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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Question on this:

    Can this be binded to a key somehow within the keybinds.txt file that is autoloaded, so that you could hit a key and load the bind file for a specific character, then start playing as a different character, hit the same key again, and their own binds would be loaded?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LSHIFT+L "bind_load_file C:\COH\charBinds\antibody.txt"

    Each of my characters has their own named txt file and this command. I usually have the txt file open on my second monitor and once I edit the doc, save it, go to the game and hit lshift L and bam, my changes are in. Very convenient.

    I don't use the keybinds.txt file any longer, although I do have a copy of it saved for a reference to default settings.

    By the way, once you load a characters file in and you switch to that character the binds you had are automatically set up. I don't have to load in my bind file every time I log in, I only have to do it if I change something.
  2. It saves it as C:\keybinds.txt

    Curveball, thanks very much for this guide. I saw it first on the warcry boards and has helped me inmmensly in /shudder roleplaying my character.

    I especially like the loading in of a new thing to say each time a power is used. I use Force bolt a lot and came up with quite a number of things to say when using it. However, i did not want to map tons of keys to do this. I'm glad I came to check your guide out again.

    Keep up the good work.