Evil Garden Gnomes Must Die: The Katie Hannon Task Force
The TF went great - thank you to everyone who joined and made it possible! We had an awesome team, there's no way we would've gotten through those ten Mary fights without some really great players helping out.
Katie Hannon's missions don't lend themselves very well to group screenshots, but here's one that at least has everyone in it...
Thank you to Power Staff, Man in Gray, Rylee, Angel of Retribution, Hope Burns and Ornament for a great run!
Afterward we went on a GM hunt for Eochai, Sally and Jack, and I think the results speak for themselves...
Thank you to Forest Lion for taking the level 50 lead on the hunt and scouting them out so quickly, and to Rylee, Angel of Retribution, Hope Burns, Ornament, Beautifull Darkness and Via con Dios for a flawless battle against the GM's (and we ended up getting four Giant Monsters for the price of two - Jack and Eochai were wandering separately down south and fighting each other up north at the same time).
NWD's background is deeply tied to the Croatoa plot and running this TF with her lets her story come to a happy ending, with Virginia reconciling with the Cabal and triumphing over the Red Caps. Thanks again to everyone who made that possible, and I'm glad to have been able to help a few people get closer to earning the Geas accolade (and congrats to Ornament, I think, who got it during the run).
"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."
The end's unfortunately drawing near, and for New World Daughter, Virginia Dare as a rogue Cabal sorceress (if you're curious to learn more about her origin story and costume, here you go), closure means making peace with the wayward Cabal and bashing in Red Cap skulls one last time in the Katie Hannon Task Force.

Sunday, November 18th @8:00pm Eastern Time
1. New World Daughter - Electric/Storm Corrupter
2. Angel of Retribution - Sword/Regen Scrapper
3. Pheonix Blaze - Fire/Fire Blaster
4. Miggy Man - Electric/Energy Blaster
It's a relatively quick TF, a chance for lots of XP via the inexhaustable archvillain Mary MacComber, to earn the Cabalist badge and to complete the toughest requirement for the Geas of the Kind Ones accolade. Plus it's all about beating down the Red Caps, which is always a plus.
Right now NWD's almost at level 31 and I'm hoping she'll be at 35 by this weekend to lead the group; if not, the level 35+ AoR will be leading it instead to make sure the team can keep up with Mary's horde o' Cabal. I've never led a TF before or ran this particular one, and it definitely wouldn't be a quick expert run, just a fun romp in Croatoa to wrap up this character's arc.
Tanks and healers would probably come in handy against Mary MacComber (the team so far is nothing if not squishy), but anyone who wants to join is welcome!
Edit: Depending on time and popular demand, a Jack in Irons/Eochai GM hunt may follow.
"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."