The last flight of iron rook
I would rather ride becky * wiggles eyebrows*
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
*Sulu voice* Oooh My!
-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now

Hope you all liked the story. Something I wrote the other night, in the middle of NaNoWriMo.
-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now

THE LAST FLIGHT OF IRON ROOK (in Paragon City, for now anyway. Starring Pogo and Becky.)
It was late night in the Rookery. All the Rookerizans were sound asleep. All The kittehs, puppehs, sackboys, avian-types, and humans. Well, all except one human was sleeping. Pogoman had come downstairs. He wasn't dressed in his normal attire. He was dressed in beige pants tucked into black boots that came up to just under his knees. He had on a brown leather bomber jacket, white scarf, black gloves, brass goggles and aviator's cap. He was carrying a basket with him and a backpack slung over his shoulder. He walked over to wear Iron Rook, a majestic flying machine/robotic creature he had built some time ago that ran on steam, was standing. The four mini spotlights shone against it's brass and copper outer hull. He turned off the spotlights and moved them away from the machine. He pulled over a large stepladder and began opening several panels, checking to see if everything was working properly, as it should be. He pulled out a notebook and pen from his pocket and began taking notes. After he was done scribbling notes at each panel, he returned them, bolting them back into place. He then continued to climb up the ladder to the hull hatch and opened it. He put the basket and the backpack inside, carefully stashing them in a compartment next to his pilot's seat. He left the hatch open, climbed down the ladder and opened the closeable roof that had been installed right after he created Iron Rook. Once the roof was opened he returned to the ladder and climbed it once more to the pilot's chair. Before sitting down he pushed the ladder away. He looked inside and saw, on the co-pilot's chair, a little kitteh wearing a near matching outfit to his own. The kitteh stood at attention, saluting him and waiting for a return salute.
Ninjafairykitteh co-pilot Becky reporting for duty. Becky said.
Pogo returned the salute and smiled. Glad to have you aboard co-pilot Becky! Buckle in, we're going airborne.
If I may ask, where to?
Well, I thought one last flight around Paragon city, maybe the Rogue Isles if we're careful, would do.
Aye aye Pogo! I mean..sir. She buckled in and he followed suit. He hit some buttons and flicked some switches, she did the same. She pulled out a clipboard and wrote on it. When she was done, she turned it for Pogo to see. All systems are go, checklist complete. There was a long list and a check net to each item. She smiled as she showed him.
Very good. All systems are go. Firing up the engines. With a push of a button the engines roared to life. A slight tremor in Iron Rook as this happened, but that was to be expected. They watched some dials as they started to rise, waiting for the proper temperature to be reached. Once it had reached efficient temperature in the engines, he hit another button this time sending Iron Rook up into the air. Here we go! Iron Rook climbed slowly out of the Rookery. Finally clearing the roof opening, the upward flight path continued for another hundred feet. It's metallic wings opened and forward they went, continuing a steady upward climb.
Becky loosened her seat belt now, more like got out of it. And looked through her co-pilot side hatch window. Whee! She exclaimed. I love flying in iron Rook.
Me too. Just a shame we don't do it that often, eh? They flew above the clouds for a few minutes, Becky watching out her window the whole time. Too bad we won't be able to, much longer. He said softly. She didn't respond, perhaps not hearing what he said, lost in thought. Here we go, Becky! He pushed the control stick forward and Iron Rook slowly descended through the cloud bed. Under them, they could see the statue of Atlas and City Hall, the many heroes holding torches in vigilance and protest in Atlas Park 33. He saluted them all as he flew past. I'll be there later on, save my spot!"
They continued on to the Hollows and it's horrible terrain, and then Perez Park and it's maze-like woods. They went over King's Row, and then Steel Canyon and all it's statues dedicated to fallen heroes, and it's lakes. To Boomtown, in a futile search for Babbage. Over Skyway City and its many hi-rise roads. To Faultline and the repairs going on there. To Talos Island and the statue of the minotaur, it's many smaller islands and Spanky's Boardwalk, memories of all the many beach parties attended there. To Striga Isle and a fly over of the Council base and the 'inactive' volcano. Over Independence Port, the long perimeter, and Terra Volta and it's constantly needing rescuing Reactor. To Brickstown and the 'Zig', then over Crey's Folly. On to Founder's Falls, then to 'Eden' and onto the 'Hive'. They entered stealth mode for that trip, and good thing. Hamidon was out! They took some pictures and were on their way! They made their way to Peregrine Island and to the islands there inhabited by Rikti monkeys and Devouring Earth Giant Monsters. They then made their way to the Rikti War Zone and hovered high in the sky, stealthed, over the rikti mothership.
Pogo opened the window and dropped something out the window.
What was that? Becky asked
Just watch. The object hit the shields and 'popped'. Neon Pink paint splattered everywhere on the top of the shields. They both laughed. OK a quick trip over the Rogue isles.
Oh, I don't like them... Got anymore of those? She was referring to the paint balloons.
Maybe. Pogo responded. He winked at her and she smiled and clapped.
