My final good bye




City of heroes. You have been in my life for quite a few years now. Since june of 2007 when I first started, as a total noob and my first MMO I fell in love with the game. I took my breaks here and there, yes. But everything in moderation. I remember when I first started during i9, with i10 releasing shortly after I joined.

I can remember every issue and what I did during them, if I did play, or I didn't play. Who I played with for the most part. My fondest memories were spending from 8 pm to 7 am in my friend's SG base. We had such a good time, everyone had their own room..My rooms were the bathrooms - LOL.

Over the course of my playing I met a single player many of you may know. Dr. Turgenev. And I didn't know the night we met doing arena's by a string of luck that I would grow such an amazing friendship with him. If it weren't for him I am not sure how many times I would of logged into CoX. Infact my whole play experience would of been totally changed. I want to thank him for being such an incredible friend in the process.

I've come so far from being an immature brat to now where I am now. I play many different MMO's too, and unlike other MMO's. No matter what happened I ALWAYS came back to CoX. No matter what. I loved this game like many others..It was always an option when some other new mmo got stale.

I want to keep this short. Thank you all, everyone who I've had the pleasure to play with in this game. Thank you freedom for the pve content fun and all the tf's and trials.

Thank you Virtue for all the roleplaying and fun I was able to have with you.

And thank you paragon studio's for creating one of the most unique and best games in the industry.

Good bye City of Heroes. I will see everyone one last time tomorrow. When we all finally, as they say. Take to the skies one last time. I will never forget you.