A Lot Of Gaul ITF (to Goscinny and Underzo fans)




When the EU servers were merged onto the NA server list, I thought maybe now is the time... I should post that thread and send out a call and see if anyone would be interested.

I created and saved a bunch of costumes for the A LOT OF GAUL ITF!!

We'd gather together on the forums, determine who would be who by each picking a costume of some fine (and completely non-I.P.-infringing, shhh) Gaulish Villager... drink some magic potion (No, not you, Obelisk)... and GO BEAT UP SOME ROMANS!

For those of you unfamiliar... too bad for you, but also partly... good, I was counting on the American unfamiliarity so that maybe I could get away with posting and doing the idea, haha. I was never one for copying characters or anything like that, but this idea just seemed like it could have been a fun, one-time thing.
Pick ATs and Powersets... match them up with the Gauls, use those costumes (most likely on existing characters... no need to rename or anything, just look like 'em) and have a brawling blast.

Ah well... another thing (among what must be thousands) that I never pulled the trigger on.
You're never too old to start... or, at least, to beat up some Romans.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"