There are far too many people from far too many channels for me to remember to mention here. Let me just say that is has been a pleasure to have teamed/chatted/argued with so many of you over the past 8+ years.
And I just realized the strange bit of coincidence/irony/whatever you want to call it:
About a week after I acquired a new PC, I decided to get a new game that could actually be run on the new rig. So I picked Star Wars Galaxies. The game itself had been around for almost a year, I think, and while I liked the background, I wasn't thrilled with the game play.
A few days later my co-worker mentioned another MMO about superheroes called City of Heroes, so I picked it up. After installation, I fired up the client, picked the first server on the list, and created BananaDude, a MA/SR scrapper. He didn't last long, once I figured out that playing a blaster was more fun to me, and Pepsiman was born.
8+ years later, and the game that I'm playing most as City of Heroes fades away is Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Bookend MMOs.
If anyone want to find me online after midnight Friday, I can be found on Facebook, Twitter, SWTOR, STO, TSW, DCUO, MWO.
Farewell, Guardian. You all will have a special place in my heart.
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.
global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
Pepsi, you are - quite seriously - my hero. Don't ever change.
(well, maybe a *little* less pooting, but I suppose I shouldn't ask for too much...)
I actually picked up a copy of SWTOR a few days ago. Haven't tried it yet, but I'm likely to give it a whirl in the near future.
But I guess it needs to be done.
There are far too many people from far too many channels for me to remember to mention here. Let me just say that is has been a pleasure to have teamed/chatted/argued with so many of you over the past 8+ years.
And I just realized the strange bit of coincidence/irony/whatever you want to call it:
About a week after I acquired a new PC, I decided to get a new game that could actually be run on the new rig. So I picked Star Wars Galaxies. The game itself had been around for almost a year, I think, and while I liked the background, I wasn't thrilled with the game play.
A few days later my co-worker mentioned another MMO about superheroes called City of Heroes, so I picked it up. After installation, I fired up the client, picked the first server on the list, and created BananaDude, a MA/SR scrapper. He didn't last long, once I figured out that playing a blaster was more fun to me, and Pepsiman was born.
8+ years later, and the game that I'm playing most as City of Heroes fades away is Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Bookend MMOs.
If anyone want to find me online after midnight Friday, I can be found on Facebook, Twitter, SWTOR, STO, TSW, DCUO, MWO.
Farewell, Guardian. You all will have a special place in my heart.
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.
global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai