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  1. I am looking for a few good Role-Player types to try out a tool I have written for helping heroes give monologues. Basically it turns a sequence of short text lines into a set of COH macro files, which will cause your hero to speak each line of the text in order, triggered by whatever keystroke you choose. It is intended for songs, poems, speeches, directions, or other bodies of text which can be easily broken into short lines.

    Simple idea?

    The tool has many features, but also has the potential for abuse, in that it can be used to spam the chat channels with lots of data in a short timespan. Therefore I am releasing this tool only to a small pool of users at this time, not to the CoH community at large. The tool is very safe: it produces only a bunch of text files, and is web-based, so you don't need to download or run any software on your own computer.

    I will start with only a few users on a first-come-first-served basis, so if you are interested, email me at, and I will give you access.

    Thanks for your interest,
    - AmericanEidolon