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  1. Hi

    First of all, let me say that I am enjoying this powerset very much, and 'gratz on some really good work...


    What the powerset needs to make it valuable in teams is a heal and a rez! Otherwise, this is going to wind up being another, "I HATE non-empathy defenders," power in teams.

    Now - I have an idea - it uses stuff that's already laying aorund and existing animations and stuff. How about a:

    Drug Delivery Arrow?

    I mean - they have them IRL, right? Why not in-game?

    Since no one is going to use the Entangling Arrow anyhow (Joke: it's nice to be able to stop two enemies at times...) we replace that with an ally-targeted arrow that delivers... and here's the cute part... AN INSPIRATION from the shooter's supply!

    Want to deliver heals and rezzes? Carry heals and rezzes.

    Select a target, activate Drug Delivery Arrow, then click on an Inspiration, and, if you HIT, the target gets the effect.

    I was thinking that accuracy should be about that of the damage-arrows, and cyclic rate of fire should be fast to moderate, because the limiting feature is the ability to cary inspirations. This is only slightly different from the ability to trade or give Inspirations, except that it is at range and doesn't need an open slot to recieve, and there's no speed limit on that, right??

    One power slot to address a LOT of ally-aid related stuff, and, with a load of Awakens, I'm number ONE on the, "Do Invite," list! MWA-HA-HA-HA!!

    Also: If you're dedicated to arrow slows and imobilizations, you might could add lines of sedative, anesthetic, halucinogenic and muscle relaxant inspirations....