Founding history and reasoning behind
"Critical Point"
Paragon City has evolved a lot over the years. For better and for worse. Certainly it always had problems regarding crime to varying extents but the most talked about, well known and saddening crisis that this port city ever had to contend with in recent years was of course the Rikti attack. Certainly the failed invasion of Paragon City during WW2 is also a worthy of note yet Paragon was different then; it was finding itself. Slowly Paragon city flourished in the past, attracting entrepreneurs, architects and of course the heroes Paragon is reknown for. The City grew and it's quiet beauty was appreciated by all. Disasterously this was indeed shattered by the Rikti invasion. Parts of the city still lie in ruins... some are nothing but mockeries of their former selves and some even worse. Unfortunately due to the after effects of the Rikti War where crime spiralled out of control, and incidents like the Troll's creation of the Hollows as it is known today took place, it may well be a long time before Paragon City can ever be restored to how it once was.
Thanks to Super powered heroes and those that aid them, along with the work of the police force, city council and the those other countless brave souls the city does have a chance at rebuilding at defeating crime. The new technology of for example medical teleportation practiced by PC's hospitals also gives hope. Yet there are still concerns - the dangers of another alien invasion, crime fighting forces being overrun by the severity of organised and unorganised crime in the various areas of Paragon and the new dangers of super powered villains looming on the horizon. Anything is possible and there is a whispered danger that another grand tragedy may befall Paragon City. It is already a miracle that the heroes of Paragon have been able to prevent such a thing. Yet one can never be too sure...
Thus a new super group is formed, inspired by the problems Paragon worked through in the past but with a desire to never again feel such sad repurcussions. Critical Point, a new supergroup open to all heroes - whether still in training or a veteran of those tragic events of the past. Working together quietly, so as to prevent unnecessary concern from the public, Critical Point's membership aims to seek out threats to Paragon City and neutralise them before anything can come of them. It's heroes form the Crisis Aversion Team (also known as CAT) and secretly but effectively work towards the safety and better future of Paragon City. These are not heroes desiring fame or prestige - they are content with the knowledge of a job well done and a bright tomorrow for Paragon's people.
Critical Point is a freelance and independent Agency set up to handle and root out any and all dangers that Paragon faces before mobilising it's team to combat these dangers. It is also a supergroup that will definately be there on the front lines should any new crisis ever befall Paragon City. If you wish to join this supergroup, whether as an associate, a full time member or better yet an active member of the Crisis Aversion Team - the super powered arm of the agency, you are more than welcome. As mentioned any may apply to be a proud member of this body.
Agent "Scout Shine" is the active leader of the Crisis Aversion team and it is she who should be sought for hero evaluation and recruitment. (Don't worry she doesn't bite... ^^; ) We look forward to welcoming you to the team!
OOC: This sg is intended to be an RP group concentrating on team work, pulling through no matter the odds and of course - having a laugh on the way. The history may be serious but you don't have to be. Any hero types may apply of any level - no restrictions ^_^
I also could do with a few dedicated individuals to co-run the sg. The sg colour are gold and black and our logo is the circle with a diamond star in it. Members are operatives, captains are Lieutenant commanders. I aim for regular playing times or for there to be at least enough of us on at any time to get together and do some missions (for the greater good of Paragon City!). As the sg is somewhat secretive charactistically and something of an agency the most logical hero applicants would be the military-esque sorts; those in combat armour or special military grade suits - even combat robots and the like, agents/ spies/ assassins?, mercenaries and of course those with other relevant experience such as fighting in the Rikti War. However characters with any history can apply - perhaps with one condition - character information is necessary for when the sg does RP (most of the time hopefully considering this is Union). It doesn't need to be in your character's ID necessarily but you should know your character's personality and have some story for them in mind.
Please pm me on this forum or email . In game, as mentioned earlier, message or email "Scout Shine". This is a new sg but that doesn't mean it cannot be successful. I hope to hear from you! ^_^