post]i need to say things that i learend from this topic ,do not close plz
  3. you dont understand ,champions online its COX 2 ,same company ,more expirence ,more budget ,and alot of improvemnt ,why do you hate cryptic?becosh of them you play cox ,ncsoft just keeping it alive ,i dont hate ncsoft i mean i fill sorry for them about the money issues that they have ,but cox cant survive this 2 new games ,most of the cox fans hate ncsoft ,they will go to the new cryptic game ,and dcuo ,will DC ...
  4. this[cox]is the first cryptic game ,is like a beta ,and champions online is the full game ,after expirence in cox ,they will give the full prudoct[co] .

    and by the way ,your playng a cryptic game ,give some respect to them .
  5. superhero mmo is not a fantasy mmo ,there is no room for 3 super hero mmorpg ,lets see ,COX will survive DCUO ,but half of the players will leave cox ,then more and more and when CO will relesh ,BOOM!

    COX is diyng ,right now ,most of the servers are empty .
  6. i do not understand ,all of you play a cryptic game[cox]and you think that ther second game with twice more budget will fail?
  7. DC Universe Online was announced is october 2005 ,and will releash in the summer of 2009 ,and COH is the first game of Cryptic ,they did mistakes like all the first things that ppl do[like me..amm]the second[Champions Online]will be alot better ,and COX is diyng aniway ,so CO will kill it for sure ,COX is a old Cryptic game ,and NCNC just keep it living .
  8. why ncsoft purchased city of heroes/villians from cryptic if they did know that cryptic is developing a new super hero mmorpg?i dont want to be rude but we all know when Champions Online[the new super hero mmorpg by cryptic]will releash so its the dead of COX ,then nc soft will close the servers of cox if the game was still by cryptic i guess they will make Champions online accounts to play COX on free ,but ncsoft purchased the game ,and we are all doomed ,ohh by the way i understand that DC Universe Online will releash before Champions Online ,that bummer that SOE will kill COX and not Cryptic ,the company that create COX .