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  1. Hey, Did you forget to mention me? Im also taking part

    Im hurt now


  2. Aqua_Femina

    Freak like me

    Will be waiting then

    Take your time and enjoy it

  3. Aqua_Femina

    Freak like me

    I really liked it, it kept me glued to the screen ignoreing my mns chat box which is always a good sign.

    I think the story line was good, and then ending definatly makes you want to read more..... So wheres the rest? (no pressure)
    For your first, well done from me!
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    I'm sure it doesn't matter what style the drawings are in, at least I hope so considering my efforts, just so long as they're done really.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, im not to worried about the style of my work really, just about what to draw :
    a crazy looking superhero, a villain, flowers, a tea cup, a old mill, a mountain??
    Is this gonna be all imaginary (fantacy) or still life?
    Oh and what size are most of your guys drawings too? A4 , A5?
  5. Ok I'll give this one a try, tho i hope i dont run out of things to draw

    what kind of stuff are you guys doing? all comic stuff?

    Right im off to start on my first one now

    Good Luck All.