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  1. I really don't mind this change.

    I do think it was targeted at the Cap SF. I've seen the farmers walk away with 64 rare recipes in just under 40 minutes. Here's how they did it:
    There were 8 of them. They each had 8 characters at level 15. They'd each log on a character, team up and get the SF then log off. Rinse and repeat until all 8 characters for each of them were involved in the SF. Then each of them logs on 1 character (each in a different SF) and solo's it until the final mission. Then they cycle through the teams, log all 8 on and destroy the last mission. Each character gets a rare recipe drop. 8x8=64 rare recipes...... Odds are you're going to get at least 1-2 Miracle procs or Numina procs and a crapton of other decent ones.

    So yeah, I think it was a valid change and having strikeforces/taskforces running as intended doesn't seem like a bad thing.

    Leaders: @Shaitu & @Skyzi & @Mordu
    Other Contacts: @Alexinder & @Trekain
    Preferred Method of Contact: Through our website or ingame
    [u]Guild Description:[u]
    "Victoria Confestim Misericordia" - Victory Without Mercy
    The Empire of Villains was formed in November 2005 and is one of the top 5 villain supergroups on Virtue. We are very active and the member interests range from roleplaying, PvP, badge-hunting, casual play, strikeforces, and more! We ask that our members play at least once every 10 days and, on the days that they play, perform at least 2-3 missions in Supergroup Mode. We have a very complete base, friendly leadership and knowledgeable mentors. @Trekain's contact guide can be found linked on numerous CoH/V websites.

    How To Join: Contact any Empire member. We can all invite new members. Please review our FAQ's on our website.

    We hope to hear from you soon!