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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadowclone View Post
    I learned something important yesterday. If you put Crocs near a campfire, they will melt.
    That certainly sounds like a Croc!
  2. Amerikatt

    Wishing Well

    Originally Posted by Stormpsych View Post
    I wish Amerikatt a lifetime of being a famous superhero
    How sweet! Thanks, Stormy!

    I wish Clear Skies to Stormy!
  3. Minsc: "Buttkicking ... for Goodness. Right, Boo?"

    Boo: "Squeak!"

    (*huggles Boo ... and her Human pet, Minsc*)
  4. Amerikatt

    Wishing Well


    Thanks, Miss Early!


    I wish Miss Early a lifetime of joyful romping!
  5. What is this new game you have brought me, my Moriarity?

    It is called ... "Podiatrist".

    I guess that means that the game really *is* a foot!

    (*uses her Supa-Kittehspeed to avoid all the objects being thrown at her*)
  6. Amerikatt

    Wishing Well

    I wish Miss Early a soothing hot bath!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Hahaha I totally got the DirtyDancing quote there. (80's trivia knowledge ftw! )
    And by the way that is a really nice new avatar Amerikatt... did Psygon create it?
    She sure did! It's gorgeous!

    Thanks for noticing!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post

    (*walks over to corner, removes silly pointed cap from Amerikatt's head and then takes her by the shoulders and turns her around to face him...*)

    Buck up, little trooper! Gophergeddon may have gotten the better of that cake but there are many more out there that need protecting!!

    No matter how hard a hero tries, be they a full grown beast of a hero or just a small little whippersnapper of a kitty hero, we cannot be everywhere at once nor prevent every possible evil that may occur. The best we can do is our best. So long as we do that we can hold our heads high and be proud of our work.

    Maybe you wlere distracted this time... All you can do is try to be more vigilant in the future. But I tell you what, distracted by mr. Boots or not, there is no kitty I'd rather have at my back in a fight!

    So ya, you missed one. There will be no pouting over it though! Mistakes happen. We learn from them and move on. Dwelling on them and punishing ourselves over them just let's evil creep that much further ahead. *You don't want evil to creep ahead while your pouting, do you?

    Do you??

    I didn't think so!!

    Now eat your cake and then get out there and track down that Gopergeddon!!! *But cake first! *A kitty needs her energy to fight crime you know...

    ((nobody puts kitty in a corner!!)) **
    Thanks, Caem!

    (*gives Caem a HUGE HUGGLE ... then noms her cake*)

    [Great pep speech! +5 Interwebs for the speech and another +5 Interwebs as a birthday gift!]
  9. Feliz cumpleanos, Seniorita War Witch! (*squees with delight*)

    (*los huggles*)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post

    There's never a cape around when you need one!!

    And I'm blaming Amerikatt specifically... That definitely looks like one of her nemesis... (nemesees? nemesises? screw it! Enemies!)
    Originally Posted by Caemgen

    But if a certain kitty hadn't been lollygaggling around and had instead been patrolling, she may have been able to protect the cake VexXxa had brought!!

    Still... You may have a small piece of cake as well. But just a small one!
    You are right. I have been negligent and do not deserve a piece of cake. Had I been more vigilant and not pining away for Mr. Boots, Gophergeddon would not have escaped to wreck havoc on your birthday. I apologize!

    (*drags a stool to a corner, climbs on the stool, puts on her DUNCE cap, and sits and stares at the wall*)
  11. Soitenly! (*nyuk nyuk nyuk*)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyal View Post
    Wonder if AK ever had this problem?
    I've certainly had days like that!
  13. Amerikatt

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by airhead View Post
    The Amerikatt is adorable, but the color scheme suggests something more diabolical. Very nice.
    Miss Psygon is very talented and creative!

    Amerikatt is a Russian Blue in a purple costume who defends North, Central, and South America, stalking the Naughty Spawns, crossing their paths, and striking terror into their craven hearts (because, as everyone knows, Naughty Spawns are a superstitious, cowardly lot)!

