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  1. RAWR! Even nicer picture of Saira, Miss DeeDee!

    (*swishes tail so fast that Sapphy's chair rises an inch off the ground!*)
  2. (*agrees with Caemgen and Miss DeeDee!*)
  3. (*curls up under Sapphy's chair and grins like a Cheshire as she tries to steal some of Sapphy's thunder*)

    Saira is coming along nicely, Miss DeeDee! RAWR!

    (*swishes tail under Sapphy's chair*)
    Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
    Here she is!
    (click for HUGE version, which may take a bit to load)

    And if you'ld like to take a look at the filmposter I used her in for the CoH F-art Battle, take a look here!

  4. (*notices that there is plenty of room for her to squeeze under Sapphy's chair, and an impish grin crosses her little kitty face! *)
    Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
    aaaaand done! Well with the poster part that is.
    Click for huge full detailed version! (may take a bit to load)

    The written trailer will follow within a few days.

    Edit: The trailer!
    -Show PG13 warning shortly then fade to black.
    -Fade in to text: DeeDee productions and Dreamworks Pictures present
    -Fade in to a silhouette of Neko taking a hot shower. The doorbell rings.
    - Fade to black and fade in to text: in association with Paragon Studios and Warner Bros. Pictures
    -Fade in to a nervous looking Montague Castanella handing Neko an envelope. Neko has wet hair and skin from the shower and is wearing just a towel.
    VO: Good intensions do not always get you what you want.
    -Fade in to Neko with her hands on her hips looking angrily at Mysterious Mike. They are standing on the street between some warehouses. Neko says: “Stop following me around, I can take care of myself!” Mysterious Mike then steps forward and plants a fist in a thug’s face, over Neko’s shoulder. The thug was about to smash Neko’s head with baseball bet but is now knocked back by the blow. “I can see that.” Mysterious Mike answers dryly.
    -Fade in to Mynx with a naughty look in her eyes, gently, stroking a claw over Neko’s cheek, saying: “All you need to do is ask nicely.”
    -Fade to black while VO: Sometimes you have to cross the line.
    -Mysterious Mike thrashing his fist violently into the ground, causing such a ripple that the 7 vile looking arachnos soldiers are thrown back.
    -A strong pose of Neko rapidly turning a dagger in each hand, ready for action.
    -Fade to black while VO: And do something stupid.
    Fade in to a Neko and Mysterious Mike close up, a destroyed building on the background. They are almost kissing when Neko suddenly turns around, throwing her sweeping hair in Mike’s face and walks away, leaving Mysterious Mike gaping after her.
    -A burning building collapses.
    -Neko screaming as she’s overpowered by an arachnos fortunate.
    -Fade in to a an overlook of a destroyed city.
    - Fade to black.
    - Title Neko’s Mischief then fade in the words Coming Soon
    - A sudden shot of Lord Recluse doing a massive attack toward the camera.
    - Black and fade in to the logo’s of DeeDee Productions and Dreamwork Pictures.
    - Fade to black.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by airhead View Post
    Dang. I sense doom. I've been planning so much for a work trip that I haven't got started on my poster, and with 11 days to the deadline I'll be in six different cities. Worst part of it is not the likelihood of failure, but the likelihood of failing to be in the running for a Samuraiko trailer. Waaah!

    (11 days! Get busy!)
    Airhead: Why not just cancel your work trip? That way you can spend *all* your (newly acquired) free time working on teh artz!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by catsi563 View Post
    it also falls in line with the comics portrayal of Hulk recently. best exemplified by the quote "im playing nice with banner now" said by Hulk to one person. Banner has always been an influence of a sort on Hulk that tiny bit of conscience that keeps him from becoming a trully destructive force.

    even hints of banners intelligence can show through from time to time.
    Catsi strung together a *series* of coherent sentences?!This is surely a sign of The Coming Storm!

    (*lopes off to play with a squeaky gavel*)

    ((Maybe Nemmie made a Catsi Automaton! Ya! THAT *must* be the answer! *whew!*))
  7. (*purrs loudly and throatily*)

    BABsy looks *quite* nommy, nomworthy, *and* nomtastic!

    Great job!

    WOW! BABsy's fist is larger than that generic heroine's entire torso!
  8. Amerikatt


    Foobulous, Fooey!

    I particularly like Azure Tracer!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    When you're as cute and adorable as Amerikatt, the Rednames are putty in your paws!
    Caemgen is right (and his answer is better than what I would have said), and he wins a couple of pawsful of fish-stix AND a box of Mice-A-Roni (rodent-shaped pasta; cats love the sound of crunching uncooked pasta)!

    Thanks for the artz, Dz131!
  10. (*rubs her cheek against Caemgen's mid-calf and mews softly*)

    Nice work, Lady C!

  11. Sounds nommy!

    May I please be one of your models?

    (*offers Dz131 a couple pawsful of fish-stix and a box of Mice-A-Roni in exchange for any artz*)

    The best reference is ChristopherRobin's beautiful artwork in my sig!


  12. Amerikatt

    The Chest Slider

    Frightfully decent of Sapphy to share that screenie from her personal collection!

