Incarnate Trial Marathons




Hello Champion,

This is @Thul Sorapa, but you may know me better as Lady Clara.

Since City of Heroes will be closing next week, I wanted to do runs a few incarnate trials to remember the good times we had in the last 2 years.

From Saturday the 24th until Friday the 30th, I'll be connected in Dark Astoria between 7PM EST and 11PM EST. I'll form incarnate trials with who ever shows up.

I hope that we can still have some great victories against the forces of Tyrant and have fun along the way.

Lady Clara (@Thul Sorapa)



This is great to hear. Been logging onto beta to try getting some trials/teams with some of my toons I was never able to finish on live but at this point playing them with my main on live will be fine.



will be looking for you.



Thanks to all of you who showed up for the first marathon.

I'll be there again tomorrow for more incarnate fun.

Lady Clara (@Thul Sorapa)