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  1. The replys that you guys have posted here were QUITE a bit more clear that what I received from Tech Support. I'm not too pleased with being FORCED to run the Tip missions before being able to run the SSA & getting the Alignment Merit. If this is the case, a Rogue merit of some sort needs to be available in-game. I was only slightly annoyed about the fact that I had to make my vigilante characters commit to red or blue side to get the Merit but the rest is much more annoying.

    But, whataya gonna do? I guess I'll be running the tip missions until I can't stand it anymore....

    Thanks for the info, at least I know now!
  2. I have contacted tech support about this but the reply was ZERO help. That was surprising, since they have always been very helpful in the past! I am posting this here to see if any of you have experienced this problem.

    I have played the Sig Story Arc many times with no difficulty getting the hero merit on each character. Recently I tried it with a vigilante character & discovered I could NOT get the hero merit if I wasn't a hero. "Oh well", I thought, "I'll just become a hero & do it again. Almost 2 weeks later (12 days), having completed my hero morality mission, I tried it again. This time, I got the message (paraphrasing) "You must have completed your most recent Morality mission as a hero to obtain this reward". Since I had just done that, this response was rather frustrating! To further compound the problem, the NEXT character I ran the mission with (a few days later) got the same message at the end! This character was CREATED as a hero & was level 17 so he had NEVER RECEIVED A TIP or Morality Mission!!!

    The email from Tech Support basically said "That's how it's supposed to be", even though I have done it with numerous characters (across my three accounts) thst were heroes & most every level from 17 to 50!

    Anyone else noticed an issue with this?