    Of all the Forumites, why am I *not* surprised that Sapphy would have such a screenie available?!
  13. Sam and Gob: How are your pessimistic posts germane to the discussion of our characters having the opportunity to have multiple Alpha-class powers?

    Your posts belong in a different sort of thread. Please restrict your discussions to the topic at hand.

  14. GreenFlame and Samuel_Tow: A character like Batman is an Incarnate as well, albeit a different kind of Incarnate than Superman would be. Batman is the Human Potential Incarnate, and he *would* have the four Alpha-level abilities as well as the To-Hit Interface were he in the City of ... universe.

    He has fought both street-level thugs and supernatural beings and been present at some very cosmic events.

    To be Incarnate is to be a certain concept epitomized and does *not* require that someone have demigod-level abilties.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Eh. My reactions are:
    1. We have the IO system,
    2. You can slot the powers and not use them (going just for a level shift to show you "getting stronger,") and
    3. So far, other than judgement perhaps looking "over the top," what's the problem with the others? Make up your own explanation. *shrug*
    Bill: IOs do not give Incarnate-level power and they take up as many as six slots in order to get the IO and set bonus effects.

    In addition, some people don't want to set foot in an Incarnate Trial, so grinding for the present super-powered post-Alpha enhancers would likely not appeal to them.

    On the other hand, some of those people might feel more comfortable playing through normal content to accrue the Shards, Components, and Notices they need to craft the Alpha powers. For some of *those* people, that would fit in very nicely with their character concept.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Wait... I thought the iTrials were Epic Cat Herding?
    Only when *I* am there!

    In that same vein, how about "Feline Mastermind", "Feline Summoning", or "Feline Control"? Tier 1 = Kitten; Tier 9 = Sabre-toothed Tigon!

    ((Yes, this *is* part of my fiendishly ingenious plot to get cat/kitten models in-game so the Devs will FINALLY let AK look the way she is *supposed* to look! ))
  17. Not everyone has (or wants) powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men and women!

    Some characters are street-level crimebusters and it makes sense for them to have abilities which reflect their intense drive toward realizing the pinnacle of their personal development.

    To that end, is it feasible to have an alternate Incarnate track which would allow the slotting of the four current Alpha-level powers? Perhaps the alternate track could allow the slotting of Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta powers, as well as another "behind the scenes" power like the To-Hit Interface.

    What do you all think?

    Clear skies!
  18. Nomtastic work, Miss DD!

    Not only did you do a gorgeous poster (with an equally gorgeous subject), but you actually got Catnip and the Teaspoonlickers to do the music! I love those guys and I have every one of their records ... um ... CDs!

    Jason Priestley was *meant* to play Lord Recluse!
  19. Amerikatt

    Bill S. 978

    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Hmmmm. $2500 = 167 players subscribing at one month each for $15. Are my vids good enough that I either 'pull in' or 'keep in' 167 players for at least a month per vid?

    *mock troubled sigh*

    I dunno, Z_M... all it takes is one redname with a grudge and the Ko ends up in jail.

    *I* will visit you in the hooskow, Miss Sam!

    (*plays a mournful tune on her little kitty harmonica*)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    Icon is the best investment of inf ever!
    Only if you visit my Aunt Lauren in Independence Port!

    Serge is a hack and is only kept in business by having Carnies and Nemmies as his principal clients.

    Carson is too busy downing Prozac like candy to care about giving us a quality product.

    Thank The Great Cat Mother for Aunt Lauren!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gatecrasher View Post
    "With God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly..."

    Later on,
    (*dryly*) Of course, Mr. Carlson. Of course!
  22. (*looks around for customization of Kheldian Peacebringer powers, like being able to disable the graphics on the resistance bubbles, and being able to choose which powers use graphics and which don't, as well as the colors of the powers*)

    ((While I understand that Epic ATs are tied-in the game's backstory, Amerikatt is *not* a Kheldian. She only has *some* of the powers of the Peacebringer AT. How about letting me follow the backstory that *I* created? Please.))
  23. Thanks, BrandX and SpaceNut!

  24. Amerikatt

    The Chest Slider

    If the Art department does not want to dedicate time and resources to making kitten and cat models which are completely articulated and customizable/dressable, then at least allow the chest size slider to go a great deal farther to the *left*. PLEASE! For the love of The Great Cat Mother! PLEASE! AK is a *kitten* and is not yet old enough to be of nursing age, so she doesn't need breasts bigger than her head!

    ((People have suggested that I use the male model for the flat cat chest, but that is too muscular and *other* parts of that model are too ... well, AK is a *girl* kitty and would look weird with the male body. 'Nuff said!))
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post


    Conserve Power has been replaced with Energize, ala Electric Control.
    Um ... how is that going to effect my partner, who is a Natural MA/WP/Body Mastery Scrapper? I don't think it would be in-character for her to have electrical charges crackling around her. Isn't Energize the power where the NPCs are drained of some Endurance. Ya. Definitely *not* in character for her!

    I am also wondering when Kheldian Peacebringers are going to get some really epic customization. I would love to be able to disable the graphics on some of those powers, like the resistance bubbles.