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  1. I'll take part in my second Moonfire TF with Seidh, Illusion / Kin controller.
  2. Yeah. Thanks all!

    Gratz to Bodkin for lvling up - Oil Slick Arrow ftW!
  3. So thats tonight at 8PM UK time right?

    I'm terrible with times and dates, just wanted to make sure!
  4. I'll join with an Illusion / Kin controller (currently 22, but will be 23-28 by friday evening).


    Name = Seidh
  5. Is that with or without Hasten? And how many Sip Speeds on top of that?

    Thanks for the info by the way, just finding out. Since if Only 3 Speed Boosts is needed, then I'm guessing Rad would be a better secondary to combined with Illusion (since the Siphon Speed will be useless beyond Perma PA).
  6. As I said, I'm not too good with the stats on this game so I didn't know that.

    Been a while since I played an Illusion controller, so I was assuming that they acted like the pets of old (could have multiple out at a time), as they are the only timed pet left.

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    Well with 7 Speed boosts, Hasten and Sip Speed, PA would be perma on all of the controllers though?

    As you said, 24 PA's and 8 Phants (+ decoy's), would be more than enough for nice damage and fun?
  7. Hey.

    Just to introduce myself, I've been playing City of Heroes since late '04 on the US servers, moved to the EU servers just before X-Mas.

    Now basically, I've got an idea for a Superteam based on Illusion / Kinetics builds.

    The idea is based around having as many Phantom Armies up as possible at all times.

    With 7 x Speed Boost, 3 x Siphon speed (can get this with just hasten, SO's and Sip Speed, so with 7 x Speed boost might be 5+?), Hasten and Recharge SO's, I'm assuming that a single Illusion Controller can have 1 x Phantom Army up perma, and another one up roughly 50% of the time?

    Now if there was a superteam of 8 doing this, that would be 12 Phantom Armies up all the time = 36 Phantoms, and 8 Phantasms with decoy's. Now to me, this would give unrivaled tanking ability and "nice" levels of damage - Add in 8 x Fulcrum shifted Spectral Wounds with 7 x Speed Boost, 3 Sip Speeds and Hasten, and it's starting to sound like a 1 attack, attack chain, ala Neutrino Bolt, just with much better damage.

    Now I thought I'd run this by you guys to check that all my assumptions were correct. I've never been a numbers / stats guy on this game. So I may be totally off, so any help / advice would be appreciated.

    Assuming that this WOULD work then I'd like to try and set a 100% Ill / Kin Superteam/Supergroup up on Union for a bit of fun.

    Anyway, lemme know. Cheers!