They flew over the Rogue isles fairly quickly slowing to look at the Giza, and Grandville. I don't want to spend too long here.
Oooh Grandville! Becky exclaimed. And the giant statue of Lord Recluse!
Pogo slowed down Iron Rook to hover well above the Lord Recluse statue. Well, there's the statue and I have a box of these balloons and- hey!
Becky grabbed the box from him and dumped them all on top of the statue. Bombs away! She giggled. Within seconds the statue of Lord Recluse turned Hot Neon Pink. They took pictures and laughed and watched as Arachnos soldiers ran from everywhere to see what happened.
We better get going! Pogo said.
But, we didn't do anything. Becky grinned.
Yeah yeah..but still. We'll be target practice once they figure out we're up here. He started the steam rockets up and they took off as fast as Iron Rook would fly. Leaving Grandville far behind them. Pogo looked at his watch and saw hours had passed and decided to head back near Atlas Park. He landed Iron Rook on a grass covered hill, And tossed the rope ladder over the side. He started to climb down, open the compartment and slung the backpack over his shoulder and grabbed the basket. He got to the bottom of the ladder and looked up. Becky? Where are you?
The picnic basket top pushed open and Becky popped out, I'm right here. She smiled. So, what's the plan?
I thought a very early morning picnic or a very late night snack would be in order. Pogo explained.
Oh! Whatcha bring? Becky asked.
You didn't look in the basket?'
Well, it was dark in there. She smiled up at him.
Well I just brought some snacks and some drinks. A ball of yarn for you. He laid out the blanket and set the food out. Some drinks and some various snacks- crackers, cheeses, chips, milk, a can of tuna and some chicken legs. And the ball of yarn for Becky. He opened all the food up and she went right after the tuna fish. He opened a bottle of water and took a long sip. Then put some cheese on crackers on a plate. He also put the chicken on two plates for each of them and the chips too. He had some milk and other drinks he poured for them. They drank and ate. And when they were done Pogo cleaned up as Becky played with the ball of yarn. Pogo put everything in the basket and closed it up, except for the blanket. He turned around looking for Becky. He saw Becky wound up in all the yarn.
Becky what happened? You in there?
A paw stuck out of the yarn waving to him, then her head popped out.I was playing with the yarn, and the string got loose, and I tried to grab it and it put up a fight and... well. She smiled and shrugged.
How are we going to get you out? Pogo asked.
Hmm... Here, hold this end. She handed pogo the string. He held tightly on to it. Next thing he knew, she jumped up and spun around like a spinning top. The yarn reformed perfectly into the original ball it was in. pogo put it in the basket and turned around. He saw Becky stumbling around, trying to keep her balance.
You ok? He continued to watch her stumble. He walked over to help her.
I'm fine. her paws flailing about. Just stop the world for a few minutes and I'll be ok. She fell down on her butt and sat there, shaking her head then looking ahead blinking. that was fun! Again?
Not right now. I want you to watch the horizon. He walked over to the edge of the hilltop. He could see all the lights of Paragon City shining brightly below. Becky walked over and watched with him. The darkness of the sky was soon broken. The sun started to rise bringing it's light to the city. The artificial lights dimmed by the rays of the sun hitting Paragon City one more time..maybe the last time. He let the rays of the sun warm his face, Becky did too. Now, isn't that something. And sadly, soon, we shall see no more of them. He looked sad, Becky moved in and put her head against his leg. All this, everything we just flew over, and even Praetoria, will be no more. I'm trying...I'm trying so hard to save it. To stop the Final Sunset... Or, at least find a way to bring it back.
He looked down at Becky, tears welled up in her eyes and ran down her cheeks. hey. It's ok. he picked her up. I know the end is coming. But know this. The Rookery is going to it's own pocket dimension. We'll all be together. And in the end that's what matters most. In my heart I do believe our beloved city will rise again and the sun will rise on it again. And we'll be back here, serving pamcakes, coffee and love to all.
I know. You just make it sound so... emotional.. in a good way. She jumped up and hugged him then dropped down to the ground.
He adjusted his cap, and straightened out his uniform. Ready to salute?
Aye aye Captain Pogo! They military saluted. To the sunrise. To Paragon City. To all it's heroes. And yes, even to the Rogue Isles. They saluted to the hopes of returning here again one day soon. Then they turned and saluted Iron Rook, grabbed the basket and headed up the ladder.
First one up, gets to pilot back to The Rookery! Sshe jumped up and took off for the cockpit well ahead of Pogo.
Oh no you don't! he yelled. As he got up to the cockpit, she was sitting in the pilot's chair. She looked at him and smiled. She shrugged and moved over. Cant blame a ninjafairykitteh for trying.
He put the basket and the backpack back in the cockpit, sat down in his pilot's chair and pulled in the rope ladder. He shut the hatch and started up the engines. He looked over to Becky. You know, we don't have to head back right away..if you don't want to.
She looked up at him. Once more around the city?.
Once more indeed! He started the engines and Iron Rook once again took off into the air. Thrusters firing as the engines roared and Iron Rook took off into the sunrise.
-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now