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  1. American_Valor

    Fan Videos

    Sweetness and very cool awesome Video.

  2. Hey Liberty gald you came out in force to support our last event, Thank you all.

  3. The Company

    Experienced Hero looking for a Coalition for his two hero SG. Our base has the following: Storage and invention work station and combo power unit. Plus a living area with a coffee pot station.

    This is a alt SG some place for me to have; a bit of rp fun, pug team, solo If you wish to Coalition hit me up in game.

    American Valor
    Aka: Spec Ops Sable a street judge
  4. grins see you there looks like tonight is a test night

  5. American_Valor

    flight poses?

    There is a couple of guides that were wrote, but for ease of use, first WB,

    and they are emotes

    em flypose 1
    em flypose 2
    em flypose 3
    em flypose 4

    There you go if you needs binds/macros post again.

    Thanks and WB
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    SWOF= SO Full of WIN!!!!!

    I wish I was that cool
  7. LOL it is but its always good for a laugh.

  8. Smiles, nice work Looking foward to it even more. /em claps...

  9. Hehe, if you like read Tales of the Council located in My Bio, its a work in progress which deals with what you are talking about to some degree. Here is the full link for those who are intrested.

    Tales of the Council

    Let me know what you think.
  10. Completely Epic WIN I laughed so hard I cried.

  11. From Spirit warrior to... Well Her
    Spec Op's Sable

    Just a taste

  12. One other thought to consider is the method of your character,

    My Superheroic Superheroes go out of there way to arrest healthy Villains, where My normal Nat Blasters (Cops and Soldiers) who are hero support use guns and Guns unless tasers or beanbag don't stun.

    It's all in the matter of perpective.

  13. MicroBeam, (PM sent)

    Because I'm Lazy and I can edit...

    Microbean has been locked in a wodden crate, by Spec Op's Sable. He could easily blast his way to freedom if Sable hadn't secured the crate with hellions who might wind up dying just because they was in the wrong place at the right time to be used as door stops. Looks like that hero needs a hero to save him too bad and too Late really cause now Sable has the part... Can't wait till April.

    Spec Op's Sable ftw
  14. Ditto Hero, this past week in DC I played D&D when not working at the convention. It was a blast and very old school hack and slash style, it was great fun.

    Gary has been like one of those old friends you can always count on to help you play a game.

    So a raising of a flagon, and a round of mead, a toast to a master storyteller who helped me start down a road full of adventure heading to the Caves of Chaos and a wizards tower.

    "May the adventure always lead you to a story you cann't wait to tell... Cheers"
  15. American_Valor

    Gary Gygax

    I was at the D&D experience this past week in DC, We just introduced version 4.0 and did open beta play of the new system. We will miss him.

    Valor aka
    Galdric the Brave lvl 10 Adventurer member of the Black Wheel Clan

    Krusha Diskul lvl 10 Half Giant Battle Cleric of the Covent
  16. Ok I think this is pretty cool, I really like the wedding pack. But is their a wedding veil???

    Valor getting his upgrades today if available


    Got it hope to get a chance to actually use it And I think throwing rice should act like a DE swarm just saying.

    New Edit

    And the Tux rocks, course I'm not as flashy as the Deluxe is but the Butler tux rules and it dresses up nicley with other accessories.. Pictures coming soon.
  17. American_Valor

    PW's war journal

    It was the best fight I have had on a team in a long while, Thanks for allowing me to be one of the Tanks to team with you. The pleasure was all mine Rain.

  18. American_Valor

    Nice people

    Is the New Teatime MS Raid party king
  19. Ok its a bit dusty, but is in My Signature, I'm told it's good you decide?

    American Valor
  20. Color me impressed I like The PUB and Da Bar looks like a good start.

  21. [ QUOTE ]
    So what happens if I craft the recepie, then use the back button and cancel it? Do I lose the recepie and salvage, or does everything stay or is it not possible to back out once initiated?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Once it is crafted it is like any other free respec you have ever recieved during an upgrade to the game.

    It doesn't use salvage just influence to make. You can only have one crafted at a time. and the reason they will be liked is you don't need to go to Galaxy to do the respec just type /respec.

  22. [ QUOTE ]
    let's get some other great, working dual blades concepts in here! Bring 'em on!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll see those Soviet and rasie you all one Gallant Blade

    You can arrest them, Just make it to the Pain

    Can you say the "REAL" Vital Strike
