GayStar's Last Stand




I have stood for Fashion, Justice, and Equality. I always will.
i want everyone to know, I will never forget this Game, this Community, and this Dev Team.

While I never was one to attract attention, rarely did a day go by without some CoH.
I really will miss you all.

this was an experience that was totally unique. i dont think anything like it will ever happen again. I hope each and every one of you will realize that, and treasure all the memories we have.

@ForceX One



It was fun while it lasted!

I can recall alot of good times running missions with you years ago. Sadly, towards the end, I became an accomplished soloist.

Take care out there!

"An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools" --Ernest Hemmingway, "For Whom the Bell Tolls"

Global: @salud