    (*United Nations flag flaps behind an image of Amerikatt, as a John Philip Sousa march is struck up*)
  14. Amerikatt

    The Khellection

    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post

    A REAL hero is more than willing to give up their "hero-ness" if it means peace and safety! Wanting evil to be loosed just so you can defeat it... it's... it's... it's villianous!!!
    I look forward to the day when I'll be able to hang up my cowl and cape and just frolic with the other cats in the back alleys of King's Row -- just like any other ordinary (albeit unfathomably powerful) kitten.

    Until that day, though, I must fight the good fight and continue to bring bad luck to Naughty Spawns by crossing their paths!

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Akar View Post
    TPBM dresses like an oopma loompa
    Only if Serge dresses them!

    TPBM likes to wear pant suits with red and black squares so they blend-in with the table cloth at their favorite Italian restaurant! (*suddenly has a massive craving for Aubergine a Parmegana*)
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
    Nah, that's not a good idea when you have a couple kitty's around, they might get tangled in my hair

    TPBM is wearing their supper
    How is that a bad thing? [Interogative for both parts of Miss Early's post! ]

    TPBM likes wearing scarves the color of Cream of Tomato soup. [I *think* it's called terra cotta]
  17. Amerikatt

    The Khellection

    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    You know, Amerikatt, in a way, I did you a favor. Every great hero needs a great nemesis. If you have nothing but schmucks as foes, eventually, you'll run out of foes, and be out of the hero business.

    Soul Kitten will ensure you continue to remain the #1 American Cat Super Hero, and will also continue to challenge you in new ways, helping you grow.
    You're right, Khel! Thank-you for helping me to attain a crystal-clear perspective!

  18. Amerikatt

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Psygon View Post

    WOW! I didn't think it was possible to make me any cuter than I already am, but the Cutification Ray really worked overtime!

    This is both nomworthy AND nomtastic!

    Thanks VERY much, Miss Psygon!


    (*sproing sproing sproing*)
  19. Amerikatt

    Yay me?

    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    *laughs out loud at Amerikatt's avatar* OMG I didn't see what was wrong at first... "LOLOLOL" is all that I can come up with!
    Thanks, Aggie! You are the *only* one of the Forumites who's commented about my new avatar, so you get +5 Interwebz!

  20. Amerikatt

    The Khellection

    Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
    Nice collection you have going here, Kheldarn! I remember the birth of Soul Kitten! Funny reading through that thread and seeing how everything evolved! That was a fun time!
    You were privvy to such perfidy? Soul Kitten is a blight! A pox! A cold sore upon the world and must be excised! Excised, I say!

    (*whispers*) The rest of your khellection is quite nice, Khel.

    (*stomps out of this thread, muttering to herself about Soul Kitten*)
  21. Amerikatt

    The Khellection

    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Now it's time for a piece that has become Legend...

    (Original post, giving birth to Soul Kitten)

    On the night of June 19, 2009, before I went to bed, I was playing around with my Necromancy/Dark Miasma Mastermind in Mids' Hero & Villain Designer. I was tired, and should have been in bed...

    Glancing at the Powers list, my eyes saw the word "Soul" from the Soul Extraction power, and the word "Knight" from the Grave Knight power. Except, because I was tired, I didn't see "Knight". I saw "Kitten" instead.

    I had to look at it again, because I was like, "Wait... Kitten? What?". Then I realized what had happened...

    I presented the story and idea of the Soul Kitten to Eddy Swan, who was looking for ideas.
    YOU?! You're the one who unleashed Soul Kitten upon an unsuspecting multiverse?

    Soul Kitten!

    My Moriarty!

    The same Soul Kitten who -- like the Ultra-Humanite -- jumps from body-to-body, but his soulless eyes remain the only physical trace of his presence?!

    The same Soul Kitten who is currently infesting Zyal's avatars?

    THAT Soul Kitten?!


    (*unsheathes and sheathes her Impervium-rending claws and then storms out of this thread before she does something *very* unheroic to Kheldarn*)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    TPBM looks like someone famous.
    That's why I wear the mask!

    TPBM likes to wear butterfly-shaped barrettes!

    What a gorgeous piece of art ChristopherRobin made for your burpday!

    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Happy Birthday Caemgen!

    Fenian brought a cake for you...
    don't forget to blow out the candle.

    Clicky Clicky

    Your good TA... it only feels like you are a day late to the party?
  24. Amerikatt

    Yay me?

    Congrats, Dark_Ether!

    I've just hit 1900 myself! RAWR!