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  1. As I recall, Clerics and Paladins solo rather well. My Wizard got absolutely killed every time I tried to solo past about level 2, though. My Rogue fared similarly.
  2. JTL was, by far, the best part of SWG. If they'd spent more time adding to space and less time dealing with PvP on the ground, SWG would be in much better shape today.
  3. True, but most MMOs aren't nearly as predictable as DDO.
  4. Agreed. The only way I could handle DDO for as long as I did (two months) was because I played with a regular group of people I knew. PUGs were hideous, because EVERYONE already knew where everything was. There was no discovery, someone just walked over to a wall randomly and told me "open this door and untrap the chest" before I could even use my Search skill to know there was a door there.
  5. Wow. Statesman still exists.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I remember the Cows.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'd completely forgotten about the Cows. Wow...

    [ QUOTE ]
    (I'd "known" him online for quite some time over on the Safehouse.)

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    Man, I haven't thought about the Safehouse in years. I used to go there all the time for tips on how to play my EQ1 Rogue. Jeez, old memories.
  7. I don't miss street sweeping in the least. It's dull and repedative. There isn't any story to it, you just wander around and slaughter things. The happiest day I can remember in CoH is when my partner agreed to take me on the Manticore TF instead of our usual laps around Bricks. Sure, the XP wasn't as fast, but dammit if I didn't feel like I was doing something important for a change.
  8. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they shrunk the Kraken. I couldn't tell you about Babbage, since I haven't been able to get on a Synapse TF group in ages.
  9. I do think they shrunk the Kraken. He was a lot bigger in my memory.

    I remember flying around DA looking for Adam just after badges were released. I found him, and started laying into him with my (pathetic) Dark Blasts. Those were... not effective. It was sad. The giant zombie could barely touch me, I was never in the slightest bit of danger, but I think I would have hurt him more if I had started dancing on his head.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    i remember when martial arts really think you have it bad now? the one kick was basicly flurry, the whiffing was legendary,

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I liked that animation. Like you said, it went with Flurry, and both of them fit my speedster perfectly.
    Okay, so maybe it wasn't the most efficient in terms of DPS. But it was perfect for the superhero that I wanted to play. Someone who could punch and kick you a dozen times before you finished falling down.

    ... besides, today I'd slot it 3 Acc, 3 Dam, and never miss.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I agree. My MA Scrapper actually got deleted when they changed that power. I *wanted* the dozen kicks for the appearance. Like you said, it was very in-theme for a Flash-like character. When they changed it, I ended up with Flurry being the only "speedy" attack I had, and it just didn't seem right. So the character died.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Not sure if you've heard, but Russo, a VERY different man than he once was (he apparently became a Christian and wrote a book about how much he regrets the smut angles he put together), is returning to TNA.

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    We like to pretend this isn't happening. Well, other than the Russo freaks, who prattle on about the man as though he were the Second Comming.
  12. Sadly, Rocky doesn't seem interested. Though Jeff keeps trying to get him to come to TNA for a match with Sting.
  13. The idea has occured to me a few times, too. But I enjoy being a fan too much. It'd suck to have it be my job and enjoy the shows less as a result. Besides, TNA would be my only option, as my first act as a booker for WWE would be to send Cena back to OVW.
  14. While I'm fond of Sabin, that's a bit extreme. Now, if it were Ultimo Dragon...

    Russo has had successes? I mean, yeah, the Attitude thing, but that was equally as much Vince McMahon as Russo. And he's pretty much fallen flat on his face ever since then.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    My son loves Russo.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Have you looked into an exorcism?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh yeah, final thought, I hated the Hollows real quick even back then. Haha.

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    Everyone hated the Hollows. Everyone still hates the Hollows. The Hollows are the Vince Russo of CoX.
  17. If you get to play the cranky old man after a year and a half, what does that make those of us who have a year on you?
  18. Amber_Darksun

    Season of Hope

    Dammit, I'm going to be crying for quite some time now. That was beautiful.
  19. If this went in, I imagine I would never leave Talos again. Great idea!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    The game doesn't revolve around badges.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Says you.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I'll never get Celebrant because I wasnt around, & you'll never get Isolator because you weren't around. plain & simple!!!

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    There is a flaw in your logic. You can't get the badge because you weren't playing the game. We can't get the badge because we got the game too early.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    So the way a Hero can get Isolator after the fact will be to reach level 50, do the go bad TF... get thrown to the zig, break out as a level 1 villain, work his way up to level 50, do the reformed task force, be granted level 1 security clearance and be sent to outbreak.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    If we get to keep all the other badges we earned, I would so do this.

    /em drools over the thought of having all the hero AND villain badges...
  23. Ha ha! Not even death can keep us from our beloved CoX!
  24. So... they have computers in the afterlife?
  25. L5R is the definition of a roleplaying CCG.