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  1. 3Mile


    It doesn't matter redside, because there are never any good recipes available to buy anyway
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
    I love you too cath

    Double fixt FTW! - goodbye Eps enjoy your drugs!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
    Well, tam has done it, blah-d-blah-blah-blah-blabiddy-bloo-blah!
    Goodbye triumph
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperYeesha1 View Post
    On another note, I have a headset mic so now folks on Skype can actually hear me when we're doing these raids.
    That remains to be seen (or heard) marble mouth!
  5. Was a fun and informative raid. The taunt team did a great job holding aggro and staying up when it was single mitos, even when the bloom went off. But that second mito aggro was brutal to the tanks.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mintmiki View Post
    i think he means buying em >.>
    I was employing the tactic known in the 757 as sarcasm
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sayaki View Post
    For me, it's no contest between a hami and this. I'm gonna go for the contest. I can get a hami-O any day of the week, but a chance for the clockwork costume, that's not so easy
    SRSLY? You must show me how you solo hami.
  8. What is this game you speak of Cath?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by B_Samson View Post
    The way you say that almost makes me think you're expecting people to be in the hive and have teams formed before 7:00 so that we can start the raid at 7:00.

    (I mean, it would be nice...)
    This is what i am saying the prep and start takes longer than the raid. It's upside down I tell ya. Not that I speed up the process with the constant griefing I do while there.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Karl_Rove_Man View Post
    I should have my sexy new computer by then, so expect me there!
    A sex-puter? They make those now?
  11. Cath It's not the rewards - it's the bragging rights. Regardless I will be @ raid to tank b/c I committed to it. Was just throwing a date change out there.
  12. Can we push a week due to missing critical people and conflicting with the perc event. I'm already committed to raid if we can't, but I would like to attend the perc event so I can have my awesome costuming abilities not recognized yet again, for it is the constant fails and disapproval of my peers that keeps me humble.
  13. This is Serious!

    guest starring comedian Nick Swardson as 'lil Wendy.
  14. Hami has restraining order against me, so I have to tank from outside the jello.
  15. Can Triumph judging be moved to Saturday? Sunday judging conflicts with our double cell death hami raid.
  16. 3Mile

    ITF Weekdays

    Think I will join this one with my DP/Devices blaster - the 15th right? what time again?
  17. I would'nt call what i do to yellow mitos "tanking," according to my lawyer.