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  1. AmethystSeraphim

    Power Glowing

    Awww nevermind... It still bothers me in dark areas when teamed. You know how the Sonic Shields are very dull? Like, they don't glow but they are just a little color around people? (Unless that is only on the low end of particles) Well, if there was an option to make them all that way in the personal options, that would be very nice. ^^ Anyway, yeah, that's all I can ask I guess. Back to 100 for me. Thanks for reading!
  2. AmethystSeraphim

    Power Glowing

    Thanks for the replies, but I think I fixed it! I got the Particle thing to settle on 390 instead of 100 or 1500 and it worked! That's how it used to be on my old card. I just used my Ice/Storm and that intensity is gone! I'm so happy!!! I guess it was good that I left when my eyes were really having issues but I'm so glad I fixed my problem! But now I feel kinda silly for making this thread, but what a releif! ^^
  3. AmethystSeraphim

    Power Glowing

    It...just hit me what I think is wrong. It's my eyes... They don't dialate. They take in all the light. When I was born, my pupils were only open about the size of a pin, and the cut them open so they don't dialate. I'd completely forgooten because light doesn't bother me. Not even sunlight. I don't wear tinted glasses or anything. I guess it's just when the screen is covered with that intense glow during battles it makes my eyes tired. But it's the only thing that does. But that must be why nobody but me is bothered by it.

    So, apparently I'm the only person... I'd appreciate a toned down option for the powers very much, but I guess I'll just play with 100 particles. I started the game on a 5500FX, and didn't have any problems, but when I got a new PC and an 8800 GTX the powers got more intense. I can't believe I didn't think of that until now, unless I mentioned it last year? I can't remember, but I just thought of it now.
  4. AmethystSeraphim

    Power Glowing

    Yes, Bloom is off, Monitor and GFX card settings are not bright. I fought with all the stuff I could possibly do for weeks before I left, I think. Nothing else on my PC is too bright, no other games have the effect that that glowing has on me, I do believe if it was less intense I would be all right. ^^ I really love this game to death, and it would be 100% perfect if I could get that glowing down and still actually be able to see a little color.
  5. AmethystSeraphim

    Power Glowing

    Hey all, I had some eye problems last year and so I had to leave the game because I couldn't play with all the brightness in the game. My eyes are back to normal (turns out it was a combination of eye drops that was the issue) but now that I'm back playing, the powers are indeed hurting my eyes, especially with all the halloween stuff. Now for those of you who remember, if any, I really don't want to be a nag, and I will just make my suggestion here and not say anything else about it ever.

    I have updated my drivers (Just this morning), messed with my monitor.

    Yes I have discovered the Particle Count option. I have set it as low as it will go to 100 and that makes most things near invisible. That's not really what I needed, so I turn it up slightly and it jumps to 1000-something and the glow is back. My parents both have seen it and say it would hurt their eyes if they stared at all that light like that. Am I really the only one whom it bothers? Anyway, yeah, it's either invisible or blinding glow. :/

    It's not even all effects that do this, mind.

    Effects that bother:
    Psy Blast
    Anything Icy
    Healing Aura
    Glowing Auras and stuff
    Spirit tree
    Ouro portal

    Effects that don't:
    Force Field
    Mind Control
    SG Base portal
    Sparkles (Light or Heavy)
    Hurricane / Gale

    Just for examples. So I'd like to request an option into the Power Custimizer or just Personal options for yourself to scale the Intensity of the glowing. I do think some powers have a little bit of an extra glow that if removed, wouldn't be as bad. The game is so beautiful but I would appreciate this so much, y'all have no idea.

    So there is my request. ^^
  6. It was very strange last night, I was fighting the Zombies and GMs and TOTing with a team, and there was a little jumpy lag which was fine, but my Emp's RAs would not work properly, even while we were TOTing in our own little space. I would click RA and it would just get the red circle and just keep it, like if something was out of range. It even made the "BONK" noise. Then after like 20 secs maybe, they would charge down, and then like after a little longer, they'd charge back up and THEN go off by themselves. It didn't "feel" like lag, if you know what I mean, it "felt" like an out of range power's behavior. It was strange and those were the only powers of mine effected. Just felt like mentioning it cause it was weird. ^^
  7. Wow, thanks for sharing the visit story with us! That was awesome of War Witch, and I'm happy for Sister Flame.
  8. This is an awesome thread and an adorable story, OP! Cute stories in the replies, too!