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  1. think i started the synapse with you guys, glad ya survived still bummed i left halfway through.

    Great work founding Tank fathers.

    Best part was everyone there.
    other best part, explaining what tanker tuesday was to people who broadcasted, wondering where everyone was.
    If you were a Tank you were in Justice.
    I'll be there next month hope everyone spreads the word and i'll prob be ready to go earlier than 9 so get there early.....

    oh and sorry for the cold shoulder/confusion on my behalf pep_rally . hope i made up for it by dying first lOl...
  2. love my psi/ice often hit knockback and hit thenm with blast before they even hit the ground. then they get up and I hit them twice more before they get close enough to swing a punch. and ice, wcIs love holding flying enemy, bring em crashing to the ground then bang zap pow. next. no AOE well doesn'ty really matter when you can knock out single targets then move onto the next quicker than anything. . run in drop ice patch and kill em all befor ice patch wears off classic :-)
  3. My earth/sonic has just out leveled my first toon. psi/ice blaster. heh course thats only lvl 33 anyway. . and he is my second toon.
    guess i tailored him for teaming, good strong holds, ae and sonic buffs to help everyone. love a tanker to get a nice big group , stone cages then gasses, then pick them off with fossilize.
    It does take a while when solo'ing but, m/a has made it easier to find teams at funny times of the day.